55.1 F
March 31, 2025

Union Sanitary District proposes new rates

Union Sanitary District proposes new rates to adhere to upcoming nutrient removal regulations and maintain consistent service

Union Sanitary District (USD) is proposing rate increases over the next five years to continue funding capital projects required by new state nutrient regulations for the San Francisco Bay and to support  reliable and robust operations for the next 40 years. The District recently mailed notices of a Jan. 27, 2025 Public Hearing on the proposed rate changes to all property owners in Fremont, Newark and  Union City.

The proposed increases range from about $25 to $27 each year for single-family residences, which are  the majority of USD’s customers. The current annual rate for single-family residences is $611.58. If  approved, the rate would increase to $636.03 starting in July of 2025.

The proposed rates are based on the results of a comprehensive study of the cost of providing sewer  service from July 2025 through June 2030 pursuant to governing law in “Prop 218” (California  Constitution Article XIII(D), Section 6). The study and supporting documents can be found on the  District’s website at unionsanitary.ca.gov/ssc.

In July 2024, the San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) adopted new, more  stringent nutrient reduction requirements for all 37 Bay Area wastewater facilities. USD had  anticipated the potential for these new regulations as far back as 2015 as it began evaluating its future infrastructure needs. These deliberations led to undertaking the Enhanced Treatment and Site Upgrade Program (ETSU), the largest capital improvement project in District history, with a total project cost of  $509,511,993. Construction began in 2022 and is scheduled to be completely operational by 2030. This  undertaking makes USD an early adopter of nutrient removal technologies. Acting early allowed USD to secure low-interest loans from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the State which  significantly lower the District’s interest expense and allow USD to minimize rate increases.

Prior to the Public Hearing, the District will hold a community meeting at 6:30pm on Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2025 at the Fremont Main Library. Staff will present information about the proposed rates and the services USD provides to the Tri-Cities. “All community members are invited to attend,” said General Manager Paul Eldredge. “We hope everyone takes the opportunity to come see what is happening at USD and to get updates on the San Francisco Bay Third Watershed Permit and construction activities at the wastewater treatment plant.”

USD’s mission includes protecting public health and the environment through its stewardship of  wastewater infrastructure in Fremont, Newark and Union City by collecting, treating and returning to the environment on average 23 – 25 million gallons of wastewater daily. The District maintains a large  number of facilities and equipment, including more than 839 miles of sewer lines, seven pump stations, and the buildings and equipment at its 33-acre wastewater treatment plant in Union City.  “The cost of operating and maintaining these facilities continues to rise significantly every year, often outpacing inflation,” said Eldredge. “USD will continue to seek cost saving and other measures to keep increases as low as possible.”

Union Sanitary District operates a 33-million gallon per day wastewater treatment facility in Union City  and provides collection, treatment and disposal services to a population of over 342,000 in Fremont, Newark and Union City. 

For more information about Union Sanitary District’s Notice of Public Hearing, contact General Manager Paul Eldredge at (510) 477-7500 or visit the District’s website at unionsanitary.ca.gov/ssc.

Water rate increase community meeting

Tuesday, Jan. 14


Fremont Main Library

2400 Stevenson Blvd. Fremont


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