75.5 F
October 24, 2024

Foster Family Town Hall

Alameda County Supervisors David Haubert, D1 and Supervisor Elisa Mάrquez, D2 are partnering to host a Tri-Cities community Foster Family Support Townhall October 30.

Why? Both Supervisors believe that ensuring foster youth and their caregivers have the support they need is essential for creating a more compassionate society who work together. Educating the community on how they may help in a small way builds a strong and supportive network for foster families. If you wish to share your interest, please complete this short survey: https://bit.ly/FosterFamilySupportSurvey

What are the goals and benefits of a supportive network?

Emotional and Physiological Well-Being – Building resilience

Stable Environment – Bring resources, training and community connections

Educational Track – Overcoming stress for a better academic future

Life Skills Development – Through mentoring

Community and Belonging – Fostering a sense of community

Breaking the Cycle of Trauma – Healthier future generations

Advocacy and Awareness – Creating improved policies

You are invited to learn more, meet the Supervisors, meet resource provider organization and nonprofit representatives, and ask questions. Presentation from Alameda County Child & Family Services. Food and beverages provided. No fee, RSVP required.

Foster Family Town Hall

Wednesday, Oct 30

5:30pm – 7:30pm

Ruggieri Senior Center

33997 Alvarado-Niles Rd, Union City



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