63.4 F
October 24, 2024

2024 General Election candidates, part two

Each election season, Tri-City Voice extends an invitation to local candidates for a chance to submit a statement and photo for publication. We believe it is our civic duty to present candidates to our readers in a non-biased manner. This will allow readers to decide without undue prejudice or influence.

We have extended our elections issue into two weeks due to the number of submissions received. This week, learn about candidates running for congressional, state and special district positions. For city and school board candidate statements read our October 15, 2024 issue or visit 2024 General Election candidates, part one.

12th Congressional District

Lateefah Simon

Lateefah Simon has spent her career fighting for justice — fighting for folks without a voice. Now, as a 25-year veteran organizer and nationally recognized advocate for civil rights and social justice, she’s running to take this fight to congress.

Lateefah began her career in advocacy at age 16 as an outreach coordinator for the Young Women’s Freedom Center. At age 18, she gave birth to her eldest daughter, Aminah, and quickly learned as a young single mother that the government wasn’t working for people like her. A year later, she became Executive Director of YWFC and spent the next decade earning national acclaim for her advocacy on behalf of marginalized young women. In recognition of that work Lateefah won a MacArthur “Genius” Fellowship, and at age 26 she became the youngest woman to receive this prestigious award.

She was tapped by then-San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris to lead the creation of Back on Track — a highly effective, first-of-its-kind anti-recidivism initiative for young adults charged with low-level offenses.

In 2016, galvanized by the death of Oscar Grant, Lateefah ran and was elected to the Bay Area Rapid Transit Board of Directors. Born legally blind, Lateefah relies solely on public transportation to go about her day and sought to make BART more affordable for working families and transit-dependent people like herself.

Lateefah continues to be a leading voice in Oakland and the Bay Area serving a multitude of local organizations and frequently offering state officials strategic advice on policy matters related to racial justice. Now, Lateefah is committed to bringing her community’s voice to Washington.

“I’ve spent my life fighting for folks without a voice. I will take the shared stories and experiences of this community to the halls of Congress so I can continue our fight. That’s how we make change. And that’s why I’m running for this seat.”

In Lateefah, CA-12 has a fighter.

Jennifer Tran

No statement submitted

14th Congressional District

Vin Kruttiventi

As a first-generation immigrant, I know the American dream firsthand. I came to this country with nothing but determination and built successful businesses. I contributed to my community through philanthropy and helped turn around many small businesses in East Bay through my family foundation. Now, I’m running for Congress to bring that experience to Washington and advocate for the people of my district.

My priorities are clear:

  • Ensuring quality education for all children, no matter their background or zip code.
  • Supporting small businesses, the backbone of our economy.
  • Creating jobs to provide more opportunities for Californians and making housing affordable.
  • Providing quality care for our seniors and aging population.
  • Strengthening national security to protect our country from threats.
  • Securing our borders and safeguarding our sovereignty.
  • Improving water quality, expanding water storage, and achieving energy self-sufficiency.
  • Taking a tough stance on crime to keep our communities safe.

I am a committed leader running to serve the people of District 14 and preserve the American dream for future generations. I will always put people over politics and work towards prosperity for all. I am running for you and need your support.

Eric Swalwell

I’m dedicated to delivering tangible results for my Congressional District and the East Bay. By hearing the challenges, stories, and ideas of our community, my office has been able to advance multiple proposals based on community feedback. My office helped secure over $23.5 million in Community Project Funding in FY 2023 and 2024 to support 30 local projects. From removing forever chemicals from our water supply and constructing hydrogen fueling stations for the next generation of public transportation to building new affordable and supportive housing, investments in these projects will help address some of the most pressing challenges facing individuals and families.

I’ve also supported numerous bills to improve public safety. I voted for the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, which will help combat gun violence, improve access to mental health care and help equip schools with resources to keep kids safe. I was also proud to support a package of public safety bills to invest in law enforcement and community violence intervention to keep our communities safe.

I will continue to support measures to secure our democracy and make the polls more accessible for everyone on Election Day. I’m a proud original cosponsor of the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2023 which would resurrect the most crucial protections stripped from the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by the Supreme Court in 2013. I’m also proud to cosponsor the Freedom to Vote Act which expands access to the polls and would make Election Day a national holiday, allowing Americans to prioritize making their voice heard.

I will also never compromise on ensuring that women have the freedom to decide what happens to their bodies. No government official should be supervising the decisions made between women and their doctors.

I’m honored to be your Representative in Congress and would appreciate your vote.

17th Congressional District

Anita Chen

I’m not a politician. I’m an educator and entrepreneur, helping struggling students become confident communicators.

But when I found that 80% of child sex trafficking victims in the U.S. are American youth, I knew someone had to speak for them. In my research, I found that the major contributors to sex trafficking are the issues that concern us all.

High inflation means financial and housing insecurity. Crime without consequence means feeling unsafe in our communities. Political correctness sacrifices academic excellence. Illegal immigration strains our social systems at the expense of legal immigrants and citizens. An open border invites fentanyl deaths and trafficking victims. Criminals exploit these vulnerabilities for their own profit.

This can’t happen anymore. One-sided policies dishonor our diversity, while partisan politics undermine our shared heritage. From the Valley of the Heart’s Delight to today’s Silicon Valley, we represent the best of American industry and innovation. We are the wealthiest district in America with the highest percentage of immigrants and we must be allowed to be who we are: creative problem solvers. We can leverage tech to save cost and time, and deliver justice to the most vulnerable. Our voice now needs to be heard in D.C.

When I talk to students, parents, seniors, teachers, police officers, engineers, and people from all walks of life, the message is the same: “We feel voiceless.” I merely aim to be our voice. As every good engineer knows, it is possible to transform our biggest pain points into our greatest successes.

To learn more, volunteer, receive a yard sign, or host a meetup, please visit: www.anitaforcongress.us

Ro Khanna

No statement submitted

9th State Senate District

Tim Grayson

Hard-working Californians are being left behind. Stagnant wages and rising inflation are holding too many of us back. Government must be focused on lifting up working Californians.

I have served this area in the Assembly for 8 years. I fought to crack down on gun violence, retail theft and fentanyl dealing. I wrote a law to increase penalties on sexual predators and started a nonprofit to protect survivors of domestic abuse and human trafficking.

In the State Senate, I’ll continue my work to create good paying jobs and ensure economic growth, lower utility and insurance rates, address senseless gun violence and keep violent criminals in jail and expand mental health services.


Marisol Rubio

No statement submitted

20th Assembly District

Liz Ortega

I have spent more than two decades leading the fight for working people and vibrant, diverse, and healthy communities in the East Bay and the Tri-Cities.

It is an honor to fight for you and every Californian seeking safe, and affordable communities. As a working Mom and daughter of immigrant, working-class parents, I live the challenges that face us all.

That’s why — working with you — I’ve authored/co-authored more than 130 bills, including making low-cost car insurance affordable; championing low-cost, over-the-counter life-saving medicines; increasing the minimum wage and protecting healthcare workers from toxic smoke; building affordable housing; and shielding renters from unfair rental deposits.

I fight for our fair share of money for the East Bay and Tri-Cities, securing millions for programs in every corner of our District to create transitional/affordable housing; support youth, senior, and family services; construct wells for clean water; and preserve St. Rose Hospital. My annual District Diaper Drive benefits hundreds of families and infants.

My legislative priorities are to ensure every family is safe and healthy in today’s tough economy. I am honored to serve as the Chair of the Assembly Labor Committee. I have recently been elected as vice-chair to the Latino Caucus. I am also the Chair of the Select Committee on Opportunities and Barriers for People with Disabilities in the Workplace. In addition, I currently sit on the Privacy, Health and Human Services, Budget and Insurance Committees.

Together with local law enforcement/firefighters, we are working on community-empowered safety and first responder approaches to ensure public safety and that trained, accountable officers are focused on reducing gun violence.

Working together, we will make our communities stronger by expanding jobs that pay a living wage and supporting the small businesses who create great good jobs.

With your support and vote, I’ll continue the fight to lower costs and improve the economy for everyday people.

Follow me at OrtegaforAssembly.com

Sangeetha Shanbhogue

No statement submitted

24th Assembly District

Bob Brunton

Bob Brunton For California State Assembly D24 – The No Excuses – Award Winning Un- Commonly Sensible and Workable REAL Solutions Candidate

Our cities and schools and safety are suffering largely from our inept, cowardly, and wasteful state government leadership. Our current leadership has squandered billions of your tax dollars and since his entering of office the state has gone from surplus to deficits and has achieved almost nothing.

It’s time to Elect Bob Brunton – The Most Experienced and Ready to serve with the Engineering Approach – It’s past the time to Repair our Broken State Government and to Restructure it to be prepared for our best future.

Let’s Get Our State Government to Work for Us.

CHANGE – Change for the Better

COURAGE – To stand up to entrenched defenders of the status quo

ACCOUNTABILITY – I will hold myself to high standards of integrity and will take responsibility for my actions and commitments

LOVE – The Bay Area should be best place to live and work and raise a family, but it is not. I Love this area and will diligently work every day to make our region the best it can be –

I offer REAL solutions

Restoring Public Safety is a Top Priority

Ensuring Educational Excellence through Education Reform

Accountability from our State Agencies, Bureaucrats and Public Officials

Lower Taxes – Fees – and improve our government – YES it possible for both

Experience -I have lived in the district for over 40 years and have been elected three times and served 12 years as an Ohlone College Trustee – I have started, owned and operated businesses in California in several types – Electronics Manufacturing, Architecture Energy Conversion Services and Wealth Management – I have two grown children that attended local public schools, two grandchildren and have been involved- Rotary Club of Fremont, Co-Founder Newark Toastmasters, Co- Founder Fremont Education Foundation – Member of Milpitas Chamber of Commerce and Leadership Fremont

I welcome your input please review votebobbruntonforassembly.com 510-657-8645

Alex Lee

As your Assemblymember, I’m grateful every day to represent and serve our community. We have accomplished so much together. In just three years, we have secured over $25 million in investments back to Fremont and Newark, assisted thousands of families, and passed 34 bills into law.

Growing up in the Bay Area, I’ve seen too many friends and families priced out of the South Bay. I’m running for re-election to continue addressing the housing crisis and building our communities for common good, not for profit.

Since day one, I have rejected all campaign contributions from corporations because I am accountable to you, not the corporate interests trying to preserve the broken status quo. Above all else, I believe in the integrity of our democracy – that the government should serve all people, not just the rich and powerful.

As Chair of the Legislative Progressive Caucus, I am proud to lead the fight to build social housing, establish universal healthcare, combat climate change, defend everyone’s civil rights (especially LGBTQ+ families), uplift our unhoused neighbors, and root out corporate special interest money from our elections.

We still have so much work to do, and with such urgency to meet the moment, I humbly ask for your vote to continue representing you.


instagram/twitter: alex_lee

[email protected]

AC Transit District Director Ward 6

Shonda Goward

I am Dr. Shonda Goward, a Fairview native and public university administrator, and I’m running for the AC Transit Board. My priorities are rider and driver safety, ensuring public transportation is accessible to all, and addressing AC Transit’s fiscal cliff without unfairly burdening residents. I am endorsed by the Sierra Club, Supervisor Elisa Márquez, Hayward Mayor Mark Salinas, Newark Mayor Mike Hannon, and AFSCME Council 57, representing AC Transit and BART workers.

I have dedicated my adult life to ensuring our community has access to the education they deserve. As Chair of the Hayward Library Commission, and as a volunteer with the Friends of the Hayward Library, I work alongside City leaders to support our beautiful library and ensure it is equipped with something for everyone. At work, I am a senior manager who leads a large team and manages a significant budget to help ensure student success at a local public university.

The safety of bus drivers and riders must be AC Transit’s top priority. As the only woman in this race, I will fight to put safety first. As your AC Transit Board Member, I will work closely with Hayward, Newark and other jurisdictions to ensure we build infrastructure that enhances safety for all road users. I will ensure resources are allocated to provide equitable bus access for our communities, especially our students. I am prepared to be a responsible fiscal steward of a large public budget, and I will work to identify fair and sustainable funding sources for public transit.

As a bus rider and advocate, I know how to get things done for our community. As your AC Transit Director, I will build coalitions to provide reliable, safe, and sustainable bus service for all of us. Learn more about my campaign at GowardForACTransit.com, and join Sierra Club, Supervisor Elisa Márquez, Mayors Mark Salinas and Mike Hannon in voting for me, Shonda Goward for AC Transit Board!


Jesse Gunn

Buses do more than move people, they connect communities. That’s why we need an AC Transit system that’s safe, reliable, and accessible for Hayward, Newark, and Fairview residents. As a teacher, labor and climate organizer, Community Services Commissioner for the City of Hayward, and a frequent transit rider myself, I know the vital role that reliable public transit plays in addressing climate change and linking neighborhoods to jobs, schools, and essential services. If elected, I would work to improve bus frequency and reliability, enhance safety for drivers and passengers, and ensure our buses serve all riders, including the elderly, disabled, and parents with young children. Our buses must meet the needs of the communities they are meant to service. As director, I will advocate for a fiscally responsible and environmentally sustainable transit system that prioritizes clean energy and modernized buses and facilities, while working to foster a new generation of ridership and improve working conditions for AC Transit’s drivers and workers. I’m proud to have lived here for nearly 30 years, and to have earned the endorsement of over 45 organizations and elected leaders across the East Bay. With your vote, I hope to put my lived and professional experience to work for you, so that our buses work for us. www.jesse2024.com

A. Curtis Silva

Occupation: Transportation Engineer

AC Transit is a vital transportation lifeline for people with disabilities, students, seniors and low-income residents. I know this first hand because AC Transit was my children’s primary mode of transportation to school in Newark. That is why as your representative, I will push for: (1) keeping the costs of bus fares low for our students, seniors and disabled; (2) increasing bus service in Hayward and Newark; and (3) the purchase of buses that do not pollute our environment. Moreover, because of my 30 plus years of experience in public transit, I believe that I am uniquely qualified to address the lingering impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on AC Transit. Therefore, I ask that you join the coalition of AC Transit Board President Joel Young, Hayward Mayor Mark Salinas, and community members from Newark and Hayward, by giving me your vote in this election on November 5th. It would be a privilege and an honor to serve you and our community. For additional information regarding my campaign please contact me at

[email protected].

Alameda County Water District, Ward 5

Aziz Akbari

No statement submitted

Raymond Ojeda

Why I’m Running for Alameda County Water District Director, Ward 5

Hey there, Fremont Neighbors! I’m stepping up to run for Water District Director, Ward 5, because I believe in securing a bright, sustainable future for our community. Our kids and grandkids deserve clean, reliable water, and I’m committed to making that happen.

A Bit About Me

I’ve called Fremont home for over 40 years. My wife and I have raised 2 wonderful kids here, and we couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. I studied hard, earning my BS from Cal-State Hayward and participated in Cal-Berkeley’s Graduate/Summer Institute of Public Policy.

My career has given me a unique perspective on water issues. I worked at Kaiser Aluminum Can Company, getting my hands dirty with recycling, water filtration, and manufacturing. Trust me, I know the ins and outs of environmental management! For the past 22 years, I’ve served in Alameda County’s criminal justice system. I worked on keeping our community safe and following important protocols – skills I’ll bring to the Water District board.

So, What’s My Plan to Help You and Your Family?

1) Protect our water: I’ll work tirelessly to beef up security around our precious water resources.

2) Embrace innovation: We need to stay ahead of the curve. I’ll push for smart investments in new water capture and storage tech.

3) Think long-term: Our community is growing, and we need sustainable solutions. I’ll make sure we have reliable water for years to come.

I’m all ears if you want to chat more about our water future. Let’s work together to keep Fremont flowing! Vote Raymond Ojeda for new leadership delivering results for our community!

[email protected]


BART Director, District 5

Joseph Grcar


Dr. Grcar is running for the BART Board, committed to tackling the transit system’s issues with his background in scientific research. His priorities include:

Safety and Security: Advocates for more police and specialists on trains, and supports modern fare gates to reduce fare evasion and crime.

Financial Stability: Proposes an independent Efficiency Committee to address revenue loss post-pandemic, suggesting cost-cutting measures like furloughs.

Commuter Support: Proposes reduced fare Clipper Cards for employees, with employers covering the cost difference.

Democratic Engagement: Challenges the current system where his opponent, a former elected mayor turned appointed BART Director, might discourage competitive elections.

Dr. Grcar aims to bring transparency, efficiency, and innovation to BART’s management and operations.

Melissa Hernandez

No statement submitted

Castro Valley Sanitary District Directors

Daniel Akagi

No statement submitted

Joseph Grcar


I am honored to present myself as a candidate for the Castro Valley Sanitary District, bringing a unique blend of scientific expertise and mathematical precision to address our community’s needs. As a retired laboratory scientist and mathematician, I have dedicated my career to understanding complex systems, optimizing processes, and ensuring efficiency—skills that are directly applicable to the challenges we face in waste management.

Enhanced Technology for Waste Management: Our district stands at the cusp of a revolution in waste management. I propose leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as advanced waste-to-energy conversion, smart waste tracking systems, and AI-driven robotics. These innovations will not only make our waste management more efficient but also transform waste into valuable resources, reducing our environmental footprint.

Fiscal Responsibility: In these times, every dollar counts. My background in mathematics has honed my ability to analyze data, forecast trends, and manage budgets with meticulous care. I commit to fiscal responsibility by ensuring that every penny spent on our district’s operations is justified, transparent, and aimed at long-term sustainability. This approach will not only save costs but also invest wisely in our future.

Environmental Stewardship: Our planet’s health is paramount. I advocate for policies that enhance recycling, reduce landfill use, and promote sustainable practices. By implementing green technologies and practices, we can significantly decrease our carbon emissions and contribute positively to environmental conservation. My vision includes creating a model for other districts, where waste management becomes a cornerstone of environmental stewardship.

Community Engagement: The heart of any effective governance is its community. I believe in an open, transparent dialogue with residents. I will initiate regular town halls, community workshops, and educational programs to ensure that our district’s policies reflect the needs and inputs of our community. Together, we can innovate, educate, and implement solutions that benefit us all.

I ask for your vote to lead the Castro Valley Sanitary District towards a future where technology, responsibility, and stewardship converge for the betterment of our community. Together, let’s transform challenges into opportunities. Thank you for considering me for this important role.

Timothy McGowan

I am seeking reelection to the Castro Valley Sanitary District, where I have served as a board member for nearly 20 years. With over 30 years of experience as a civil engineer at the East Bay Municipal Utility District, I bring extensive expertise in sewage collection and wastewater treatment. I use this knowledge to guide CVSan’s capital improvement program and ensure the proper maintenance of our facilities. Additionally, I am a licensed water treatment plant operator and a licensed water distribution operator.

As a Sierra Club member, I’m dedicated to protecting the environment and promoting recycling. I fully support CVSan’s Zero Waste Program, including Earth Day clean-ups, Green Ribbon Schools, 4Rs field trips for students, and household hazardous waste collection events.

In my role as Finance Committee Chairperson, I’m proud of CVSan’s strong financial position. We hold $36.5 million in reserves, maintain a AA credit rating, and our sewer rates are 32% lower than the county average. While Oro Loma Sanitary District’s rates are currently lower, their planned 15% annual increases over the next five years will change that. Some have raised concerns about CVSan’s debt, but our current cash reserves exceed our outstanding bond debt, and last year, our interest income surpassed interest expenses.

CVSan’s new administration building is also nearing completion, solving the challenge of housing a 23-person team in a space designed for 8. This new facility will provide offices, vehicle storage, a warehouse, chemical storage, locker rooms for field crews, a classroom for 3rd-grade field trips, an outdoor demonstration garden, and a boardroom for public meetings. In addition, the building will be LEED certified with solar power and vehicle recharging stations.

In the coming term, I will prioritize reducing nutrient levels in the region’s wastewater to combat algae blooms in San Francisco Bay and preparing CVSan’s infrastructure for the impacts of climate change. With your vote, I will continue delivering quality service, maintaining reasonable rates, and managing our resources responsibly.

Kenneth Owen

No statement submitted

Dave Sadoff

As a member of the Board of Directors of the Castro Valley Sanitary District for the past 13 years, I have been committed to serving the public interests of Castro Valley through safe, efficient, and cost-effective wastewater and solid waste management. My wife and I are 32-year residents of Castro Valley with two children who attended Castro Valley schools. I am a California Licensed Professional Geologist specializing in environmental and hydrogeology issues for the past 38 years. I am a Board Member of the Alameda County Waste Management Authority, also known as Stop Waste. As a member of Stop Waste, one of my favorite votes was for the Alameda County-wide ban on single use plastic bags. I am an active member of the American Institute of Professional Geologists (an AIPG Certified Professional Geologist) and the Castro Valley Rotary Club.

I previously served as an Alameda County Parks, Recreation and Historical Commissioner, where I spearheaded the creation of the Alameda County Historical Preservation Ordinance. I also served as a member of the Castro Valley Municipal Advisory Council, and as a CVSan Community Advisory Committee member. During my years of service to you, the Castro Valley Sanitary District has been recognized as an efficient and innovative agency and has been the recipient of numerous local, regional, and state-wide awards. If re-elected, I will continue to help guide CVSan’s commitment to excellence. Above all, I will always remember that I work for you and will continue to strive to make sure that the Castro Valley Sanitary District provides you with the best possible service at the lowest possible rates.

Darshan Saini

No statement submitted

EBMUD District, Ward 5

John Lewis

No statement submitted

Jim Oddie

You deserve the cleanest water in the country – and you’ve been getting it. After 24 years of service, our EBMUD Director Doug Linney is retiring and endorsing me to build on his legacy. I take that legacy seriously. As a former City of Alameda Councilmember and former District Director for then-Assemblymember (now Attorney General) Rob Bonta, I have developed a keen understanding of water, climate, and environmental policy that will enable me to listen and lead from Day One. My values and priorities are what we need at EBMUD: a commitment to highest quality clean water, ensuring a stable water supply, doing our part to address the climate crisis, and maintaining reasonable rates. Resilience is key. We need to be proactive in preparing for the climate crisis and all that it brings: drought, flood, wildfires, and sea level rise. EBMUD is an incredibly important steward of water and public lands and a leader in environmental protection. I’m proud to be endorsed by environmental and civic leaders you trust, including Attorney General Rob Bonta, Senator Nancy Skinner, Assemblymember Mia Bonta, County Supervisor Lena Tam, County Assessor Phong La, Oakland Councilmembers Treva Reid and Kevin Jenkins, San Leandro Councilmember Fred Simon, former Alameda Councilmember John Knox White, and former San Leandro Councilmembers Corina Lopez, Jim Prola, and Benny Lee, and all seven sitting members of the EBMUD Board of Directors. www.OddieforEBMUD.com

Alex Spehr

No statement submitted

Easy Bay Regional Park District Director, Ward 4

Taryn Edwards

Hi. My name is Taryn Edwards. I am a lifelong resident of Alameda County. I have a BA in Anthropology from Cal State East Bay and a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science from San José State University. I served for four years as a librarian for the City of San Leandro and then spent nearly 16 years in San Francisco as a librarian and public historian. In that capacity, I facilitated alliances with many non-profits, agencies, and community groups to preserve and celebrate the Bay Area’s cultural heritage.

Our parks tell the story of the region and are the region’s last wild places. I am concerned that this heritage is threatened by climate change and competing interests, thus my platform is based upon environmental and cultural conservation to ensure our parks and open space thrive for the next generation.

I ask for your vote because I have spent my career championing democratic values. I have helped the public find and apply for jobs, complete government forms, and research the issues that are important to them. In addition, I have hosted scores of public events that promote the democratic process and explore the socio-political issues that directly affect the community. As Director for the East Bay Regional Parks, I will continue to be a resource for the people and a voice who acts in your interests.

In closing, I am eager to hear from the residents about what you love about our parks. Together we can improve the parks’ climate resiliency, protect their biodiversity, and provide healthy outdoor spaces for future generations. My education and professional experiences have provided me with skills that will serve me well as a Director and most of all, I have a record of getting things done! Thank you for your vote and I look forward to working together.

Luana Espana

As a community leader, I am committed to representing your interests and concerns. My track record includes developing strategic partnerships, making impact-focused community grants, and building consensus across diverse stakeholders. I am here to represent your voice in the East Bay Regional Park District Ward 4. For over ten years, I have advised leaders and made policy recommendations on the Executive Committees of the East Bay Regional Park District Park Advisory Committee, Bay Area Ridge Trail Council Board, and Hayward Area Recreation & Park District Citizen Advisory Committee. I am prepared to address pressing issues such as climate resiliency, equitable access, and sustainable planning. I am a trail runner, backpacker, and NOLS wilderness school alum. This personal connection and first-hand experience have given me a deep understanding of open spaces and wilderness areas, which I will bring to my role as your East Bay Regional Park District Director. I earned my Bachelor of Arts in Politics and Spanish Literary Studies from Occidental College and my Master of Public Policy from the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley. I will use critical thinking and a data-driven approach to develop and evaluate the Second Century District Plan. Vote for Luana España to be your next East Bay Regional Park District Director Ward 4, and learn more about my campaign at luana4parks.com.

Susan Gonzales

My name is Susan Gonzales. I am a former executive with the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD), having served a total of 16 years as Human Resources Manager for the organization. I also have served as a university instructor for over a 20 year period, lecturing at CSUEB, SFSU, and USF on Human Resource Management. I have approximately 40 years of service in local government. I have worked for the cities of Santa Fe Springs, San Leandro, Vallejo, South San Francisco, Santa Clara, as well as EBRPD. I have also performed interim assignments for the City of Alameda, Contra Costa County, City of Oakland, and City of Half Moon Bay.

I am a long-time resident of San Leandro and have close ties to the City of Alameda. I was appointed by former Alameda County Supervisor Wilma Chan to the Alameda Commission on the Status of Women and served one term. I am an active member of the League of Women Voters Alameda and have twice served on the City of San Leandro Bike and Pedestrian Ad hoc Advisory Committee.

I have a B.A. from the University of Southern California; M.P.A. from CSUEB, and received the designation Certified Employee Benefits Specialist from the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plan and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

I have endorsements from:

Dee Rosario, EBRPD Park Director

Beverly Lane, former EBRPD Park Director

Ayn Wieskamp, former EBRPD Park Director

Pat O’Brien, former EBRPD General Manager

Jerry Kent, former EBRPD Assistant General Manager

John Escobar, former EBRPD Assistant General Manager

Paul Rankin, former EBRPD Chief Financial Officer/ Controller

EBRPD Retirees Association

In seeking this office, my primary goals would be to:

maintain and improve existing infrastructure, with an eye on funding;

review and provide appropriate staffing levels as parks open and demand for parks increases;

examine and address issues related to climate change;

support regional planning.

Tim McMahon

No statement submitted

Eden Township Healthcare District Director, Area 4

Sabrina Aranda

Sabrina Aranda is a lifelong Hayward resident with over 20 years of service to unincorporated communities. Her deep-rooted commitment to local well-being has been shaped by her experiences as a first-generation college graduate, a proud aunt, and the daughter of a dedicated U.S. Postal Service letter carrier. Educated in the Hayward and San Lorenzo school districts, Sabrina’s passion for serving her community is unwavering.

Her leadership has secured over $35 million in grants aimed at improving the health and well-being of residents within the Eden Health District. As a school district director during the COVID-19 pandemic, Sabrina took swift action to ensure families had access to crucial resources like testing, vaccines, and more.

Her advocacy continues through her roles on the H.A.R.D. Community Advisory Committee, the Eden Area League of Women Voters, and the Hayward Education Foundation.

Health is the foundation of a thriving community. Sabrina recognizes the significant health challenges faced by the Cherryland/Ashland district and is dedicated to improving wellness outcomes for seniors and families in unincorporated areas. With decades of experience in community service, she is committed to building strong partnerships and delivering impactful services to uplift our community.

Championing Health and Wellness: Vote Sabrina Aranda for Eden Township Healthcare District, District 4 on November 5th!

For more information, visit www.vote4aranda.com.

Eden Township Health Care District (ETHCD)

Luis Reynoso

Elect Dr. Luis Reynoso: A Champion for Community Health and Education

Dr. Luis Reynoso is running for Eden Township Health Care District Trustee, Area 4. With his extensive experience in education, community service, managing public financials for over $2 Billion in Operational Budgets and Construction Bonds, and over $140 Million in applying for and managing Federal, State, Local, Foundation, and Corporate grants, Dr. Reynoso is committed to addressing our district’s healthcare challenges and improving the well-being of all residents.

Addressing Eden Township Health Care District Challenges:

Dr. Reynoso will tackle the district’s pressing issues head-on, including improving healthcare infrastructure and enhancing community health programs. He plans to collaborate with local healthcare providers to expand services and ensure the district meets the evolving needs of our diverse population.

Promoting Healthcare Access for All:

As a staunch advocate for equitable healthcare, Dr. Reynoso will work tirelessly to increase access to quality medical services. He proposes implementing mobile health clinics and telemedicine programs to reach underserved areas, ensuring every resident can access essential healthcare.

Advancing Quality Nursing Education:

Drawing from his experience as a Chabot-Las Positas Community College District Trustee, Dr. Reynoso will champion partnerships between the Health Care District and local educational institutions. He aims to create robust nursing programs that address the shortage of healthcare workers while providing career opportunities for local students.

Ensuring Fiscal Accountability:

Dr. Reynoso’s background as a college professor and his educational administration experience have honed his budget management skills. He pledges to implement transparent financial practices, ensuring that every dollar is spent wisely to maximize community health benefits.

Why Vote for Dr. Reynoso?

Dr. Reynoso’s unique blend of educational expertise and community involvement makes him suitable for serving on the Eden Township Health Care District Board. His proven track record of leadership and dedication to public service will bring fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to our healthcare challenges. Your vote for Dr. Luis Reynoso is for improved healthcare access, quality education, and responsible fiscal management.

ElectReynoso.com; [email protected]

Hayward Area Recreation and Park District Directors

Louis Manuel Andrade

No statement submitted

Joseph Grcar


Dr. Joseph Grcar has both a high-tech background and environmental experience. He served as the chairperson of the Tri-Valley group of the Sierra Club. He is running for the Hayward Area Recreation and Park District Board, aiming to:

Improve Parks: Modernize facilities, focusing on under-served areas like Castro Valley.

Expand Educational Programs: Introduce STEM camps and vocational training in parks.

Financial Responsibility: Promote transparent budgeting and seek new funding.

Address Issues: Tackle homelessness in parks, ensure equitable access, and adapt facilities.

Promote Health: Increase fitness and wellness activities district-wide.

With his high-tech and environmental background, Dr. Grcar offers innovative leadership. Vote for Dr. Grcar for a vibrant, inclusive park system.

Rick Hatcher

No statement submitted

Kenneth Owen

No statement submitted

Luis Reynoso

Elect Dr. Luis Reynoso: Revitalizing Hayward’s Parks and Recreation

Dr. Luis Reynoso is running for the Hayward Area Recreation and Park District Board with a vision to enhance our community’s quality of life through improved parks and recreation services. As a dedicated educator and public servant, Dr. Reynoso brings a wealth of experience and fresh ideas to address the challenges facing our district priorities.

Enhancing Park Access and Facilities:

Dr. Reynoso plans to modernize our parks, ensuring they are accessible, safe, and enjoyable for all residents. He proposes implementing a comprehensive park renovation program, focusing on upgrading playgrounds, sports facilities, and green spaces across Hayward, Cherryland, Fairview, and surrounding areas.

Promoting Educational and Job Training Programs:

Leveraging his background as a college professor, Dr. Reynoso will expand educational opportunities within our parks system. He envisions creating nature education centers, STEM-focused summer camps, and vocational training programs in partnership with local schools and businesses.

Ensuring Fiscal Responsibility:

With his experience on the Hayward School District Board and Chabot-Las Positas Community College District, Dr. Reynoso understands the importance of efficient resource management. He pledges to implement transparent budgeting practices and seek innovative funding sources to maximize the impact of every tax dollar.

Addressing Current Challenges:

Dr. Reynoso is committed to tackling pressing issues such as park maintenance backlogs, equitable access to recreation programs, and adapting facilities to meet evolving community needs. His approach includes conducting comprehensive community surveys and implementing data-driven solutions.

Promoting Healthy Lifestyles:

By expanding fitness programs, creating more walking and biking trails, and organizing community health events, Dr. Reynoso aims to foster a culture of wellness throughout the district.

Why Vote for Dr. Reynoso?

Dr. Reynoso’s Doctorate in Education and years of experience in academia and public service uniquely qualify him to lead the Hayward Area Recreation and Park District into a new era of excellence. His commitment to community engagement and environmental sustainability will ensure that our parks and recreation programs reflect our community’s diverse needs and values.

ElectReynoso.com; [email protected]

Peter Rosen

Thank you for your support and confidence over the last four years. My wife, daughter and I love the Hayward Area Recreation & Park District facilities and programs and I appreciate my role in improving the community I have lived in for many years. My decades of experience as a landscape contractor, community leader, and small business owner have proven invaluable with H.A.R.D. As President of the H.A.R.D. Board this year, I have worked effectively with our staff and collaborated with other agencies to help H.A.R.D. be more successful.

I also want to thank the community for your support in passing our $250 million dollar bond in 2016. This funding has allowed H.A.R.D. to invest in critical needs throughout the District. So far, H.A.R.D. has received almost $60,000,000 in additional funding through grants, private donations, collaborations and partnerships. This additional funding has allowed your bond (tax) dollars to be stretched further and allowed H.A.R.D. to acquire additional properties in addition to the many facility upgrades. Almost all the bond projects have come in on time and under budget.

H.A.R.D. is a District that is here to serve the entire community from tots to seniors and we have expanded our programming while also offering more scholarships, free aquatics, and increased our free community events as well. We are close to achieving our goal of a park within a 10 minute walk of our residents, but we don’t want to stop there. We want to keep adapting our programs and activities so that they reflect the changing needs of the community. Whatever your favorite activity is, we want to offer it and help you have fun. Parks make life better and I hope H.A.R.D. is as important to you as it is to my family. I am very proud of the work that H.A.R.D. has accomplished over the last four years and I would ask that you trust me to continue with the great work by voting for me to represent you. Please visit PeterRosen4HARD.org to find ways to help with the re-election.


Oro Loma Sanitary District Board Member

Moira “Mimi” Dean

I am Moira “Mimi” Dean and I’m living green.

I am a proven leader with the education, experience, and enthusiasm needed to serve on the Oro Loma Sanitary District board. My degree is in environmental studies with a focus on state wide water resources and San Francisco Bay biology. I worked for the SF Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board enforcing clean water regulations.

Even as a child I was passionate about “living green” and I taught myself how to repurpose items. For example, my parents did not have the means to buy me a doll house so I repurposed a china cabinet that I got for free from my neighbors. From that I learned I could make something useful and conserve the earth’s resources at the same time.

For over 30 years I worked with Oro Loma as a teacher promoting their compost and recycling programs. My students competed in an Oro Loma sponsored Earth Day poster contest teaching them and their families about environmental issues such as becoming better recyclers, composters, and stewards of our communities and our planet. Serving on the Oro Loma Board is the next logical step in practicing these environmental ideals. While serving on the board I will advocate for zero waste education, fiscal responsibility, building partnerships, and solutions to sea level rise and climate change.

Being a teacher for 32 years helped me hone essential skills in leadership and governance such as policy making, budget management, and meeting ethically and socially responsible goals. I currently serve on the Eden Area Municipal Advisory Council and know how important it is to listen and gather community input whenever a major decision is made.

I am committed to carrying out Oro Loma’s mission statement and I would like to use my critical thinking skills and creativity to support their mission.

I would really appreciate your vote on November 5th. Remember…vote for Mimi Dean…she’s living green.

Bob Glaze

No statement submitted

Benny Lee

No statement submitted

Luis Reynoso

Elect Dr. Luis Reynoso: A Vision for a Sustainable Oro Loma

Dr. Luis Reynoso is running for the Oro Loma Sanitary District Board with a commitment to addressing our community’s challenges and improving essential services. With his extensive experience in education and public service, Dr. Reynoso is uniquely qualified to lead Oro Loma into a more sustainable future.

Key Priorities: Modernizing Infrastructure: Dr. Reynoso will prioritize upgrading our aging wastewater collection and treatment systems. He plans to implement smart technologies to detect and prevent sewer overflows, ensuring the protection of public health and our environment.

Enhancing Waste Management: Building on Oro Loma’s recycling success, Dr. Reynoso will work to expand green waste programs and introduce innovative recycling initiatives to further reduce landfill waste.

Fiscal Responsibility: As a former Hayward School Board member, Dr. Reynoso understands the importance of responsible financial management. He pledges to maintain Oro Loma’s position as a low-cost service provider while investing in critical infrastructure improvements.

Environmental Stewardship: Dr. Reynoso will champion projects like the horizontal levee expansion, which naturally filters wastewater while protecting against sea-level rise, demonstrating his commitment to safeguarding San Francisco Bay.

Community Engagement: Leveraging his background in education, Dr. Reynoso will develop public outreach programs to educate residents about water conservation and proper waste disposal practices.

Why Vote for Dr. Reynoso?

Dr. Reynoso’s experience as a college professor and his Doctorate in Education uniquely positions him to tackle complex challenges and communicate effectively with diverse communities. He understands the importance of long-term planning and will work tirelessly to ensure Oro Loma remains a leader in sanitation services.

By electing Dr. Reynoso, you’re choosing a leader committed to transparency, fiscal responsibility, and environmental sustainability. His vision will benefit all residents of San Lorenzo, Ashland, Cherryland, Fairview, and portions of San Leandro, Hayward, and Castro Valley.

Vote for Dr. Luis Reynoso for the Oro Loma Sanitary District Board. Together, we can build a cleaner, more sustainable future for our community.

PO Box 21091, Castro Valley, CA 94546 | 510-274-1807

ElectReynoso.com; [email protected]

Dámaris Villalobos-Galindo

As a proud resident of the Fairview Unincorporated Community, I am honored to be running for the Oro Loma Sanitary District Board of Directors. I am a highly driven water resources engineer with over 12 years of experience in environmental and water resources management working with the goal of rebuilding and improving our aging public infrastructure, making it more resilient for our ever-changing future while using engineering practices for the preservation, support, recovery, and restoration of the natural environment. I began my engineering journey at Southwestern Community College working my way through school and transferring to the University of California in San Diego where I completed a Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Engineering, followed by a Master of Science Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Stanford University. If elected as a member of the Board of Directors for the Oro Loma Sanitary District my top three priorities will be:

1. To get ahead of the ever-changing environmental regulatory environment and become a leader in our field while protecting the waters of the State from pollutants and trash. This might include testing, implementing or piloting emergent technologies, training staff on regulatory requirements, and having tangible metrics to measure success.

2. To ensure that as the workforce changes and retires, the institutional knowledge acquired during someone’s career is not lost and that there is overlap between the workforce leaving and the new generation entering the workforce through mentorship, training opportunities, and partnerships with local colleges and universities.

3. Prioritization of infrastructure repair and/or replacement. By replacing and repairing infrastructure at a sustainable rate, we would be improving our level of service and providing the community with a reliable and adequately sized sewer infrastructure system for many years to come.

To learn more about me go to www.votefordamarisvillalobos-galindo.com.


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