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We are closing in on yearend and as November days dwindle, the holiday season complete with enticing sales and advertising is in full swing. Black Friday following traditional Thanksgiving feasts, has been eclipsed by week-long promotions in brick-and-mortar stores and online eCommerce. Through the hype and glitz of the retail world, political hijinks continue, especially on the national scene. The pessimistic, “bah, humbug” side of things says this is simply business as usual; cheer and goodwill is a calculated ploy to separate the naïve from their savings or assets. Attributed to American Showman P.T. Barnum, the phrase, “there’s a sucker born every minute” (probably not his phrase), refers to the gullibility of some who will follow the carnival barker’s lure and subsequent signs of “This way to the Great Egress” which, instead of directing patrons to another exhibit, simply steered them to the exit.

On the local scene, the hype and fanfare of P.T. Barnum, sales gimmicks and other hucksterism is less likely to pass public inspection since those in the political game are closer to their electorate and more vulnerable to inspection. Our communities can be thankful that local politics remains a ground level sport that invites resident participation. The Greater Tri-City area not only includes a plethora of ethnicities, cultures and backgrounds but active participation in the political process as well. In addition, at the local level, the immediate results of those efforts are often plain to see. This is a real consequence of the combination of actions by those who govern and those who are governed. We can be thankful for our birthright or, for those who have come to this country by choice, the existence of this freedom. Others around the world are not so lucky.

Even with the turmoil at state, national and international levels, we can be thankful for the relative calm and peaceful communities around us. As a newspaper that aims to elevate the positive aspects of area without turning a blind eye to issues that require remediation, Tri-City Voice is thankful and grateful for the support of our communities and will continue to commend when appropriate yet keep a watchful eye on political and social issues vital to our common well-being. Our staff, all fellow residents of the Greater Tri-City Area, are thankful for support from you, Tri-City Voice readers, and pledge to continue to present an “accurate, fair & honest” newspaper.

We hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!