47.5 F
March 13, 2025

Candidate forum discusses issues that affect nonprofits

including how to boost engagement between nonprofits an the community, policies and regulations

Curious about local candidates and what impact their policies will have on the community? Join Tri-City Nonprofit Coalition (TCNPC) on Thursday, October 3 for a moderated discussion with Fremont mayoral and city council candidates. This free event is a great opportunity to find out where candidates stand on issues critical to nonprofits. Topics will include how candidates plan to increase engagement between nonprofits and community members, ways to ensure that city policies and regulations are supportive of nonprofits and their missions, and how candidates plan to encourage collaboration between nonprofits, city departments and other stakeholders to achieve common goals.

While this event is free, RSVP is required. Go to bit.ly/tcnpc-forum to sign up. This forum will take place in the community room at Artist Walk in Fremont’s Centerville District. Parking is available in the Artist Walk apartment complex and on Post Street. Look for balloons and directional signage to find the meeting space.

Arrive early to enjoy refreshments and networking. If you have questions about TCNPC or need more information specific to this event, visit tcnpc.org/contact.

Candidate Forum

Thursday, Oct 3


Artist Walk community room

3888 Artist Walk Common, FremontRSVP: bit.ly/tcnpc-forum


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