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Another page of the 2024 calendar is about to turn as we enter the month of May. Traditionally observed as the beginning of Spring and a time of renewal and emergence from cold and wintery days and nights. Plants grow and leaves appear on tree branches. In the human realm, the month of May can represent the emergence of new ideas and aspirations.


Paradoxically, the political backdrop of foreign wars and domestic unrest have moved in an opposite direction. For some, this is a new challenge to be met with strength of conviction and vigor. Debate and rigorous examination of policies should be a welcome part of a democratic society. Although some of the participants have changed, many of the underlying ideals and motivations can be found in the past, even recent history. Those who lived through the tumultuous 60s and 70’s, may remember a country divided by a foreign war, student unrest and violent demonstrations. Although we emerged from those times of turmoil, it has left deep scars of distrust and resentment for generations. Will this cycle repeat endlessly? Does each successive generation inherit the same issues, tinged with ancient hatreds, phobias and prejudices?


For our children and grandchildren, these issues appear to be new, requiring a vigorous response. With the advantage of time to observe and reflect, many elements of current problems are a result of our failures to address the same issues. Now is a good time to talk with children so they do not fear physical, cultural or religious differences and understand the role of peaceful protests in a free society. We can resolve to revive core democratic principles without the added baggage of divisive politics.


Unfortunately, along with arguments grounded in moral and ethical motives, an undercurrent of less admirable elements may be present. Whether based on hatred, prejudice or desire for chaos, it can taint and defeat the goals of peaceful and purposeful protest. When religion is added to the mix, this is historically explosive with catastrophic results.