67.3 F
October 15, 2024

2024 General Elections Candidates

Each election season, Tri-City Voice extends an invitation to local candidates for a chance to submit a statement and photo for publication. We believe it is our civic duty to present candidates to our readers in a non-biased manner. This will allow readers to decide without undue prejudice or influence.

We have extended our elections issue into two weeks due to the number of submissions received. This week, learn about local candidates running for city and school board positions. Next week, our elections edition continues with statements from congressional, state and special district candidates.

Fremont Mayor

Vinnie Bacon

Fremont needs a change!

There have been scandals at the highest levels of government, a budget crisis, and a crime spike. And the City Council continues to vote in the interests of real estate developers and major landlords which has led to a proliferation of high priced, unattractive, and unsustainable housing developments that put a growing burden on our city services and infrastructure, crowding our roads and threatening our open spaces.

We need a clean break from the current leadership that has failed to meet these challenges.

Unlike the other candidates, I bring fresh ideas and expertise and I am not beholden to any special interests. I was the first candidate in Fremont’s history to refuse contributions from real estate interests and to this day I have kept my promise not to accept campaign contributions from special interests. My main opponent, on the other hand, has accepted campaign support from real estate developers and landlord advocacy organizations and is himself a major landowner, with over 100 million dollars in real estate investments in Alameda County.

I served on the City Council from 2012 through 2020 and have a proven track record of fighting for the interests of Fremont’s residents, not the real estate industry.

I always listened to the residents of Fremont and brought their concerns to the City Council via referrals. I made referrals on issues such as funding for our non-profits, increasing the minimum wage, and improving tenant protections. I am frustrated that the current Mayor seems to stifle discussion from the public. We need to bring the voice of the people back to the Fremont City Council.

I have Masters degrees in City Planning and Transportation Engineering from UC Berkeley. I worked for four years as a transportation planner and over 25 years in high tech management. I’ve held leadership roles in the Sierra Club for over 10 years. I will use my experience to tackle our City’s biggest issues – crime, homelessness, cost of living, and quality of life. See more: www.bacon4mayor.com.

Rohan Marfatia

Dear Voters, I have an MBA from Washington University in St. Louis and a Bachelor’s in Engineering. With three generations of our family residing in Fremont and by leading a local tech company, I understand the needs from our seniors, youngest citizens to businesses. Fremont faces critical challenges: Our budget addresses revenue shortfall, sales tax revenue decline, economic slowdown and we are dealing with persistent crime, homelessness, unemployment, aging infrastructure. As residents, we demand clean governance from politicians, preventing incidents like the former City Manager’s fraud. We also mourn the tragic loss of Police Captain Bobbitt. Career politicians have been exposed recently by NBC’s investigative unit on 9/26. It’s time to Elevate Fremont. As one of you, hence I stepped-up to run for public service.

As a community advocate during COVID, I campaigned for additional children’s play areas while working with city officials and mobilizing residents. This project was included in the 2022 CIP process. I’ve also served as VP of Communications on a school PTA, representing parents and teachers. In the private sector, I’ve led smart city projects with major tech companies, giving me valuable insights into state and city government operations. My global experience provides a balanced perspective on local priorities and international competitiveness. I’ve worked with various economic development teams across states to negotiate incentives and select locations for new tech centers, creating hundreds of jobs. This hands-on experience will help attract investments to Fremont. Additionally, I’ve participated in city ambassador programs, fostering public-private partnerships to drive regional prosperity and innovation. I’ve also initiated programs to train and place American graduates with tech degrees who are working in non-tech jobs like pizza delivery, helping them transition into tech careers.

I am a parent of twins in 2nd grade in Fremont’s public school, am totally invested in our future & fully committed to support the overall well-being of our community. As your next mayor, I will ask the right questions, communicate, collaborate and get you the results you want from your leadership.

Together, let’s build a thriving, safe, inclusive Fremont for ALL. I humbly request your vote. With gratitude, Rohan Marfatia


Hiu Ng

I like to help homeless people who want to go back to work. At the same time, keep all the residential areas, schools, parks, daycare facilities, libraries, places of worship, retail businesses and other sensitive areas clear. Please visit www.KeepFremontSafe.com for a detail plan. Thank you.

Raj Salwan

As a near lifelong Fremont resident, City Councilmember, and your candidate for Mayor, I’m proud to call this community my home. Fremont has given me so much, from growing up and attending our public schools to raising my family here, and now serving as your voice on the City Council. I’m running for Mayor because I believe Fremont’s best days are ahead of us, and together, we can build a city that is safe, prosperous, and united.

During my time on the City Council, I’ve championed initiatives that support our seniors, enhance public safety, and promote economic development. From bringing the Age Well Center to South Fremont without raising taxes to ensuring full funding for our police and fire departments, I have always prioritized the well-being of our residents. My leadership has brought forth balanced solutions to address homelessness, cut regional traffic, and help working families.

As Mayor, my focus will be on fostering unity, transparency, and accountability. Public safety will be our top priority, ensuring that every neighborhood is safe and that our police and fire departments have the resources they need to serve effectively. I am committed to supporting our local businesses, working closely with them to create jobs and economic growth, and ensuring that Fremont remains a welcoming, inclusive community for all residents.

As Mayor for All, I am honored to have the support of the Fremont Mayor and All councilmembers, Fremont Firefighters, Fremont Police Association, Business for Good Government, labor, and non-profit leaders. I also received the endorsement of the East Bay Times Newspaper. I stand ready to bring our city together, lead with compassion, and ensure we move Fremont forward with strength and resilience.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. I humbly ask for your support and your vote to be the next Mayor of Fremont. Let’s work together to create a brighter future for all our families.

Please email me at [email protected] if you have any questions or issues you’d like to see addressed and visit www.rajsalwan.com for more information.


Raj Salwan

Candidate for Mayor of Fremont

Fremont City Council #1

Teresa Keng

No statement submitted 

Pravesh Kumar

I have lived in Fremont for the past 13 years, and during this time, I have witnessed great change. As a parent who has raised two boys here, I understand firsthand the challenges of living in Fremont. But I also believe strongly that Fremont can become an even better place to live, and we can achieve this together.

That’s why I am running for Fremont City Council in District 1, and I am asking for your support, your endorsement, and your vote on November 5, 2024.

With 25 years of experience in the technology sector, I know that Fremont is uniquely positioned geographically, but we need the right leadership that spends wisely, invests in the right resources, and makes thoughtful decisions. My wife and I have been committed to educating children in computer coding because we believe that all kids should have access to computer science education, regardless of the career path they choose.

As your City Council member, I will work to ensure that Fremont residents feel safe, proud, and confident that they can afford to live here. My priorities will include advocating for affordable housing for teachers, first responders, and caregivers, as well as ensuring access to quality education for everyone.

Please vote for Pravesh Kumar for Fremont City Council Member for District 1—Let’s build a better Fremont together.

Ranvir Sandhu

No statement submitted 

Fremont City Council #5

Sterling Jefferson Engle

No statement submitted 

Chandra Wagh

No statement submitted

Yajing Zhang

As your next Fremont City Councilmember for district 5, I will lead our community with a bold, innovative vision. I am running to be a strong, effective advocate for all residents of Fremont.

I have been a Fremont resident for the past 20 years. I came to the United States to pursue a Master’s degree in Science and later attended a PhD program at UCLA. After working in the high-tech industry and leveraging my advanced science degrees, I have become a successful business owner.

I am currently a trustee and President of the Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) Board of Education. I also sit on the FUSD/Fremont City Council Liaison Committee and interact with the Fremont City Council regularly. In these roles, I have demonstrated strong leadership and team-building skills. I have been a great steward of the district’s fiscal balance and have been an excellent advocate for quality education, campus safety, and student well-being. Under my leadership, FUSD has maintained its status as one of the top school districts in California and the country; During my 4 years of service, the board reinstated SRO (school resource officer) program to ensure campus safety by partnering with the city and Fremont Police Department; we also provided Hindi starting at one middle and one high school, making FUSD the first in CA to offer Hindi as a foreign language class.

Moving forward, I will use my governance and business experience to ensure public safety, expand affordable housing, and champion local small businesses, so that we can live, work and play in this thriving, vibrant city. Listening closely to residents, I will work efficiently with city resources and take a collaborative, data-driven approach to problem-solving.

Your voice will be my top priority. Together, we will build a safer, more prosperous future for Fremont. Vote for me, Yajing Zhang, for Fremont City Council D5. www.yajingzhang.com

One of my favorite quotes: “You are not just a drop in the ocean. You are the mighty ocean in the drop.” — Rumi

Fremont City Council #6

Teresa Cox

Dear Fremont Voters,

I am excited to announce my candidacy for re-election to the Fremont City Council in District 6 – Irvington Area.

Thank you for your continued support for 16 years, serving 4 years as current Councilmember and 12 years as former Ohlone College Trustee! There is still more to do to keep Fremont a city

for all people!

Working Together

• Championed for public safety by leading the clean-up efforts of 30 RV encampments around Hirsch Elementary, Horner Middle School, and Irvington Community Park.

• Supported affordable housing projects such as Doug Ford Senior Housing and Osgood Housing projects.

• Initiated flag-raising ceremony policy to encourage diversity, equity, and inclusion for everyone.

• Sponsored 4 National Night Out events to promote neighborhood relations with Fremont Police and Fremont Fire.

• Collaborated with our state officials resulted in the award of $16.5 million dollars to the City of Fremont.

• Appointed during the Obama Administration and re-appointed in the last 2 Presidential Administrations serving on the California District Export Council on Small and Minority Businesses.

Teresa’s Priorities

• Public Safety

• Homelessness

• Affordable & Workforce Housing

• Support Small and Minority Business Initiatives

• Local Job Creation & Local Hire

• Environmental Sustainability

• Quality Parks & Community Centers

• Public & Private Partnerships for Community Projects

I am honored to have received endorsements from Fremont Police Association, Fremont Firefighters, Alameda County Building Trades Council, Alameda Labor Council, as well as many community leaders and organizations.

Despite losing my schoolteacher parents at an early age, I graduated from Northwestern University as the first African-American woman in the United States to earn a degree in Nuclear Engineering and MBA Degree.

I will continue to bring a unique voice to City Council to foster greater collaborations between the city, county, state, federal, and schools.

I am the only female and candidate in this race with the experience that allows me to hit the ground running once re-elected.

I am committed to working hard for all Fremont residents to continue to make Fremont a better place for you and me.


Raymond Liu

No statement submitted 

Hayward City Council

Angela Andrews

For the past four years, I’ve served our community with integrity and focus on the Hayward City Council. We’ve invested in housing, revitalized our commercial corridors, and strides in improving public safety.

I’m running for re-election to build on our progress in Hayward.

As your Councilmember, I initiated:

-The Foothill Action Plan for departments coordinated support for Downtown.

-Catalytic Converter Stamping Program to deter thefts.

-Multiple cultural citywide events.

-Helped organize the first annual Senior Fest, providing critical resources for seniors.

I supported and advocated for:

-Mental Health support to enable our police to focus on serious crimes,

-Climate Action Plan to make our city an environmental leader,

-Providing recreational opportunities for all Hayward residents, and

-Initiatives to make housing more affordable, improve tenant protections, and reduce homelessness.

-Supported updates to Hayward’s sideshow ordinance, collaborating with community leaders to create safe spaces while addressing dangerous sideshows.

-Advocated for Hayward’s Safe Routes for Seniors program, identifying high-risk intersections and making them safer.

-Supported updates to the sidewalk vending ordinance that strengthen community and support small businesses.

During my tenure, we have seen progress towards a stronger economy including opening a new grocery store, multiple restaurants, and businesses in South Hayward, Downtown, Industrial areas, and throughout the city.

Over the next four years, I will continue to work to transform Hayward into a thriving city.

Endorsed by U.S. Representative Eric Swalwell, State Senator Aisha Wahab, Assembly Member Liz Ortega, Alameda County Supervisor Elisa Márquez, Mayor Mark Salinas, All members of City Council, Former Mayor Barbara Halliday, Former Assembly Member Bill Quirk, Alameda County Democratic Party, Hayward Area Democratic Club, Sierra Club, Building Trades, Labor Council, Black Women Organized for Political Action (BWOPA), Planned Parenthood Advocates Mar Monte, LiUNA, Local 304, Nor Cal Carpenters, Local 713, Teamsters 70, Hayward Firefighters, IAFF Local 1909

For more information including accomplishments and a list of endorsements please visit: www.AngelaForHayward.com

Ray Bonilla Jr

No statement submitted 

Tom Ferreira

No statement submitted 

Daniel Goldstein

No statement submitted 

Joe Ramos

Before going to college, or serving in the US Marine Corps, Joe Ramos grew up in Chicago. He served 18 years as a US Marine. Joe’s last active-duty unit was activated for Desert Storm, (17 January 1991-28 February 1991). Ramos left the Marines as a Gunnery Sergeant / E-7, Logistics Chief / Maintenance Management Officer (MMO).

Former middle school teacher, community college instructor, Ramos has a degree in political science and a master’s in urban studies- (concentration urban planning) University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. In addition, Ramos has two master’s in education, and a 4th masters in English: Composition (SFSU).

Ramos has lived in Hayward, CA since May of 1987. He is a Hayward homeowner, married, his daughter has two grandchildren. Ramos has been part of the Hayward since May of 1987. He has been involved in the community with the Puente Program, Victory Outreach and several other churches in Hayward. He was a volunteer in the Alameda County Jails and juvenile hall for twenty years. He is currently a volunteer and mentor with The Teen Challenge program in Oakland, CA. Ramos has worked for the cities of Chicago, Milwaukee, and San Francisco, including as a Gang Project Coordinator-SF Juvenile Probation Dept.

“Experience Matters,” Ramos, comes with a wealth of “experience.” He has been a trustee on the HUSD Board, and the Eden Regional Occupation Program Board, representing four School Districts: Castro Valley, Hayward, San Leandro, San Lorenzo.

Ramos completed the master’s in governance certificate, 1: Foundations of Effective Governance Setting Direction. 2: Policy & Judicial Review – Student Learning & Achievement. Course 3: School Finance. Course 4: Human Resources-Collective Bargaining. Course 5: Community Relations and Advocacy-Governance Integration. Completed December 2023.

GySgt Ramos, “Fought for you then.” “Fight for you now.”

joeramos4HaywardCityCouncil.com / Joe Ramos @ 510-427-3662

Tom Wong

No statement submitted 

Francisco Zermeno

I am running for re-election to continue supporting Hayward community members, families, and all businesses by prioritizing solutions to address public safety, affordable housing, homelessness, a vibrant economy, and our environment. My commitment to Hayward has crossed decades from teaching at Chabot College for 46 years to serving our city in different roles including City Council. I love our diversity, and the work that we have been able to accomplish including the many environmental goals that we have achieved under my leadership while serving in committees. I am a proud champion of our youth believing that our investment in them today will help build our next generation of strong leaders who will continue to pursue Hayward’s successes and legacy. I founded the Latino Business Roundtable, because supporting our local Hayward economy and shopping local are important. I am honored to be endorsed by the majority of Hayward City Council, Hayward Firefighters Local 1909, County Supervisor Elisa Márquez, Building & Construction Trades Council of Alameda County, community members, working families, local leaders, business owners, and many others. I am committed to continue to dedicate my time and energy to serving our fine city with your vote. Thank you. Hayward On! www.zermeño.info.

Newark Mayor

Michael Hannon

No statement submitted 

Elisa Martinez

Elisa has called Newark home for over 3 decades, moving here after graduating from UC Berkeley. She is a proud parent of a son and a daughter, who attend Newark Memorial and Ohlone College, respectively. Elected in 2018 to the NUSD Board of Education, she served as President during the challenging times of the Covid pandemic. In 2021, she was appointed and then re-elected to the Ohlone Community College Board of Trustees where she currently serves as Vice-Chair.

Elisa cherishes the small-town ambiance of our city. However, time has brought about significant changes. The demand for diverse housing options, outstanding education, public safety, comprehensive services, and environmental protection have become critically important for our residents. Unfortunately, Newark’s progress in meeting these evolving priorities has been insufficient and untimely. Consequently, many long-term residents have reluctantly chosen to leave, while those who remain often feel a disconnect between their expectations and the city’s offerings.

As a UC Berkeley alumna, she takes pride in her accomplishments and in her extensive experience as an Operations and Continuous Improvement leader. She understands the challenges that come with driving change. However, she is resolute in her belief that successful change can come about with a well-defined vision, accompanied by a cohesive and specific roadmap to get there. She is experienced and committed to bringing about the needed improvements our city needs, while promoting both fiscal responsibility and prioritizing our environment.

It’s time for a change in leadership! Elect a leader that doesn’t shy away from difficult issues. Elisa is committed to being an active leader and advocate for all of Newark’s residents.

Please join the Alameda County Democratic Party, the Asian Pacific American Democratic Caucus of Alameda County, Tri-Cities Dems, Muslim Dems and other local elected officials, in supporting her efforts to bring the much-needed progress to Newark.

Thank you for your consideration!


Jason Miguel

I’m a native of Newark. I attended Newark public schools and worked for the City of Newark. I graduated from Newark Memorial High School in 2017 and in 2021 I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering from the University of California, Merced.

Throughout my career I have worked for various government agencies such as the City of Newark, City of Fremont, City of Stockton, UC Merced, and currently with the Santa Clara Valley Water District as an Assistant Engineer. Public service has been instilled in me since I started working with City of Newark’s Recreation Department and I want to increase the number of opportunities for everyone in the community.

In addition to my full-time job, I serve as a Fire Commissioner on the Alameda County Fire Department Fire Advisory Commission representing you and the rest of Alameda County District 2. Also, I previously served as a Budget Taskforce Committee Member for the Newark Unified School District. I also serve as a Board Director on the UC Merced Alumni Association Board of Directors. I have the experience serving on different boards and serving with people with varying viewpoints. This experience will allow me to serve on Day 1.

Let’s improve our City together and support our children attending Newark public schools. This starts by attracting business into Newark to provide City residents more choices to shop and enjoy Newark and improving traffic safety so we can all walk Newark streets safely. Let’s make streets safer for pedestrians and bicyclists and fix our aging Fire Stations. Innovation is key to move Newark into the future.

Let’s hold our local leaders accountable. It’s time to adopt district-based elections and implement term limits. It’s time for YOU to be able to serve Newark by expanding the number of commissions that YOU can serve on.

Let’s break the glass ceiling together and move forward to the future together.

I hope to earn your vote this November. Contact me at [email protected] or visit the website: www.jason4newarkmayor.com

Newark City Council, Full Term

Jacinta Arteaga

I am a 34-year resident of Newark and want to apply my extensive business and community experience to the governance of our community. Areas I will focus on are; fiscal responsibility, quality of life and public safety. It’s critical that we maintain fiscal responsibility through a balanced budget and ensure public money is spent wisely and transparently. We must prioritize expenditures to ensure funding serves the needs of our residents. Local business is the cornerstone of our economic vitality. I am committed to supporting our local businesses. I will work to ensure we maintain a high quality of life in Newark that meets the needs of both youth and senior citizens. Investing in these programs fosters a thriving, vibrant community for everyone. Public safety is essential to a prosperous community. I will advocate for well-funded, well-trained law enforcement and emergency services. I serve as Vice-Chair on the Measure GG Oversight Committee, Chair a non-profit organization that provides scholarships to Newark youth since 2010, and volunteer in Newark’s graffiti abatement program. I was the Chief Financial Officer for the District Attorney’s Office and the Human Services Agency in the County of San Mateo for over 24 years with budget oversight of $327 million. I am a mother of two adult children who attended Newark’s public schools and I consider Newark as my forever home. I would appreciate your vote on November 5th so that I can apply my broad financial and business experience to our community.

Julie Del Catancio

“As a Newark Planning Commissioner, I’ve been privileged to contribute to solving issues in our community. Real commitment equals real results!”
— Julie Del Catancio, for Newark City Council

My family first arrived in the US as farmers in California around 1920. When the war began, my grandpa enlisted in the US Military and served in WWII and with the Army for over 25 years. I was raised with my grandparents and learned dedication.

I grew up in the tri-city area and met my husband Jeff in middle school, we were prom dates. I’ve been happily married to my best friend for over twenty years. We returned to the area to raise our family. Our child attends Newark public school.

I’m a long-time resident of Newark, a Planning Commissioner, and an educator with Newark Unified. I received the President’s Gold Volunteer Service Award for 2023. Financial stability is a must for all our citizens, I am a union educator endorsed by Teamsters. I promote small businesses and shopping in Newark.

My Education:

  • Juris Doctor degree from the University of San Francisco School of Law, licensed.
  • Master’s of Science from Kansas University
  • Bachelor’s from UC Santa Cruz
  • UC Berkeley Thesis/Puente guest speaker

I stand for the security of Newark; I attend Neighborhood Watch captain meetings. I’m a board member of PTA/PTSA where we do fundraisers and scholarships for Newark. I believe in the wellbeing of our citizens which includes representation of programs for seniors and young adults to revitalize Newark.

I am well-prepared to take on the challenge of being on the City Council. I bring a unique perspective to my advocacy for fiscal responsibility and collaboration on municipal programs, recreation, and city-school partnerships. I contribute to community life, markets, Optimist and Rotary. I am a Board of Director for the NMHS PTA that provides funds for Newark families. Like my grandpa, I’m willing to fight on your behalf.

I am committed to enhancing Newark’s safety, economic responsibility, and community life. IG/FB: juliedelcatancio, JulieforNewark.com

Yours in Service,

Julie Del Catancio

Terrence Grindall

My name is Terrence Grindall and I’m running for City Council because I believe in a future where we prioritize inclusivity, education, economic vibrancy, and sustainability.

I am a long- time Newark resident and am dedicated to our community. I have 34 years of experience in city planning and city management, including 13 years working as an executive for the City of Newark. I am a former elected Newark School Board Member, and I have served as president of the Newark Rotary Club, and the Newark Optimist Club, and the Newark Educational Foundation. I am the only candidate in this race with expedience as an elected official or with city management expedience.

I have balanced budgets, worked to improve our parks, helped build affordable housing, brought businesses like Costco, Facebook Lucid and many restaurants and hotels to Newark. I don’t just talk about such things, I’ve done them.

My key priorities are to:

  • Fight crime. Quality of life starts with safety.
  • Maintain a balanced budget without more taxes.
  • Protect wetlands and open space.
  • Improve roads and transportation and improve transit options.
  • Attract quality jobs, stores and restaurants.
  • Revitalize NewPark Mall into a vibrant mixed-use area.
  • Ensure adequate wages.
  • Produce affordable housing for Newark residents.
  • Clean up encampments and address homelessness with compassion by providing housing with treatment.
  • Implement Quiet Zones to end train horns in Newark.
  • Support schools. The city can do more to help.
  • Improve parks and recreation. We need modern facilities for all residents, especially special needs children.

Newark is a wonderful vibrant, diverse community, but we also face challenges that require thoughtful leadership, collaboration, and action.

I will not accept campaign contributions. I will listen to you, not special interests. I am committed to listening to your concerns and fostering transparent governance. I will represent you with integrity and vision.

To learn more about my experience and priorities please visit my website: www.Terrence4Newark.org or contact me at 510-925-3449 or [email protected]

Please vote for Terrence Grindall for Newark City Council! Thank you for your support. Together we can improve Newark!

Hitendra Gupta

No statement submitted

Vinod Kumar

No statement submitted

Newark City Council, Short Term

Phil Bloxom

I am a parent, a veteran, and an engineer—three roles that shape my understanding and vision for our city. As a parent, I recognize the need for a safe, accessible, and enriching environment for families. My military background drives my dedication to serving both our country and community. And as an engineer, I bring a solutions-oriented mindset focused on identifying problems, raising standards and creating sustainable improvements for the city.

As a proud Coast Guard veteran, I bring a wealth of experience, dedication, and a deep commitment to serving our community. My military service has instilled in me a strong sense of duty, teamwork, and leadership, with core values of honor, respect, and devotion to duty guiding my approach to the challenges and opportunities we face.

As a software quality engineer, I’ve honed a commitment to excellence through a focus on high standards, thorough planning, and proactive problem-solving. These skills give me a unique perspective on how to drive positive change in our community.

If elected, I will focus on:

1. Enhanced Communication: Develop a mobile app to enable residents to report problems easily and receive timely notifications from the City.

2. Road Safety: Address reckless driving to improve the safety of roads.

3. Clean Streets: Implement initiatives to keep our streets clean.

4. Park Improvements: Clean up and enhance our parks for better community enjoyment, including adding park structures for children with disabilities to ensure inclusive play areas.

5. Affordable Housing: Address the underlying cause of the housing crisis. Houses being used as a commodity for investments. 31% of Newark homes are investment properties.

Lucia Gutierrez

My name is Lucia Gutierrez, and I am running for a short-term position on the Newark City Council.

I have been deeply involved in our community for many years, driven by a passion for nurturing the future of our youth, ensuring the safety of our neighborhoods, and fostering a spirit of giving back to our hometown.

For over a year now, I have conducted weekly mentoring sessions for Spanish-speaking parents, helping them navigate the complexities of school districts and city council functions. And I continue to always be available to answer their questions and assist them in understanding our systems. Additionally, I serve on the boards of two non-profit organizations that provide scholarships for students, I’m an active member of Newark Rotary, and have previously served on the school board.

My extensive community involvement has naturally led me to seek a role on the city council, where I can further support our community’s needs.

I want to acknowledge the hard work of our current council and express my hope to be able to bring a fresh perspective to Newark. My focus will be on promoting inclusivity in youth activities, continuing support for local businesses and public safety, and addressing the critical issue of affordable housing for families.

I was raised in Newark, and had the opportunity of volunteering for many years in my community, which allowed me to partner with organizations such as the Alameda County Department of Public Health, our school district, and local representatives.

As a council member, I intend to continue these partnerships, by bringing valuable resources to our residents. As well, I understand the responsibilities of local representation and am familiar with the Brown Act, rules of procedure, governance, and policy.

I believe my experience and unwavering passion for community service make me an ideal candidate for city council. I look forward to the opportunity to represent Newark as an elected council member.

Eve Marie Little

Eve Marie Little is an average Newark citizen, like you, who has gotten tired of crime, theft, housing problems, and lack of youth activities, and decided to step up and make a difference for our community.

One of her biggest goals is to provide more recreational activities for our children. Eve feels there are inadequate activities, which is part of why Newark is having issues. Her background in teaching event planning and recreation college courses and being a top youth leader in the Bay Area would be beneficial in planning more activities for everyone. She currently is the event planner for over 1,500 scouts in the Tri-City area, having organized and executed a huge variety of activities such as Cub Scout Day Camp, Mission Peak VIP Pokémon meet-up, Mission Peak Yo-Yo Day, and so much more.

She is definitely not your “typical politician”; She has chosen not to accept any financial donations or contributions from any corporations, unions, or individuals because she wants to enter the office with a clean slate and not “owe any favors” to anyone. She has also chosen to run independently because she wants to represent ALL citizens of Newark, not just those who are affiliated with a certain political party. She believes that the issues that we face here in our town affect EVERYONE, and wants to be able to rise and take a stand for them. She has never held an elective seat but knows her background in recreation, event planning, and community service along with her big smile, “Get-it-done” attitude, and “Mover and Shaker” personality would be very beneficial for reaching the city’s goals.

She is also the top choice candidate for the two-year city council position – being endorsed by former mayor Alan Nagy and Vice Mayor Luis Freitas as well as many other leaders in our community. She believes kindness and a positive attitude are the key to getting things done in our city.

Sean Mahanay

No statement submitted 

Renu Malhotra

“Renu 2 Renew!”

Serving the community has always been my greatest inspiration. Through my involvement in local education, cultural immersion, and youth programs, I’ve seen how meaningful change happens when people come together for the common good.

I hold a Bachelor’s in Computer Science and an MBA from UC Berkeley. My career as a technologist and entrepreneur has been built on solving complex problems, leading large teams, and driving innovation. While my professional accomplishments are significant, my most fulfilling work has always involved giving back to my communities. These same principles of collaboration, strategic planning, and innovation are needed to address Newark’s most pressing issues: public safety, homelessness, and affordable housing.

These issues are personal to me. Watching local businesses suffer from break-ins and seeing the increase in homelessness has made it clear we need thoughtful, compassionate solutions. These challenges inspire me to run for city council and work toward building a safer, more supportive Newark for everyone.

As a mother, I’ve been actively involved in youth development and education. I lead a Girl Scouts troop and coach robotics teams, empowering young minds to explore their potential. I’ve also worked with schools to bring educational programs like MOEMS and MathCounts, ensuring our children have access to valuable learning opportunities. These experiences have taught me the importance of listening to the community and collaborating to solve problems.

My top priority is improving public safety, ensuring law enforcement is responsive and well-connected to the community. I will also address affordable housing by fostering public-private partnerships that provide immediate relief and long-term stability. Newark must be a place where all residents can live with dignity and security.

Science and Technology should be the underpinnings of strategies and solutions that make our lives more enjoyable and businesses more efficient. That’s how I envision empowering Newark’s city administration.

I’m running for city council because I care deeply about Newark and want to help create positive change. I am humbled by the opportunity to serve this city I’ve called home for 20 years, and I look forward to working with you to renew Newark!

Visit renu2renew.us for more details.

San Leandro City Council #1

Sbeydeh Viveros Walton

No statement submitted

San Leandro City Council #2

Bryan Azevedo

No statement submitted

Ed Hernandez

I love San Leandro. Our city is wonderfully diverse. San Leandro is where my wife and I are raising our young and amazing daughters, and where I have my own small business. I am a collaborative leader who gets the job done.

My goals include:

• Building new affordable housing,

• Fixing our roads and streets including repairing Lake Chabot Road,

• Revitalizing the Marina,

• Supporting small businesses,

• Attracting new restaurants & markets,

• Safeguarding our environment, and

• Improving the quality of life in San Leandro.

My immediate priority is a safer San Leandro for all. Crime is at its highest level in 27 years. Our police department is severely understaffed, now.

My safety plan calls for bringing our police department back to full strength, restoring community policing and traffic enforcement and deploying more safety cameras with permanent alternative response units to respond to unarmed persons in mental distress.

Learn more at www.edhernandezforcitycouncil.com

San Leandro City Council #4

Fred Simon

No statement submitted

San Leandro City Council #6

Robert Bulatao

Robert Bulatao, a dedicated community advocate and proud first-generation Filipino-American, is asking San Leandro residents to vote for him in the General Municipal election on November 5. As a queer millennial and father of two, Bulatao is committed to addressing critical issues such as housing stability, public safety, and ensuring residents’ voices are prioritized in local government.

Housing stability is a cornerstone of Bulatao’s platform. With rising rents and limited tenant protections, many families face displacement. As president of the Garfield Elementary PTO, he has actively supported low-income families, providing school-branded T-shirts for over 350 students at the Title I school his children attend.

On public safety, Bulatao advocates for safer streets and enhanced transparency from city officials. He emphasizes the need for better street lighting, improved traffic conditions near schools, and stronger community protection. “We deserve a safe neighborhood to live in,” he states.

Bulatao’s platform is founded on transparency and accountability, aiming to bring meaningful change to the City Council. Michael Young, an attorney and activist, notes, “He’s got that ‘underdog’ mentality that’s badly needed in politics. San Leandro needs to elect Robert Bulatao to City Council.”

His campaign has garnered notable endorsements, including the California Working Families Party, the East Bay Stonewall Democratic Club, and the California Democratic Renters Council. Vice Mayor Cameron Sasai, who also endorsed him, remarked, “Robert Bulatao is the leader San Leandro needs to bring the people’s voice to the table and deliver real results.”

If elected, Bulatao would make history as the first Filipino-American on the City Council and only the third Asian-American to serve, marking a significant step toward greater representation. “San Leandro is a diverse community, and our leadership should reflect that,” he asserts. “I’m running to ensure every resident’s voice is heard and to hold our elected officials accountable.”

Bulatao invites San Leandro residents to support his campaign. “I’m ready to fight for our community,” he says. Supporters can donate at Robert Bulatao’s campaign website and vote for him on November 5.

Dylan Boldt

No statement submitted

Union City Mayor

Marcus Bourlard

No statement submitted

Emily Duncan

No statement submitted

Gary Singh

As a resident of Union City for over 30 years, a small business owner since 1996, and your City Councilmember since 2016, I have dedicated my life to the betterment of our community. Serving as your Mayor, I will continue to put Union City first, ensuring that our city remains a safe, vibrant, and thriving place for all residents.

I spearheaded the 2018 city government audit, saving over $4 million, and have fought to enhance public safety, improve our parks, and maintain fiscal responsibility. My focus is on long-term financial stability by attracting biotech companies and high-quality jobs to Union City, ensuring that our local economy is strong and resilient.

Public safety is my top priority. I will work to enhance our police force, invest in emergency services, and build partnerships with community organizations to keep our neighborhoods safe.

I believe in transparent governance and am committed to integrity in all that I do. My campaign is centered on listening to you, the residents, and making sure that your voices are heard. Since March 2023, I’ve been walking door-to-door, understanding your concerns, and discussing the issues that matter most.

As Mayor, I will continue to champion the values that make Union City unique. I will prioritize transparency, accountability, and community involvement. Together, we can build a stronger Union City for future generations.

I humbly ask for your vote.

Union City City Council District 1

Wendy Huang

Union City is at a crossroad, with an annual deficit of nearly $3 million, rising crime, higher taxation, and our city should not be a gateway for drugs, nor should it suffer the loss of business opportunities with much needed high-paying jobs.

This is why I am running for City Council.

I am Wendy Huang, a resident of Union City for 26 years, running as the only Asian City Councilwoman, with an aim to unite us with what we have in common, and not be divided by our differences.

I immigrated from Taiwan 40 years ago. And graduated from UC Davis. I have been blissfully married for nearly 30 years. I am a happy mother of two sons – one’s in UCLA, one just graduated from UCLA. I am grateful for the opportunities this country has given me to prosper. This is why I am fighting, for our posterity to have the same opportunities I had.

In addition to real estate investing, I had more than a decade long successful career in the high-tech sector as Director of Sales and Marketing and later Director of Operations. I worked with hundreds of tech executives that made my company profitable. My caring leadership skills will bring a much needed fresh servitude to the City Council, focusing on PUBLIC SAFETY, ECONOMIC GROWTH, FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY, and most importantly, assuring that RESIDENTS’ VOICES will be heard regardless of ethnicity, religious background or preference.

For the past year, I have successfully advocated for Union City Residents to block cannabis stores from opening in residential only neighborhoods near schools and students. (I am not against adults responsibly using cannabis). I am the ONLY candidate in this race a YES on 36! Lock up criminals not merchandise! And I will work to bring industries with local entrepreneurs and global enterprises that have high-paying jobs, with the tax revenues that Union City residents can feel proud of and safe.

Together with your votes, Let’s make Union City a safe and prosperous city to LIVE, WORK & PLAY! Thank you. Win with Wendy!

Lance Nishihira

Union City is the place I call home, and I’ve been a resident for 26 years. My wife Tina and I raised our children here and are actively involved in our incredible community. As your school board member for eight years, I am the most qualified and experienced candidate to represent you on the City Council. I will provide strategic leadership, formulate solutions to budget challenges, and establish meaningful relationships with our partners in labor. I served on Union City’s Economic Development Advisory Team and the General Plan Advisory Committee, and I understand the issues important to residents and local businesses. I participated in hiring a new superintendent and helped shepherd our students safely through the pandemic to the brighter school environment we have today. As a former technology executive, I spent much of my career managing innovation and bringing great ideas to life– I know how to get things done. I believe in public service. I was an Eagle Scout, a Marine, and a volunteer. I am a 10-year board member of the New Haven Schools Foundation and am currently on the Executive Committee as the Board Secretary. I am also the Co-founder and President of Daily Bowl, a nonprofit that rescues unwanted or surplus food and delivers it to agencies that feed hungry people, ensuring that food does not end up in the landfill, generating greenhouse gasses. By knocking on doors and talking to voters, I know that our community is concerned about its safety, so you should know that I am the only candidate to be endorsed by our police officers and firefighters. Voters are also concerned about safety on our streets– particularly near schools and neighborhoods. As a school board member, I teamed up with city staff to bring back former bus routes to get our students out of cars and into public transit. I am also honored that the New Haven Teachers Association, Building Trades Council of Alameda County, Alameda Labor Council, and Nor Cal Carpenters have all endorsed my campaign, and I humbly ask for your vote. Learn more at lance4uc.org.

Erin Robertson

I am Erin Robertson. I am honored to be your District 1 nominee from the I great city of Union City California. My life in service began here, in Union City, as a bus driver in 2019-2021. As a driver I knew my career would be spent serving the passengers in this city we love. With safety as my first priority. I can now parlay my knowledge and ability to connect with the people of Union City to make an impact and take on the challenges we face here in regard to safety, affordable housing, and transportation. My vision for our community is based on our needs, wants, and values. We need to focus on what means most to us our families and friends here in the community. So I encourage you this November to remember what matters most when you decide to cast your vote. Thank you!

Chabot -Las Positas District Trustee, Area 1

Hector Garcia

No statement submitted

Luis Reynoso

Chabot-Las Positas Community College District (CLPCCD)

Re-Elect Dr. Luis Reynoso: Championing Education for Our Future

Dr. Luis Reynoso has been a dedicated advocate for quality higher education in our diverse Hayward, Cherryland, and Fairview communities. As your Chabot-Las Positas Trustee for Area 1, he has consistently prioritized:

Educating for Tomorrow’s Workforce:

Dr. Reynoso understands the importance of preparing students for the jobs of the future. He has supported expanding STEM programs and vocational training, ensuring our graduates are ready for the evolving job market.

Fiscal Responsibility:

With his background in finance and education, Dr. Reynoso has been a vigilant steward of taxpayer dollars. He has consistently pushed for transparent budgeting and efficient resource allocation, maximizing the impact of every dollar spent on education.

Quality Higher Education:

Dr. Reynoso’s commitment to academic excellence is unwavering. He has championed initiatives to enhance curriculum, attract top-tier faculty, and improve student support services, raising our district’s overall quality of education.

Multiple Career Pathways:

Recognizing the diverse needs of our student body, Dr. Reynoso has advocated for a wide range of career pathways. From transfer programs to vocational certificates, he ensures that every student can pursue their unique goals.

Why Vote for Dr. Reynoso?

As a college professor with experience at multiple universities and a Doctorate in Education, Dr. Reynoso brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the board. His deep understanding of our community’s needs and his academic background make him uniquely qualified to continue serving our district. Dr. Reynoso’s re-election is crucial for maintaining the momentum of progress in our community colleges. His experience, dedication, and vision for inclusive, quality education will help ensure that the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District remains a beacon of opportunity for all Hayward, Cherryland, and Fairview residents. Vote for continued progress and proven leadership.

Re-elect Dr. Luis Reynoso as your Chabot-Las Positas Trustee for Area 1. Together, we can build a brighter future for our community through education. Vote for Dr. Luis Reynoso!

Dr. Luis Reynoso | PO Box 21091, Castro Valley, CA 94546 | 510-274-1807

Website: ElectReynoso.com | Email: [email protected] 

Chabot-Las Positas District Trustee, Area 4

Joseph Grcar


Dr. Grcar, a Ph.D. in Mathematics with a high-tech career, brings a unique perspective to the Board of Trustees, distinct from the current members’ focus on traditional education. His priorities include:

Future Workforce Preparation: Advocates for expanding STEM and vocational programs to align with market needs, citing examples where local colleges could improve job readiness.

Quality Education: Aims to improve academic standards, faculty quality, and student ratios at colleges, highlighting current disparities in student-teacher ratios.

Financial Prudence: Calls for careful management of bond funds amidst declining enrollments and changing educational landscapes, questioning the necessity of large-scale building projects.

Democratic Engagement: Challenges the status quo where Trustees are often appointed rather than elected, restoring the right to vote for Area 4 Trustee by running against an unelected incumbent.

Dr. Grcar offers a data-driven approach to enhance educational outcomes and fiscal responsibility.

Maria L. Heredia

I, Maria L. Heredia, incumbent candidate for The Chabot Las Positas Community College Board of Trustees on the November 2024 ballot, seek reelection to continue working with other board members, faculty, staff and administrators at Chabot and Las Positas Colleges to ensure quality education for the all. My experience on the board coupled with my extensive experience as an educator in the Community College and K-12 systems allows me a close perspective on the needs of community college students. My priorities are to set policies that translate into viable paths to success while overseeing fiscal resources and advocating for an equitable student funding formula for high-cost community college districts. I am committed to work on the challenges of access, job training and high demand jobs that pay living wages. I am a lifelong learner with a Bachelor Degree in Sociology & Spanish a Master Degree in School & Career Counseling. I value education and skill development to meet future trends and student demands. I am vested in the community I represent where I, along with my husband raised a family and lived for over 40 years. Your vote in November is appreciated.

Castro Valley Unified School District Board Member, Area 5

John Chung

No statement submitted

Mike Kusiak

No statement submitted

Fremont Unified Board Member, Area 4

Ganesh Balamitran

I am a Fremont resident, Irvington High School parent, and an immigrant from India. Since graduating from Arizona State University with a master’s in Electrical Engineering, I have worked in Silicon Valley for over 25 years. My children were born in Fremont (Washington Hospital) and we have raised our sons right here. I also later earned an MBA at the Indian Institute of Management (Ahmedabad).

I currently serve on the FUSD Superintendent’s Budget Advisory Task Force. I also serve on the board of Vibha, a non-profit organization helping underprivileged children in India and the US. I am a local cricket parent, and have traveled as team manager with the U-10, U-12 and U-14 teams to tournaments and training camps in the US, UK and India.

I seek to serve on the Fremont Unified School Board because I believe that public schools are the bedrock of society. I want to ensure that every child at FUSD succeeds, on their own terms, and regardless of their personal circumstances. Our children need to see diverse paths to achieving success. They should be able to develop their own interests and talents here, and succeed in their own unique way.

My vision is that all our students get a well-rounded education at FUSD – math, science, languages, social sciences, arts, sports, and most of all, the critical thinking skills to be engaged citizens of tomorrow.

I seek your support for my campaign for the Area 4 FUSD Board seat, so I can represent all of you and deliver that vision.

I am proud to be endorsed by the Alameda County Democratic Party, Fremont Unified District Teachers Association, our representative in Congress (Ro Khanna), our State senator Aisha Wahab and our Assemblymember Alex Lee, current FUSD trustee Dianne Jones, Fremont Councilmember Teresa Cox, Ohlone College Trustee Lance Kwan, the Alameda Labor Council AFL-CIO, Tri-City Democratic Forum, Muslim Democrats and Friends of Alameda County, East Bay Stonewall Democratic Club, South Alameda County Young Democrats and many more listed on my website at https://ganesh4fusd.com/endorsements/

Rinu Nair

I am Rinu Nair, a graduate of Irvington High and a candidate for Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) Board Trustee from Area 4. I am running to provide a new perspective to resolve issues our district currently face and bring forward a next-generation of leadership. Often students are left out of the discussion on the challenges we face, and I aim to be that voice on the board having attended FUSD schools for 13 years.

As someone who grew up attending FUSD schools, I have first hand understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing our students. I aim to prioritize campus safety, wellness, and quality of education by collaborating with students, parents, teachers, and administrators.

Starting in middle school, I have spearheaded various backpack drives for underserved families and later taught refugee students from Myanmar lessons in English, Math, and Science. I’m also proud to have worked with local organizations to build portable shelters for the unhoused and annually provide 500 pounds of food to those in need.

After witnessing the student mental health crisis post Covid I joined and chaired the Fremont Unified School District Wellness Committee. I worked alongside a team of students and parents to integrate mental health into district guidelines – allowing a nutrition-focused committee to include mental health in its discussions. We later initiated the Sandy Hook Promise – so that students could anonymously report any threats on campus.

I now hope to contribute further to the community by serving on the FUSD board. My priorities are:

  1. Quality Education: I aim to provide a well-rounded curriculum that caters to the diverse needs of our students. By expanding course offerings and improving access to online and cross-school opportunities, we can create a more adaptable and enriching educational experience.
  2. Student Wellness: Addressing stress and burnout through supportive mental health and academic counseling is crucial. I believe in consistent, fair classroom policies that promote well-being for all students.
  3. School Safety: Equitable facility upgrades and maintaining the campus police (SRO) program are essential to ensuring a safe learning environment.

Vote Rinu Nair on the ballot on November 5th.

Hayward Unified School District Board Members

Austin Bruckner Carrillo

No statement submitted

Simon ‘Peter’ Gutierrez Bufete

No statement submitted

Sophia Jauregui

As a mother of two students in HUSD with an M.S. in Justice Studies and a B.S. in Criminal Justice, I am committed to ensuring that all voices—students, parents, teachers, staff, and community—are heard and the offenses they experienced put right. As a substitute teacher since January 2023 and parent representative in multiple district advisory and decision-making committees since 2016, I advocate with understanding for all viewpoints. I will ensure justice through focus areas such as safer schools, improved school climates, and increased support for special education and justice-involved youth, enabling improved student achievement.

Policy commitments and long-standing assurances are there in our system, however organizational inequity still exists. With data such as the HUSD 2023 graduation rate at 73.1%, while neighboring districts are in the 90s and the suspension rate increase from 3.9% (2022) to 5.1% (2023), we have a systemic shortfall affecting students’ social, political, and economic potential. I plan to address these types of disparities through a justice-focused approach by removing systemic gaps, fostering accountability, and applying procedural and restorative justice with intersectionality for all marginalized and left-out voices, creating a more impartial and unbiased environment. The potential for students to be placed in the school-to-prison pipeline pathway is rooted in justice beginning with each one of us.

Finally, I am dedicated to extending myself in community advocacy beyond school advisory. I am currently working long-term with special needs middle school students. From 2022 my volunteer and advocacy experiences include partnering with MADD, Fresh Lifelines for Youth, presenting at the 2024 Western Society of Criminology, and working in Behavioral Health. I am committed to building dignity in our system. Students will thrive, families will be empowered, and teachers and staff will be better understood and supported. VOTE for this Hayward homeowner and a “Made in Hayward” family attending Hayward schools since 1970. VOTE for trust and legitimacy, VOTE for Sophia Jauregui for Justice In Education.

Follow me and find my campaign webpage link @Jauregui4Hayward on Instagram or Facebook. Email: [email protected], Mail: P.O. Box 3938, Hayward, CA 94540.

Calyn Kelley

No statement submitted

Sara Prada

I am the Vice President of the Hayward School Board, a Regional Delegate who advocates at a State and Federal level for our students, President of our county special education coalition, a wife, and most importantly a mother of three. Here are a few accomplishments from my first term: 1) I prevented 6 schools from closing unnecessarily, 2) I held our old superintendent accountable for mismanaging our schools, 3) I insisted on a community-based hiring search to replace him, 4) I went to Congress and Sacramento to lobby for more funding for our schools, as a strong voice against this year’s terrible state budget proposal 5) I fought for the new Mathematics workgroup to start turning around math scores, 6) I advocated for the return of our award-winning multilingual programs, like World House, 7) I kept a tight watch on how tax dollars are spent, 8) once again, I earned the endorsement of Hayward’s teachers. I promise to continue working hard to ensure our students are successful and thriving. Visit votemrsprada.com for more details.

Luis Reynoso

Hayward Unified School District (HUSD)

Elect Dr. Luis Reynoso: Transforming Education in Hayward

Dr. Luis Reynoso is running for the Hayward Unified School District Board with a vision to revolutionize education and prepare our students for success in the 21st century. As a current Chabot-Las Positas College trustee and experienced educator, Dr. Reynoso brings a wealth of knowledge and innovative ideas to address HUSD’s challenges.

Bridging K-12 and Higher Education:

Dr. Reynoso will leverage his experience as a college trustee to create seamless pathways from HUSD to higher education. He plans to expand dual enrollment programs, allowing high school students to earn college credits and gain early exposure to college-level coursework.

Future-Ready Education:

To prepare students for the jobs of tomorrow, Dr. Reynoso will champion the integration of STEM education, coding, and emerging technologies across all grade levels. He’ll also advocate for partnerships with local tech companies to provide internships and mentorship opportunities.

Multiple Career Pathways:

Recognizing that not all students follow the same path, Dr. Reynoso will expand vocational and technical education programs. He’ll work to create partnerships with local businesses to offer apprenticeships and job training for students interested in skilled trades.

Healthcare Education Initiative:

Dr. Reynoso will implement a comprehensive healthcare education program to address the growing demand for healthcare professionals. This will include introducing healthcare career exploration in middle schools and creating a healthcare academy at the high school level.

Fiscal Responsibility:

Drawing from his experience managing college budgets, Dr. Reynoso will ensure transparent and efficient use of district resources. He’ll implement data-driven decision-making processes to allocate funds where needed most, prioritizing student success.

Why Vote for Dr. Reynoso?

Dr. Reynoso’s background as a college professor and his Doctorate in Education uniquely positions him to understand the challenges facing HUSD. His experience on the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District Board has given him valuable insights into educational governance and policy-making. He’ll work tirelessly to ensure equity in education, providing resources and support for English language learners, special education students, and underserved communities.

ElectReynoso.com | Email: [email protected]

Tom Wong

No statement submitted

New Haven Unified School District Board Member, Area 1

Midji Kuo-Rovetta

Please vote for Midji Kuo-Rovetta for the New Haven School Board Trustee. I promise to put education first!

I am running for this position to give back to my Union City community. I will focus on helping all students achieve academic success by expanding leadership and career skills-based education.

As a mother, wife, accountant, and educator, I have proudly called Union City my home for the last 27 years. I hold a Master’s degree in Accounting and Financial Management and have 15 years of experience running my own consulting business. I am deeply invested and focused on promoting the success of the children of our diverse community.

I have been a board member for local nonprofit organizations over the past eight years, specifically overseeing the education and youth committee. In this role, I have become familiar with the current public education curriculum and have learned the benefits of leadership and career skills-based education for students’ academic achievement.

As your Board of Trustee member, I will:

1. Empower students with career skills-based education so that they can see the direct connection between academic efforts and future career opportunities and successes;

2. Expand the current career skills-based education in various trades, engineering, health sciences, business, and other areas;

3. Emphasize Core Skills such as reading, writing, mathematics, speaking, and critical thinking that are necessary for all students to acquire;

I will always put the students’ academic achievement first. I will collaborate with teachers and staff, parents, and the community to make a positive difference in the lives of our students. I ask for your support and, more importantly, your vote on November 5, 2024. I am a grassroots candidate, supported only by local leaders and residents.


– City Council Member Yang Shao

– Herbert Chiu DDS

– Henry Yin, Commissioner for Economic Development, State of California and Co-Chair Asian Americans for Good Government (AAGG)

– Anjali Lathi, Union Sanitary District (USD) Board Member

– Other prominent endorsements, check my website: www.midji4nhusd.com

Jatinder (JP) Kaur Sahi

Hello, I’m Jatinder (JP) Kaur Sahi, and I’m running for New Haven USD Board Member for Area 1. My commitment to strengthening our public school system is rooted in my own experiences as a public school student. As a parent with a child at Cesar Chavez Middle School, I am dedicated to working with Board members, educators, district staff, parents, and community leaders to uphold and enhance NHUSD’s tradition of excellence.

Since 2005, Union City has been at the heart of my community involvement. I currently serve on the School Site Council and have contributed to several NHUSD initiatives. I participated in the Superintendent hiring process, served on the renaming committee for Alvarado MS, now called Itliong-Vera Cruz Middle School, and chaired the 7-11 Advisory Committee, which reviewed/made recommendations on the district’s surplus property. Recently, I also chaired a parent advisory group to help immigrant families navigate the schools and district processes.

As a school board member, my top priorities would be addressing post-pandemic challenges, advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion, integrating technology, and providing more professional development and resources for our teachers. The pandemic has significantly impacted our children’s needs, particularly in the areas of mental and behavioral health. My goal is to tackle these issues with proactive, inclusive solutions that support all students.

Professionally, I am the CEO of a volunteer-driven healthcare nonprofit that offers free medical care to the uninsured. With over 20 years of experience in healthcare and nonprofit management, I am dedicated to expanding access to quality healthcare. Volunteering and helping those in need are core values I hold deeply and work to instill in my daughter.

I have the endorsements of State Assemblymembers Liz Ortega and Alex Lee, State Senator Aisha Wahab and the Democrat Party. I was humbled to be recognized as Woman of the Year for my community work. As a school board candidate, I am committed to fostering a supportive, inclusive, and high-quality educational environment for all students in our district.

I hope to earn your vote in this election. Together, we can create a brighter future for our children and community.

Pat Urbi

As your New Haven Unified School Board Trustee, my focus will be results– not politics. I am the ONLY candidate with experience as a teacher, administrator, and parent. I will use my experience of over 30 years working within the District to build cooperation and collaboration for the success of our schools. I am endorsed by the New Haven Teachers Association and the California School Employees Association.

My priorities are educational equity, collaboration among educational partners, and ensuring that every student receives quality education and support services. This is a community-driven campaign supported by parents, teachers, and students.

This is an important race which will determine the future of our School District and its effect on our community. We need a candidate who is the best to represent teachers, students, and parents, to guide the District with the ability to grow our strong community through collaboration and consensus-building. My endorsements include Union City’s previous Mayor Mark Green, retired James Logan High School Forensics Speech and Debate Coach Tommie Lindsey, and Union City Human Relations Commissioner, Ann Ruth Yap-Jequinto. Join our community coalition and vote for Pat Urbi for Area 1 New Haven Unified School District Board of Trustees. Learn more about my campaign at urbi4board.org

New Haven Unified School District Board Member, Area 2

Melanie Freeberg


I am a proud resident of Fairway Park, and my two children attend school (middle and high school) in the New Haven Unified School District, one of them being special needs. I was a court-appointed special advocate (C.A.S.A) for seven years, during which I advocated for numerous foster care children. One of my core beliefs is that we can improve our children’s lives with strong community and school support.


My top priorities are providing opportunities for every student to reach their full potential, striving for safe and inclusive classrooms, and ensuring that resources are distributed equitably. This commitment to fairness is at the heart of my mission to improve the lives of all our children.


A city government and school district working together to serve our families better.

If elected, I’ll fight for a school district where students and the classroom come first.

Michelle Parnala

No statement submitted

New Haven Unified School Board Member, Area 3

Michael Gonzales

No statement submitted

Lydia Idem

Hello! My name is Lydia Idem and I am running for New Haven Unified School District Board of Trustees, representing Area 3. I grew up in Union City, a daughter of immigrants. My siblings and I attended Cesar Chavez Middle School and graduated from James Logan. I live in Union City and my children go to New Haven schools. As a parent in the District, I have chaired school site councils at CCMS and James Logan. I have served on the equity councils at both schools. I understand education financing and school budgets and planning. At the district level, I led the District African American Advisory which afforded me opportunities to partner with the District to initiate and move equity work forward so that our schools are safe learning environments for all students. And I am a proud board member of the New Haven Schools Foundation.

Therefore, as a Trustee, I will continue to support the district’s current work in equity and diversity to ensure it is implemented to protect teachers and school staff and promote dignity and belonging in our students. I believe true local control means more funding and decision-making is done at the schools with the stakeholders that understand their community intimately. So I will work collaboratively with the Board and District leadership to send more money to school sites while tackling the problem of declining enrollment. And lastly, it is important that we work together to ensure our schools provide the best educational programs with maker spaces, robotics, foreign languages, and arts K-12.

Thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself to you and I hope to earn your vote.


Newark Unified School District Board Member

Gabriel Anguiano Jr.

My name is Gabriel Anguiano Jr., a proud resident of Newark for the past 20 years. As we approach the upcoming elections, I’m reaching out to seek your support and endorsement. Throughout my two-decade journey in education, I’ve been deeply involved in the local educational system. This experience has equipped me with the tools, knowledge, and passion necessary to advocate for our students and their futures as lifelong learners. I strongly believe that our schools need to offer better STEAM courses and state-of-the-art facilities that create a supportive learning environment. It’s crucial that we provide our students with a higher quality and more equitable education so they can compete effectively with neighboring school districts. Recruiting and retaining high-quality teachers is essential to achieving this goal. Every student in NUSD deserves educators who are dedicated and passionate about their success. Transparency and community trust are foundational to my approach. I am committed to ensuring that the funds entrusted to our schools by the community are used effectively to provide a quality education for every student. I am eager to collaborate with all partners in education. Together, we can bring about the positive changes that our students truly deserve.

Austin Block

My name is Austin Block, and I am running to serve as a Board Member for the Newark Unified School District. I am a high school history, economics, and government teacher with more than 7 years of experience in San Jose and Fremont schools. I currently teach at Washington High School in Fremont, where I also lead meetings for the Coordination of Services Team (COST). This team brings together administrators, counselors, and other school staff to plan interventions for students in need of academic and/or mental health support. As a government teacher, civic engagement and public service are two of my core values, and I hope to serve the Newark community as a dedicated school board member.

My educational experience has prepared me for this role. I have a B.A. in Public Policy (with an education policy concentration) and an M.A. in Secondary Social Science Education, both from Stanford University. I speak English and Spanish and have a track record of communicating with families and building connections between school and community.

If elected, my priorities will include improving teacher/staff recruitment and retention, improving communication with the community, seeking innovative ways to raise district revenues, and supporting students who are learning English. I will work to expand access to college and career preparation programs such as Mission Valley ROP, and I am also a strong supporter of Measure O, an important Newark bond measure that will raise over $200 million dollars to invest in district facilities without raising taxes. You can learn more about my platform by visiting my website, block4schoolboard.com.

There are three seats up for election on the school board this November, and I strongly support candidates Gabriel Anguiano Jr. and Phuong Nguyen for the other two seats. They are excellent advocates for Newark students, with significant experience in education and local government. They will be outstanding leaders of the Newark Unified School District.

Aiden Hill

My name is Aiden Hill, and I have spent more than 26 years helping companies turn around failing efforts and achieve success. Four years ago, when I first ran for the school board, I promised to take on school district administrators and staff “pursuing their own personal agendas” instead of serving their stakeholders (kids, parents, teachers, taxpayers, etc.). Since that time, I have been working tirelessly to sweep corruption from our district.

Although it has often been a dirty business, we have made significant progress (including the purging of former district leadership who, according to the East Bay Echo, were named in a discrimination /harassment/retaliation complaint brought by a former, well regarded, NUSD African-American principal).

We are now poised to take NUSD to the next level, with a new high-performing team and culture committed to measurable goals around academic achievement (including STEM and Career Training), school safety, community engagement, and financial health.

Please visit aiden4nusd.org for more details regarding what we have accomplished, and our plan to make Newark one of the best school districts in California. I would be honored by your vote and continued support to GET THE JOB DONE!

Vikas Minglani

No statement submitted

Phuong Nguyen

I am Phuong Nguyen, candidate for Newark Unified School District Board Member. I am a proud community leader, working mom, coach, and advocate to two amazing young ladies who are enrolled in NUSD. For the past four years, it has been an honor for me to serve NUSD students, families, teachers, and staff and I am excited to continue that hard work. During my time as a school board member, I have dedicated myself to improving and expanding policies that prioritize safety; introducing high-quality academic programs; and hiring and retaining exceptional administrators, teachers, and staff. I am a product of Newark schools and part of the Newark Memorial High School Alumni class of 1993. I believe strongly in public education and that everyone has the right to have access to a free public education. I have been working in the public sector my entire career. I am dedicated to providing exceptional leadership. Committed to student centered decision making, and serving my community with compassion, integrity, transparency, and accountability. There are three seats up for election on the school board this November, and I strongly support Gabriel Anguiano Jr. and Austin Block for the other two seats. They are excellent advocates for Newark students, with significant experience in education and local government. We will be outstanding leaders for Newark Unified School District. Thank you for your consideration and please vote on November 5, 2024.

San Lorenzo Unified School District Board Member, Area 5

Alicia Gonzalez

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Penny Peck

Occupation: San Lorenzo Unified School District, Governing Board Member

Half of the students in the San Lorenzo school district read below grade level, so I hope to continue as a board member to use my skills as a children’s literature professor to help address that issue. Children need to learn to read because they need to read to learn!

As a lifelong resident of San Lorenzo and former children’s librarian, I have regularly visited all schools in the district. I attended Lorenzo Manor Elementary, Bohannon Middle School, and San Lorenzo High School. I earned a B.A. in History at Cal State Hayward, and a Master’s of Library Science at San Jose State University where I still teach part-time, and I am a member of the California Federation of Teachers.

I believe our schools need to decrease class sizes, update our school buildings with green technology, support expanded science and fine arts programs, and celebrate all our children who reflect many different cultures. I offer a collaborative, common-sense approach to problem solving and working with administrators, teachers, parents, and other board members. I often meet with parents, visit schools regularly, and work collaboratively with our union leaders.

Sunol Glen Unified School District Board Member

Erin Choin

No statement submitted

Ryan Jergensen

U.S.A. Motto—E Pluribus Unum—Out of many, One

Our nation’s motto shows that coming together with unity of purpose and vision is where our strength lies. Our small town and school needs leadership that includes the benefits that come from a diversity of views—brought together for common purposes.

We know that proper civil discourse is often difficult. Difficulty is not a reason to shy away from the good work of trying to help everyone to be heard and welcomed in our community. Diversity of opinion and views is important. We should not tell anyone in our community to be quiet, go away, nor exclude them from a seat at the table.

I am running to again serve on the School Board. In our small community you have the opportunity to get to know me and have a discussion with me personally. I am open to having a conversation with any Sunolian. Please take this opportunity to understand what I stand for.

I will continue many of my years long efforts to take more time to hear all of the people of our community and try to make sure every voice and view is heard and respected.

I look forward to meeting, speaking with, and working hard to represent all of the various views in Sunol. I will not ever tell anyone else to “wake up” or to go away. All are welcome in the Sunol I have come to know and love.

We need to work toward a more moderate middle where all voices can be heard. We need diversity, not conformity of thought.

I am willing to keep standing and advocating for all to be welcome and equal in our town. There is nothing greater than standing for community, being kind to all, honesty, and liberty.


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