(510) 494-1999 tricityvoice@aol.com
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When we meet others, whether old friends or new acquaintances, the initial greeting sets the tone for what is to follow. A friendly open-handed wave and smile accompanied by appropriate speech such as “hello” or “I am glad to meet you” is the gateway to a pleasant and productive interaction. Even if there is no formal meeting, we often wave or nod to people passing by.  When hats were fashionable, a slight nod and tip of the hat signaled recognition and respect. In a more formal manner, military salutes are similar. On the other hand, a scowl, closed hands or ignoring the presence of others is a sign of disapproval and/or animosity.


Tri-City Voice originated and continues publication with the belief in a positive and open dialogue with all members of our community. When local people, venues or events – and controversy – are notable, our newspaper can provide a forum for information and discussion without bias or prejudice.

To provide a space for personal messages and support of our efforts, Tri-City Voice now offers a section called “Tip of the Hat”. Announcements (births, birthdays, engagements, marriages), congratulations (graduation, awards, etc.) and sentiments you wish to share can now appear in Tri-City Voice.  


For those who have asked how they can support local journalism and specifically, our publication, consider Tip of the Hat.

In a difficult world of political strife and economic challenges, Tri-City Voice has continued to be a source of local news. To continue our work, we ask for support of our advertisers and use of Tip of the Hat. As always, Tri-City Voice tips its hat to our vibrant community.


 To be proud and loud, use Tip of the Hat to tell everyone all about it!