59.2 F
October 16, 2024

Scout Revitalizes Orienteering Course at Shell Ridge Open Space

With help from rangers and fellow Scouts, Vardaan Iyer repairs signage so more can enjoy the trail

Orienteering, the sport of navigation that combines map-reading and compass skills to traverse terrain, is a cherished activity among Scouts and outdoor enthusiasts worldwide. For Vardaan Iyer, the journey to Eagle Scout involved a special project aimed at enhancing orienteering opportunities in Walnut Creek’s Shell Ridge Open Space.

The idea for the project emerged during Vardaan’s orienteering requirement for a Scout rank. When he surveyed the course, he noticed more than half the markers were missing or in bad condition. A few months later when deciding upon his eagle project he remembered the course and saw it as the perfect opportunity to combine his interest in the sport of orienteering while giving back to the community. Open Space in Walnut Creek seemed like the best space to execute this idea as the markers had deteriorated over the course of a decade. It seemed the best way forward was to refurbish the Shell Ridge course rather than create a new one, aiming to provide both Scouts and the general public with a renewed opportunity to engage in orienteering.

Invaluable support and guidance for the project came from Joel Cervantes, the park ranger  responsible for Old Borges Ranch and Shell Ridge Open Space, who saw the revitalized course as a way to attract more young visitors to the area. Additionally, the Bay Area Orienteering Club (BAOC), which had originally designed the course, offered insightful advice. With the assistance of BAOC members Gavin Wyatt-Mair and Jay Hann, Vardaan received both the expertise and the access to licensed mapping software crucial for the refurbishment.

The project required extensive planning and coordination, including multiple meetings with Ranger Cervantes, BAOC members, and Vardaan’s Eagle project coach and Assistant Scoutmaster of Fremont’s Troop 152, Vasudeo Nandgiri. After several painstaking revisions, a comprehensive plan was approved. It was put into action with the aid of fellow scouts from Troop 152 and plenty of gatorade over the course of blistering summer days, leading to the successful course refurbishment.

The newly updated Shell Ridge course now features durable posts and markers designed to withstand the test of time, offering scouts and orienteering enthusiasts a valuable resource. Vardaan hopes that just like he got introduced to the sport of orienteering, the revitalized course will serve as an introduction to orienteering for many others as well.

For those interested in exploring orienteering, Vardaan recommends joining a local Scout troop or visiting the BAOC website to find upcoming events and learn more about the sport. The project stands as a testament to the impact of dedicated service and the value of preserving and enhancing recreational opportunities for the community.


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