Between Feb. 28 and Mar. 28, Union City residents will receive brand new landfill, recycle and compost carts for collection service. During the exchange, carts will be emptied on your regularly scheduled collection service days.
Customers who receive collection service on Mondays will receive new carts on Friday and have their old carts removed on Monday. Customers who receive collection service from Tuesday to Friday will receive new carts one day prior to their regular collection service day and have old carts removed on their regular collection service day.
Customers will receive an automated call prior to their service day reminding them to leave old carts out for exchange. For questions, contact Republic Services at 510.657.3500.
Upcoming Changes to Residential Billing
Residential collection services provided by Republic Services and Tri-CED are currently billed through property taxes, but will be switching to direct billing by Republic Services in Jun. 2025 for services commencing Jul. 1, 2025.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. How am I currently billed for landfill, recycle and compost collection?
All residential accounts currently pay for weekly collection through the annual property tax assessment. Landfill and compost collection charges appear as “REFUSE /YARD WASTE” and recycle collection charge appears as “RECYCLING”.
2. Why is the billing method changing?
Very few cities include collection service costs with property taxes. Customers usually receive bills directly from their service providers. This change only requires payment quarterly instead of the full annual cost through property taxes.
3. How much is my bill?
The current annual cost in property taxes for Jul. 1, 2024 through Jun. 30, 2025 for the standard service is $790.20. Collection service rates are subject to an annual increase starting Jul. 1, 2025.
4. How will I be billed after the change is made?
In Jun. 2025, customers will begin receiving a quarterly bill in the mail from Republic Services for collection services, starting Jul 1, 2025.