(510) 494-1999 tricityvoice@aol.com
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With just a week to go prior to Election Day, many have already voted or will soon deposit their ballot in a drop box or by mail in advance. Whether an early voter or waiting for the traditional precinct vote in person, it should feel good to have done your part to continue the American tradition of participatory government.

Unfortunately, in some parts of the country, intimidation tactics are being employed to impede the process and scare voters from early voting. This is patently un-American and contrary to our system of government by the people. While relatively rare or nonexistent in our area, it is important to take note of such strategies and condemn them for their autocratic influence. If your chosen candidate is selected by voters to represent you, congratulations. However, in our system, if constituents choose to elect another candidate, that should be respected. There is always another election cycle to buttress support of your position and prevail in the future.

Grievance politics is a poor way to sway voters. It is reminiscent of schoolyard spats of youngsters who view their position as the only reasonable stance and refuse to consider any counter argument. Consideration of opposition views as evil or un-American begins to dehumanize opponents and radicalize proponents. This is the path toward pitting neighbors against each other by citing political campaigns in a simplistic – good vs evil – manner.

In the next week, no matter how you vote and whether your preferred candidate, measure or proposition succeeds, your voice was heard and counted. This is the critical part of our democracy along with faith in the system as well as legal checks and balances. Although all has been severely tested in the past several years, a violent response is not the answer to disappointment at the polls. It has been a tumultuous campaign season, probably not too much different from others, that is coming to an end. All candidates, proponents of legal changes submitted to voters and voters should be proud of their efforts and the very American act of voting. Decision Day is finally here and we should all be able to look back on it with the knowledge that we participated!