55.1 F
March 28, 2025

05-17-22 It’s Your Turn

We have been listening to media “talking heads” pontificating about the political climate for quite a while. Depending on which news silo is preferred, warnings have been equally ominous, promising gloom, doom and disaster each morning, noon and night. Although input is possible if hosts allow it, time is limited and topic control is restricted by news “anchors” and “personalities.” The onslaught of information, misinformation and outright falsehoods can be mind-numbing, leading to a reaction of confusion, disinterest, or worse… outright rejection of facts.

Although difficult to organize and separate this flow of data, it is the burden of living in a free society to attempt to do it. Glossy brochures and elaborate promises are the armament of well-financed candidates who in many cases have bowed to the lure of power, position and fortune. Few can resist and even fewer survive with their moral fiber intact. It is up to an informed and watchful electorate to reward those who can withstand the rigors of public life with a clear vision and purpose, closely matching our own.

In each election cycle, major political parties exert their grip on candidates through organizational and financial strength. Proof of this is evident by the avalanche of mail and media advertisements. Fast forward, mute and other editing functions are working overtime to combat the cacophony of political advertising currently bombarding the airwaves and mailboxes. As a counterpoint, Tri-City Voice offers a forum for all local candidates – at no cost – to present a brief statement to voters. It is our belief that every person seeking your vote should have an opportunity to outline why you should spend your birthright or naturalized voter franchise on them.

The value of each vote is incalculable since no one else can spend this currency. Voting is central to the premise of a free society. Without the people’s voice, policies and actions are relegated solely to the whims of a small (sometimes miniscule) segment of the population. It is easy to follow the lead of others who insist that they know the true path of righteousness and justice, but this often is subterfuge and code for jealousy, hate and resentment. Slogans are easy… decisions based on reason and facts often difficult. Although a myriad of factors impels candidates to ask for your vote, your well-being is on the line with each ballot cast.

Primary contests are designed to allow political parties to pare those seeking office to a consensus of their members, but voters do not face these restrictions in California open primary contests. Therefore, it is imperative that, regardless of party affiliation or lack thereof, close attention is paid to the logic, character and policies advocated by each candidate. Those successful in continuing or succeeding others in office can and will have a profound impact on the lives of all voters.

The idea that the political process is someone else’s problem and has nothing to do with real world issues is nonsense. Politicians impound and spend your money, make your laws and control your freedoms. The message to voters in all election cycles – primary or general, local, regional or national – is to pay attention and participate! Without your vote and care, outcomes can be catastrophic. Step up… it’s your turn!