Fremont City Council

Fremont City Council July 16, 2024  7:00pm

Detective Michael Gebhardt was honored for 20 years of service with Fremont Police Department.

Consent Items

· Selection of Desrie Campbell as Vice Mayor for the Period Covering July 2024 through March 2025

· Adopt a Resolution Delegating Authority to City Manager during City Council Recess, July 17, 2024 through September 2, 2024

· Set the Annual Tax Rate for Voter-Approved General Obligation Bonds Debt Service for Fiscal Year 2024/25 and Authorize the County of Alameda to Collect and Enforce the Levy on Behalf of the City

· Approval of Plans and Specifications; Award of Contract to Environmental Systems, Inc. (ESI) in the Amount of $1,752,600 (Including 15% Contingency) for the Police Department Chillers Replacement Project (PWC9097)

· Authorize a service agreement with Deckard Technologies, Inc. to provide short term rental host compliance monitoring services for a term ending June 30, 2029, in an amount not-to-exceed $138,700

· Approval of Purchase Orders through Cooperative Agreements with The Ford Store San Leandro for the Purchase of Ford Fleet Vehicles in an Amount Not to Exceed $2,305,000 and with National Auto Fleet Group for the Purchase of Various Make Vehicles in an Amount Not to Exceed $321,000

· Execute an On-Call Maintenance Service Agreement With Pitcher Services, LLC., In an Amount Not to Exceed $750,000

· Approval of Agreements for On-Call Civil Design & Project Management Consulting Services in the Amount of $1,250,000 per Agreement with BKF Engineers, Consor North America, Inc., and Mark Thomas & Company, Inc.

· Execute Amendment No. 1 to the Service Agreement with Partners in Communication LLC to increase the not to exceed amount to $130,000 and extend contract term through August 31, 2024

· Execute a Four-Year Lease Agreement with the State of California for a Total of 8,051 Square Feet of Office and Common Area Space for the Employment Development Department Located at the Family Resource Center

· Accept $4,098,000 in Grant Funds From the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s (MTC) Housing Incentive Pool (HIP) Program; Adopt Resolution of Local Support and the Allocation of Funds to Planned Complete Street Projects Along Fremont Boulevard in the Centerville and Downtown Areas

· Execute a Proposition 218 Certification and Indemnification Agreement with the County of Alameda for the Collection of Taxes and Assessments for Fiscal Year 2024/25

Mayor Lily Mei Aye

Desrie Campbell  Aye

Teresa Cox  Aye 

Teresa Keng  Aye 

Jenny Kassan   Aye

Raj Salwan Aye

Yang Shao Aye