55.1 F
March 28, 2025

03-14-23 Articles

Arts, Culture, and Creativity Month Celebration

By Charlene Dizon

With the arrival of April comes Arts, Culture, and Creativity Month in California. This year, Fremont Creates will be hosting its first-ever series of events honoring this celebration.

After Californians for the Arts (CFTA), an arts advocacy organization, campaigned for the recognition of art, California declared a state-wide initiative in 2019 marking April as Arts, Culture, and Creativity Month. CFTA’s purpose is to bring awareness to the significant impact the arts have in California. This involves not only publicly speaking about the arts, but making arts resources and opportunities more accessible, as well as highlighting that the arts are a crucial element to maintain within communities. For years, the arts have often been deprioritized or dismissed. With the efforts of CFTA, artists and fellow art organizations can have that platform to be personally and professionally acknowledged.

Fremont Creates is an organization of various established Fremont arts associations, such as the Fremont Cultural Arts Council (FCAC), Fremont Art Association, Washington Township Museum of Local History, Bay Philharmonic, Olive Hyde Art Guild (OHAG), and several other pivotal groups. Since 2023 will mark Fremont’s first Arts, Culture, and Creativity Month experience, the excitement that Fremont Creates has in constructing these festivities is immense. Susan Longini– local artist, City of Fremont boxART! Program Manager, and Co-Chair of Fremont Creates– states, “This is the beginning of a critical mass of celebrations. It’s about bringing people together.”

During the entire month of April, events will occur in different areas throughout Fremont, allowing locals to experience the adventure of visiting diverse art locations. A variety of fun activities, from exhibits to classes to tours, will be held and hosted by different arts organizations—everything from a juried photo exhibit, to sip and paint, Carnatic music concert, and flash fiction contest. Local artist and Community Organizer Annie Koruga states, “Art groups who didn’t know about each other before now want to collaborate. I’m really excited to see arts and creativity being uplifted.”

This month-long event will not only touch the lives of the community, but the Fremont Creates team themselves. Koruga was a successful competitive gymnast and dancer growing up. Their appreciation for the physical and visual performing arts strengthened their mindset, as they state, “Having those opportunities taught me a lot about intentionality, teamwork, and perseverance.” Longini holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and taught at Ohlone College for seventeen years. She is currently the boxART! Program Manager, which involves transforming traffic signal control boxes throughout Fremont into works of art. She is grateful to be part of Fremont Creates alongside talented individuals such as Julie Gilson, President of Fremont Cultural Arts Council and Fremont Creates Co-Chair, and continue planning more ways of elevating art. “Internally, art helps you become a better critical thinker,” Longini says. “Externally, art is a language. It promotes a sense of belonging.”

Arts, Culture, and Creativity Month is a safe space for artists to freely express themselves and feel empowered by their craft. To recognize artistry is to embrace empathy and invite vulnerability. Fremont Creates hopes that these coordinated celebrations of arts, culture, and creativity throughout April will be an annual tradition for years to come and further emphasize that imagination and innovation are beneficial aspects of building a resilient community.

For more information about Fremont Creates or Arts, Culture, and Creativity Month, visit fremontcreates.com or the event’s Instagram page @fremont_creates.

Get ready for Restaurant Week!

By Staff

Fremont is home to a wonderful variety of people and cultures. However, this diverse community also has much in common—not least a love for good food. Fremont’s inaugural “Restaurant Week,” running March 17 – 26, supports small businesses in the city’s dining scene and encourages people to enjoy new and familiar great eats.

Donovan Lazaro, Economic Development Director for City of Fremont, explains, “Fremont Restaurant Week is a 10-day celebration of Fremont’s culinary establishments, which in many ways reflect the diverse cultural and geographic expanses of the community at large. It’s a chance for residents and visitors in Fremont to connect with our local small businesses, perhaps trying a new restaurant they’ve had an eye on, revisiting a restaurant they haven’t been to in a long time, or discovering something entirely new.”

Spring is often a slow time for restaurants, so cities have started featuring a week of special deals and menu items to spark interest. Lazaro adds, “This inaugural event also comes on the heels of three challenging years for restaurant operators, from pandemic restrictions to staffing shortages to supply chain impacts.” Restaurant Week in Fremont comes from the efforts of the City Council and stakeholders such as the Fremont Chamber of Commerce. To be featured, restaurants must be locally owned and operated, and willing to serve a limited-time offering such as a prix fixe menu, new item, or new combo.

Participating restaurants range from white tablecloth sit-down restaurants to Boba shops. Cuisine ranges from Papillon, a French restaurant that has been a staple of Niles for 40 years, to De Afghanan Kabob House, which opened its first location in Fremont’s Little Kabul in 1993. Lazaro notes, “We have many different cultures that make up Fremont, and by extension, there are a lot of ‘mom-and-pop’ restaurants who have brought the cuisine and flavors they grew up with to share with the community.”

A full list of participating restaurants and their websites is available at www.fremontrestaurantweek.com. For those who are avoiding in-person dining, most restaurants have takeout options and online ordering.

Restaurant Week

Friday, Mar 17 – Sunday, Mar 26

Various locations


Rumpelstiltskin – a Musical Spin

Submitted by Chanticleers Theatre

Photos by EBCT

East Bay Children’s Theatre (EBCT), the oldest continuously operating theatre company in the Bay Area, celebrates their historic 90th season with their first visit to Castro Valley in more than five years. On March 18, the venerated company will present the uproarious family-friendly comedy “RUMPELSTILTSKIN – A Musical Spin!”

“Ya oughta meet my daughta,” a traveling Miller tells the King of Strawtopia. “She can spin your straw to gold!” Trouble is… actually, she can’t. But a nasty little man (with a strange name) can do the task, so the Miller’s Daughter strikes a deal with him. When the deal goes bad, it’s up to the Miller’s Daughter to save the day.

EBCT’s fresh update on the classic fairy tale is brimming over with zany jokes, physica
l comedy and surprising twists. Bay Area composer and playwright Ron Lytle has enhanced the story with an infectious Broadway-style score.

The talented cast of RUMPELSTILTSKIN includes actors from across the entire Bay Area: Hannah Conner (The Miller’s Daughter), McKay Elwood (The Narrator), Curtis Manning (The King), Michael Mendelsohn (Rumpelstiltskin), and Wayne Steffen (The Miller).

EBCT will present two performances of RUMPELSTILTSKIN at Chanticleers Theatre in Castro Valley at 12 noon and 2 p.m. on March 18. The show is approximately one hour. Children (of all ages!) are encouraged to come in costume and have your picture taken ON STAGE with the cast after the show!

High demand for tickets is expected: Reserve early.

Rumpelstiltskin – a Musical Spin

Saturday, Mar 18

12 noon and 2 p.m.

Chanticleers Theatre

3683 Quail Ave., Castro Valley

(510) 733-5483


Tickets: $12-$20

All sales final – no refunds

Flowers to make your neighbors green with envy

By Daniel O’Donnell

Millions of Americans will celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day by wearing green, whether they have Irish heritage or not. However, the color associated with Saint Patrick in Ireland was actually blue. Green first became associated with the holiday during the 1798 Irish Rebellion against the British Empire when flags with green clovers were used as a symbol of Irish nationalism. Green has been associated with Saint Patrick’s Day ever since. Since people will be focusing on all things green for March 17th, it is a good time to explore some plants that are grown for their vibrant flowers but have some lesser-known green flowered varieties as well.

Green is often associated with the leaves of a plant, not flowers. Although green foliage comes from chlorophyll, green flowers are colored by the same anthocyanin and carotenoid pigments that give different colors to other flowers. Dyed or naturally green flowers are used frequently in floral arrangement, but green is still not a flower color commonly sought by gardeners. Perhaps because of all the green foliage in the garden. However, the rarity of seeing natural green flowers in the garden makes them that much more intriguing.

Below are seven plants that have beautiful green flowers that you don’t need “luck of the Irish” to enjoy.

Tayabak, native to the Philippines, is the local name for what is commonly called Jade vine in the western world. This tropical vine can grow stems as long as 60 feet. It produces floral stalks with clusters of as many as 75 blue-green to mint-green claw shaped flowers. This is a plant that cannot be grown outdoors in Bay Area gardens because of our climate. It is very rare and in danger of becoming extinct. It starts the list, however, because the amazing green flower clusters can be seen at Conservatory of Flowers in San Francisco (conservatoryofflowers.org). It is on the list of what is currently in bloom as of March 6.

Nicotiana alata “Lime Green” or Flowering Tobacco plant, is a small low maintenance shrub that produces many chartreuse trumpet-shaped flowers from late spring to early fall. The plant thrives in full or partial sunlight. Blossoms close in bright light but will reopen when the sun starts to go down. This is also the time when the flowers smell their most fragrant. Unlike the unpopular cigarette tobacco smell, this flowering tobacco plant is often planted near windows so its sweet fragrance can drift through the house.

“SunFill Green” is a sunflower variety that produces three- to four-inch green sunflower heads. The green color of a young sunflower comes from the green sepals, or outer part of the flower that wraps the bud. The green sepals form the fiery looking outer rim that makes the flower look like the sun as it develops to maturity. Young petals, which become seeds, are also green and are often used for green flowers in floral arrangements. Outer petals turn yellow as the flower matures, but the green center and outer green sepals make this one of the most intriguing sunflowers.

Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae is a practically zero maintenance, drought tolerant, small shrub that can grow in sun or shade. It produces upright clusters of what look like green disc-like flowers but are actually modified leaves called bracts. Green bracts can last for months. The actual tiny springtime flowers that bloom in the center of the bracts are chartreuse and add more depth to the green hue.

Calla Lily “Green Goddess” is another plant that produces what is commonly referred to as a flower but is a type of a single bract called a spathe. The actual flower cluster it surrounds is less visually significant. The trumpet-shaped “flowers” have bright white bases which fade from light to dark green at their edges. The elegant green “flowers” when used in floral arrangements can be enjoyed for weeks, and when left to grow in the garden can be admired for months.

Green Hellebore Helleborus viridis, Hellebore “Lush Green,” and the Corsican Hellebore are just three types of hellebores that produces smooth bright green flowers. Hellebore flowers tend to droop downwards. This makes them good plants for hanging pots or sloped yards since the flowers are better seen from below.

Clivia “Hirao” bloom in spring with a cluster of lime green trumpet shaped flowers. Orange and sometimes yellow Clivias are no strangers to Bay Area gardens. These drought-tolerant shade-loving plants thrive here. There should be no reason that Clivia “Hirao” will not thrive as well except that purchasing a live plant is almost impossible. However, since the breeding of the original “Hirao” there have been many more varieties created such as “Hottie’s Hirao,” making it easier to purchase seeds than live plants.

All brightly colored spring flowers will attract the attention of passersby while the green hues will appeal to those who appreciate a more subtle show. St Patrick himself would surely have been proud to have any of these green flowers in his garden!

Daniel O’Donnell is the co-owner and operator of an organic landscape design/build company in Fremont. www.Chrysalis-Gardens.com

Local History Museum receives Aid through ARPA Grant

Submitted by Washington Township Museum of Local History

The Washington Township Museum of Local History would like to formally thank the County of Alameda, specifically the office of Supervisor David Haubert, District 1, for the recent grant of $10,000 to help the museum continue to recuperate from the financial loss sustained during the Covid-19 pandemic.

This grant was administered through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Supervisorial District Community Needs Cash Aids Grant program. Thank you to Kathy Kimberlin, local non-profit champion and field director for District 1, for personally delivering these needed funds
to our museum on March 1, 2023. We appreciate this much needed financial support, which will help us keep history alive in Fremont, Newark and Union City. Thank you!

Ohlone College Celebrates 50 Years of Chicano Studies

Submitted by Dina Rubiolo

Through March 16, 2023, an exhibit at Louie-Meager Art Gallery at the Ohlone College Fremont Campus commemorates 50 years of the Chicano Studies program at the school. Comprising photos, news articles, and archival material, the exhibit documents the establishment of the program, and the struggles and accomplishments of the program over the next five decades.

Ethnic Studies as a program was conceived in the 1960s, to address the needs of students of color. The first such programs were established at San Francisco State University and University of California Berkeley in 1969. In the same year Ohlone College students formed the group “La Nueva Raza.” In 1971, the group and their supporters met with campus administrators to demand greater accountability from the institution and recognition of Latino students. Their demands were as follows:

  1. Hire Chicano faculty, staff, counselors, and administrators
  2. Hire a bilingual Chicano counselor immediately
  3. Build outreach efforts to local Latino residents
  4. Create a Chicano community advisory committee
  5. Develop a Chicano Summer learning program

These demands were met by the Ohlone Board of Trustees, with great support from the community. Also in 1971, La Raza Nueva students painted a mural of two Mixtec warriors, symbolizing pride, identity, and awareness of Latino students. (The mural was recreated in 2023.)

In 1972, the Ohlone Board, faculty senate, and curriculum committee agreed to nine new Chicano Studies courses, including Chicano History, Chicano Culture, and Chicano Literature. 1972 also saw the hiring of Ohlone’s first Chicano Studies full-time faculty member, Ramon Quezada.

Alongside the exhibit, Ohlone is holding a Chicano Studies Reunion on Saturday, March 18. This event is for current students and alumni of TIP, Chicano Studies, MEChA, and Puente (and Latinx students in general). Catch up with friends and take tours of the remodeled Ohlone campus.

Chicano Studies: 50 Years at Ohlone College

Through Thursday, Mar 16

11 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Louie-Meager Art Gallery

Smith Center for Fine and Performing Arts

43600 Mission Blvd., Fremont

Chicano Studies Reunion

Saturday, Mar 18

12 noon – 2 p.m.

Ohlone College

Fremont Multicultural Student Center (Bldg. 4)

To join our network and RSVP: bit.ly/OhloneLatinxReunion

Visit www.ohlone/artgallery for more information.

Cohousing offers attractive lifestyle for empty nesters

Submitted by Evelyn LaTorre and Jane Mueller

Cohousing is an attractive option for “empty nesters” who are looking to readjust their lifestyle now that their children have become adults. This is largely due to the balance cohousing achieves between privacy and community. Cohousing is a type of intentional community in which residents maintain their own private households while sharing amenities, such as a Common House equipped with entertainment space, a large kitchen, dining and recreational areas, guest rooms, and quiet workspaces.

For many parents, the day their children leave the nest marks a major transition. They find themselves with a home that exceeds their needs and a surplus of time and energy that had been previously devoted to their children. This period, known as the empty nest phase, can be a challenging and exciting time as parents adjust to a new way of life.

“Moving out of our five-bedroom house with its big yard has allowed us to simplify our lives, to pursue interests that were on hold, and to free up time and money for travel,” remarks Kathleen Olstein, whose three sons are now out of school and establishing their own careers.

For many empty nesters, the transition to a smaller home or condominium can be daunting, as they may already be experiencing a loss of the sense of connection they formerly had from involvement in their children’s activities. One attraction of cohousing is its built-in support network and intentional social interaction. Cohousing communities often organize group meals, celebrations, and outings, which can be an excellent way to connect with others and discover new interests.

Cohousing can also be an attractive option for those who want to reduce their expenses and live more sustainably. The goal is to share and conserve resources. There is no need for each household maintain a seldom-used guest room when visitors can use guest rooms in the Common House. Similarly, households can share lawn mowers and other tools. Some cohousing communities even own a shared truck to meet the occasional transporting needs. Many organize themselves to buy groceries in bulk to reduce food cost and waste, and almost every cohousing community has a community garden. Fremont’s Mission Peak Village, which will be the Tri-Cities’ first cohousing community, has set aside a spacious area of their property for gardening.

In addition to having a garden, cohousing communities emphasize reduced use of water and energy. Sustainability begins with the architectural design, as shown with Mission Peak Village. The buildings will be positioned so the sun shines directly into the units for warmth in the winter, but not in the summer. Windows will be positioned to allow air to flow through the units so there is little need for air conditioning. Living units will be clustered on the property to make a footprint that allows for maximum open space and light. Solar panels will be used to power the all-electric facility.

As attractive as Mission Peak Village will be for empty nesters, members are planning to include all age groups. The High Street neighborhood where they will build is already composed of families of varying ages.

“I love the energy and playfulness that children bring to a neighborhood,” says Mission Peak Village co-founder Jane Mueller. “With my own children grown, I look forward to living among families with children still at home. My favorite kind of tree is one that has kids climbing in it.”

Another benefit of cohousing is the opportunity to participate in shared decision-making and community governance. Cohousing communities typically operate on a consensus-based model, in which all residents have a say. This can be an empowering experience for those who feel wary of surrendering decisions to a homeowner association.

Cohousing can be a compelling option for those who are looking to simplify their lives while also maintaining a sense of community, social support, and empowerment.

This article is part of an ongoing series on cohousing. To learn more on the topic of cohousing, visit www.cohousing.org. To learn more about Mission Peak Village, visit www.missionpeakcohousing.org.

Mission Peak Village is a group of friends forming Fremont’s first cohousing community. Memberships are still available. Call Kelli at (510) 413-8446 or visit Mission Peak Village on Facebook, Instagram, or the www.missionpeakcohousing.org website, where you can register for a monthly walk to explore the neighborhood around the future site in the Irvington district of Fremont.

Union City’s COVID19 Response Grant Program

Submitted by City of Union City

The City of Union City will be issuing another round of its COVID-19 Response Grant Program. The program has distributed approximately $620,000 in grant funds and forgivable loans to the community to respond to the impacts of COVID-19 and will distribute another $322,000 through this latest round of funding. The City will be utilizing federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and CARES Act funds.

Grants are available through the City’s Road to Recovery Small Business Assistance Program and Residential Rental Assistance Program. The city began accepting applications since March 6, and will begin reviewing applications submitted on or before March 30, 2023, at 5 p.m.

The program information and online application are available at the city’s website:


Flash Fiction – Call for Writers

Submitted by Arathi Satish

Fremont Creates is part of California’s statewide initiative throughout April, Arts, Culture and Creativity Month. This extensive program features performances, demonstrations and participatory events. As a part of this celebration, Fremont Cultural Arts Council and Half-Price Books will co-sponsor a special event, “Flash Fiction – A Day in the life of a Creative Artist.”

The event will be held on Saturday, April 29 and hosted at Half-Price Books in Fremont Hub. This contest is open to anyone and there are no age categories. Entries must be 300 words or less, including the title. Writers can submit up to three entries, but cannot submit fiction that contains plagiarism or would be offensive to the general reader. FCAC reserves the right to return entries that do not meet the criteria.

Al Minard, organizer of the event said, “The creative artist could be a sculptor, painter, dancer, performer, writer, musician, architect, or any other creative artist. It could be where they got their idea, why they chose a certain medium, and then any mistakes that happened along the way.”

Over $250 in cash and gift card prizes will be awarded to those who win. There is no age or residency restriction. Entries submitted without a title will be given a generic title. They must be in 12-point type or larger font, which will fit on a printed 8 ½” x 11” sheet of paper with the name on the back or a separate sheet of paper.

Submissions will not be accepted at Half-Price Books and must be received by e-mail or postmarked by midnight, Monday, April 24.

To submit by postal mail, mail your entries to:

FCAC Flash Fiction Contest

℅ Fremont Cultural Arts Council

P.O. Box 1314, Fremont, CA 94538

Write the author’s name and contact information on the back or separate sheet of paper.

To submit by email, send your entry as a Word or PDF compatible attachment to fc*********@gm***.com. Include the author’s name and contact information in the body of the email message.

For more information, visit www.fremontculturalartscouncil.org.

Flash Fiction Contest – A Day in the life of a Creative Artist

Saturday, Apr 29

10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

5:30 p.m. Prizes awarded

Half-Price Books

39152 Fremont Hub

Submission Deadline: Monday, Apr 24


From Berkeley to Berlin book signing

Submitted by Acacia Creek

On Thursday, March 23, Acacia Creek will hold a book signing for From Berkeley to Berlin: How the Rad Lab Helped Avert Nuclear War by Tom Ramos. This event is free to former Atomic and DOE workers. For other registrants, the fee is $10 for a signed book.

All proceeds from this event will be donated to Honor Flight Network, whose mission is to celebrate America’s veterans by inviting them to share in a day of honor at our nation’s memorials.

Call (925) 453-3805 to RSVP. Space is limited.

From Berkeley to Berlin book signing

Thursday, Mar 23

2 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Acacia Creek Retirement Community

34400 Mission Blvd., Union City

(925) 453-3805


New Public Hours for Sulphur Creek Nature Center and Hayward Shoreline Interpretive Center

Submitted by Nicole Espinoza Roa

The Hayward Area Recreation and Park District (H.A.R.D.) invites the community to visit Sulphur Creek Nature Center on Tuesdays through Fridays, from 12 noon to 4 p.m. and on Saturdays and Sundays from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The Hayward Shoreline Interpretive Center will open to the public on Fridays and Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. beginning on March 18.

On weekdays, community members can explore Sulphur Creek Nature Center and take a self-guided virtual tour of the park or trails. Visitors can scan the QR codes on their smart phone to access fascinating animal facts and additional information on the resident animals. On Saturdays, drop in to join naturalists for free touch table programs.

Sulphur Creek’s enclosures may look a bit different because staff has updated safety pre
cautions due to the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza or HPAI. HPAI was first reported in Alameda County in September of 2022; this virus has led to the deaths of more than 58 million birds this past year. To keep our resident animals safe during the presence of HPAI, intake of sick or injured wildlife at the Sulphur Creek animal clinic is temporarily closed. School visits and registered programs continue at both sites multiple days per week and birthday parties abound.

H.A.R.D. introduced its Healthy Equity Initiative this past year. New to the nature unit are outreach programs for people of all abilities at Sorensdale Community Center and an engaging monthly series for seniors at the Hayward Area Senior Center is in development. Additionally, one day per week has been dedicated to free school field trips for underserved schools in the H.A.R.D. service area. For schools who are unable to organize transportation, staff will bring nature to the classroom with the mobile Learning Lab program.

H.A.R.D.’s wildly popular nature camps begin in June. For the third year in a row since the pandemic, the capacity of these camps increased, serving more than 350 children, immersing them in nature, exposing them to the local ecosystems and teaching future environmental stewards.

For more information, visit www.HaywardRec.org, email in**@ha********.org, or call (510) 881-6700.

Sulphur Creek Nature Center

Tuesdays – Fridays; 12 noon – 4 p.m.

Saturdays – Sundays; 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Hayward Shoreline Interpretive Center

Fridays – Saturdays; 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Starting Saturday, Mar 18


Center continues to offer help to homeless in Fremont

Submitted by City of Fremont

After recently celebrating its second year of operation, the Fremont Housing Navigation Center (FHNC) has provided encouragement and housing for 83 unhoused, local individuals.

Since its opening in September 2020, and with the assistance of Bay Are Community Services, FHNC has assisted 46 residents find stable housing and 22 residents with obtaining employment upon exiting the program.

Additionally, FHNC came in under budget at $2.01 million and was fully funded via several state and county funding sources, including State Permanent Local Housing Allocation and Alameda Social Service Agency Funding.

The positive statistics were revealed in a two-year fiscal year-end progress report released March 9. The report is posted online at www.fremont.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/12637.

Twice-Annual Curbside Residential Bulky Item Clean-up Collection

Submitted by Republic Services

Do you have an unwanted couch, mattress, washing machine or other large household appliance you need collected? Union City residents are eligible to receive two annual bulky item collections from the curb at no additional charge to conveniently and responsibly manage items that are too large to fit in the landfill (garbage) cart. Call Republic Services at (510) 657-3500 to schedule your bulky item collection.

  • Your collection date will be scheduled no more than 21 days after you request this service.
  • You will receive a postcard confirming the appointment date.
  • Wait until the evening before your scheduled collection day to set out items at the curb. If items are set out too soon, this may encourage others to add to your bulky item pile, and your pile may not be collected if it does not meet the program requirements.
  • If items are not set out when the truck arrives (as early as 6 a.m.), you will need to call in again to reschedule your collection for another day, and you will be required to move materials out of public view until the newly scheduled collection date.

Republic Services will haul away up to four cubic yards of materials per collection, with set-out dimensions measured at 9-feet wide, 3-feet deep, and 4-feet tall. Accepted materials include large appliances, electronic waste, yard trimmings, furniture and carpets, tires and other materials such as flattened cardboard. Prohibited items include rocks, dirt or concrete, hazardous and medical waste, painted wood, construction and demolition debris, and items over 150 pounds.

Before discarding items or arranging for collection, please consider reuse options such as selling or donating items at a garage sale, through local online community groups such as Freecycle, Craigslist, or Facebook Buy Nothing, or to local non-profit groups and thrift stores. Visit Resource.StopWaste.org for additional reuse and recycling options. It is important to note that if someone offers to your haul your materials for a low price, it may be illegally dumped. If your items are found illegally dumped, you can be held liable for removal costs, penalties, and fees, even if you did not dump it yourself.

To ensure your items are managed properly and recyclable items can be salvaged, please consider reuse and recycling options for your unwanted items or arrange for a bulky item collection through Republic Services. Call Republic Services at (510) 657-3500 to schedule your bulky item collection. Learn more about this service at RepublicServicesAC.com.

Sheep Shearing Day

Submitted by Ardenwood Historic Park

Spring has sprung and it is time for our sheep’s annual “haircut.” Watch as the farm’s sheep get sheared; then, try your hand at wool carding and see the transformation from fiber to yarn at the spinning wheel. You can even make your own wooly lamb to take home.

The instructor for this event is Mindy Castle. Admission is $7 for adults, $6 for seniors 62+, and $5 for children ages 4-17. Children three and under are free.

Sheep Shearing Day

Saturday, Mar 18

11 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Ardenwood Historic Farm

34600 Ardenwood Blvd., Fremont

(510) 544-2797


Tickets: $5 – $7

Free parking

Spring Fiesta at Eden Church

Submitted by Pepper Swanson

Eden United Church of Christ is celebrating the arrival of Spring on Saturday, March 18 with a cultural celebration including music and dance, food, carnival games, a silent auction, door prizes, information on commu
nity services, and COVID-19 vaccinations.

Featured entertainment includes Ballet Folklorico Winton Middle School; the Aztec Dance Group; Cherryland Zumba; and local vocalist, musician and songwriter Dawn Coburn. Silent auction includes restaurant and catering gift certificates, theater and sporting passes, services by local merchants, and beautiful handcrafted items. All items include a “buy now” price. Silent auction rounds close at 2 p.m. & 4 p.m. To donate auction items, call Pat Payne at (510) 427-5261.

Games include 16 activities and over 500 prizes for attendees of all ages. Refreshments are homemade tacos, tamales, and burgers. Game and food tickets are available at the door or can be purchased in advance by calling the Church Office at (510) 582-9533. Community organizations will provide local civic and health information as well COVID-19 vaccinations for people of all ages.

This family-friendly Spring Fiesta is a fundraiser for Eden Church’s “Our Turn to Shine” Campaign to replace our leaky 75-year old Sanctuary windows so we can continue our 158-year tradition of serving the spiritual and physical needs of our neighbors.

Eden Church is located at the corner of Birch and Grove Streets in Hayward. For more information or to obtain discounted game and food tickets, call (510) 582-9533.

Spring Fiesta

Saturday, Mar 18

11 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Eden United Church of Christ

21455 Birch St., Hayward

(510) 582-9533


First St. Joseph Conference

Submitted by Old Mission San Jose

The first annual Conference and Eucharist honoring Saint Joseph is being hosted by Saint Joseph Parish/Old Mission San Jose on Saturday, March 18.

This premier event will include continental breakfast, presentations in English and Vietnamese, Eucharistic Adoration and private reconciliation, and faith-based activities for children. Bishop Michael Barber, SJ will preside at the Eucharistic Celebration and blessing of the statue of Sleeping St. Joseph. Lunch will be provided for conference participants, followed by discounted access to the Mission San Jose’s Museum and gift shop until 4:30 p.m.

For more information and to register: https://www.saintjosephmsj.org/conference/

St. Joseph Conference & Mass

Saturday, Mar 18

8 a.m.

St. Joseph Parish / Old Mission San Jose

43148 Mission Blvd., Fremont

(510) 656-2364


St. Patrick’s Day events

St. Patrick’s Day Pub Crawl

Saturday, Mar 11 – Saturday, Mar 25

Download the free Goosechase app, use code RAINBOW, and complete all the challenges for a chance to win a $50 downtown gift card.


Saint Patrick’s Day at Jack’s Brewing Company

Friday, Mar 17

Gaelic Muses: 12 noon – 2 p.m.

Treacherous French: 8 p.m. – 10 p.m.

Live music, green beer, and food specials

Jack’s Brewing Company

39176 Argonaut Way, Fremont

(510) 796-2036


Lucky’s St. Patrick’s Day Crawl

Friday, Mar 17 – Saturday, Mar 18

Check in: 4 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Crawl locations: 4 p.m. – 10 p.m.

Enjoy themed drinks at bars in downtown San Jose.

Three Sisters

170 West Saint John St., San Jose

Tickets: $24-29

10th St. Patrick’s Day Brew Crawl

Saturday, Mar 18

5 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Sample over 20 craft beers and ciders from local breweries and enjoy tasty bites. Entertainment includes live Celtic music, Irish Dancers, photo booths. Wear green!


Tickets: $50

Steam Event

Submitted by Gloria Kim

City of Fremont invites you to the “Spring into STEAM” event, a FREE, family-friendly evening on Wednesday, March 29 at the Fremont Downtown Event Center. Fun STEAM activities, giveaways, Fremont Unified School District (FUSD)’s 5th Grade Science Fair Winner Showcase, food trucks, music, exhibitors, and more will fill the evening. Theevent is Seagate sponsored, hosted by City of Fremont, with further partnership with FUSD and Fremont Street Eats, endorsing educational programs that will lead to careers in science, technology, engineering, arts, and math.

For more details, visit https://bit.ly/SpringintoSTEAM

Spring into STEAM

Wednesday, Mar 29

4 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Downtown Event Center

3500 Capitol Ave., Fremont



Help is available for filing tax returns

Submitted by City of Fremont

This year’s April 18 deadline to file income tax returns is fast approaching. With new tax laws in place, along with changing deductions and income levels, completing the forms can be a challenge for some taxpayers. But help is available.

Most taxpayers or households that made less than $75,000 during 2022 are eligible for free income-tax preparation assistance provided by trained volunteers from the IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program.

In Fremont, in-person, drop-off and virtual services are being offered through April 18 at the Fremont Family Resource Center on Liberty Street, near City Hall. Additionally, in-person only tax preparation services are available in Newark at the Newark Senior Center and in Union City at Union City Family Center. All services are by appointment only.

For details, visit the Fremont Resource Center tax help page at http://city.fremont.gov/taxhelp or call (510) 250-2606.

Come out for a train ride!

Submitted by Niles Canyon Railway

Niles Canyon Railway is pleased to announce that we are restarting our Saturday and Sunday steam and diesel-powered train rides during the second and third weekends of March, April and May 2023. All other dates through October are on sale as well!

There are two ride times per day with a train of both open and enclosed cars. Trains depart from the Sunol depot only. All of the details are available on our website via the button above including links to purchase your tickets online.

Enjoy a ride through Niles Canyon!

Steam and Diesel Train Rides

2nd and 3rd weekends, March – May

10:30 a.m. & 1:00 p.m.

Sunol Station

6 Kilkare Road, Sunol

(51) 996-8420


Alameda County looking for next Youth Poet Laureate

Submitted by Alameda County Library

Young writers and poets with a flair for performance who live in Alameda County now have a chance to share their literary passion by applying to become the county’s next Youth Poet Laureate.

Alameda County’s Laureate program celebrates poetry and connects young writers to opportunities for performances, community collaborations, and representing youth voices from all parts of the county. The Youth Poet Laureate serves as an ambassador to inspire civic engagement, social justice, cultural awareness, and literary excellence in all communities.

Applications for the position will be accepted April 1-30, with finalists being announced at the end of July followed by an awards ceremony in early August.

Eligibility rules:

  • Be an Alameda County resident.
  • Be between the ages of 13 and 18 as of May 1, 2023.
  • Be available to serve as Laureate for the program year, August 4, 2023 to August 2, 2024.
  • If selected as Laureate or Vice Laureate, must live locally during the laureate year.

Poems submitted will be judged on content, craft and voice. Those who advance to the interview round also will be judged on performance and leadership potential.

The Alameda County Youth Poet Laureate Program is sponsored by the Alameda County Library Foundation. For details about the program and application process, visit the Laureate program webpage at aclibrary.org/youth-poet.

2023 Ford Bronco Raptor: An Orange Bruiser

By Michael Coates

The 2023 Ford Bronco is not subtle. I’m not sure if you’ll see or hear the Bronco Raptor version first. The Code Orange exterior lights up the block in a color not seen since the ‘70s—or last Halloween. Though only a twin-turbocharged six-cylinder, the 400-horsepower rumble is real and also audible at least a block away.

The Bronco is a relatively new addition to the Ford SUV lineup, trading on a name that dates back almost 70 years. It’s a hardcore SUV in the Jeep tradition, designed to look and function as a true off-roader, ready to take on trails like the Rubicon near Lake Tahoe.

This is not a vehicle for someone who just wants to look like they go off-road. While comfortable by modern automobile standards, the Bronco’s 37-inch tall tires and race-ready Hoss 4.0 suspension with Fox shocks and semi-active dampers remind you every mile of the purpose of this vehicle. I had an opportunity to test out some of the Raptor’s capabilities up in the Santa Cruz Mountains; the orange beast responded like it was finally at home. It has the gearing to go on some serious rock-climbing, which I wasn’t able to test, but I have no doubt this truck has the stuff to back up its fierce looks.

Not for the Faint of Wallet

The Raptor sits atop Ford’s Bronco food chain, which includes the Bronco Sport, a smaller SUV that doesn’t have the off-road chops of its bigger brother. Let’s set it aside as a Bronco for those more interesting in looking like they go off-road but not willing to sacrifice some comforts of civilization.

Not that the Bronco is uncivilized—it’s just rugged, and designed to ignore the conventions of civilization. You can purchase the base Bronco for about $35,000 delivered, but our fully loaded Raptor topped out just north of $80,000. There are a variety of adventure-themed models (Big Bend, Black Diamond, Outer Banks, Heritage, Badlands, Everglades, get the picture?) in between that are more than capable of providing a full off-road experience.

At the upper reaches of the Bronco lineup fuel economy is down the list of concerns. The 5,733-pound Raptor faithfully delivers a not unexpected 15 mpg around town and on the highway. In some of the other models with smaller, less powerful engines and less overall weight, the Bronco is capable of topping 20 mpg.

Not Left Behind

The Bronco driver may strive to leave civilization, but that doesn’t mean all the comforts and conveniences of the modern world are left behind. Our Raptor had a full complement of technology, including a 12-inch LCD touchscreen, a 4G WiFi hotspot, wireless phone charging, carbon fiber pieces throughout, leather-trimmed suede seats and SiriusXM with 10 speakers for entertainment along with a 360-degree camera, adaptive cruise control (not for off-road use!) and a suite of Ford’s latest safety tech.

It’s not just a brute, even though it sometimes comes off as one. The driver’s seating position gives a total command point-of-view with the array of switches and buttons all nearby. The ample horsepower and torque from the twin-turbo engine are readily available, on-road or off. For such a tall and heavy vehicle, the Bronco was quite adept at navigating the mountain roads on the way to the trails.

Our final thought is something we’ve already said. This is a purposeful vehicle. It is not happy if all it gets to do is cruise the highways and city streets. The Raptor in particular, and the Bronco in general, was born for off-road fun. It would be a shame if someone just kept one sitting nicely polished in their driveway.

News and notes from around the world

Submitted by The Association of Mature American Citizens

Kiss me mate

Good news for those lonely couples engaged in a long-distance romance. China’s Changzhou Vocational Institute of Mechatronic Technology has come up with a device that lets absent lovers share a kiss via their cell phones, reports the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC). He and she simply
download the kissing app to their phones, dial up their partners and exchange a life-like smooch using silicon lips that fit into their phones’ charging ports.

Ugly is in the eye of the beholder

Calling all owners of ugly dogs: this year’s annual The World’s Ugliest Dog Contest will be held in June at California’s Sonoma-Marin Fair, according to AMAC. The fairground authorities’ invitation notes that “while the World’s Ugliest Dog contest is a celebration of the imperfections that make our dogs lovable, a good many of them are rescues from shelters and puppy mills, so we use the fun and notoriety of this competition to raise awareness for dog adoption.” Last year’s contest winner was Mr. Happy, a Chinese crested Chihuahua mix.

Boy oh boy

Lathan Williams, who hails from Hammond, LA, is likely to have his picture on a baseball card pretty soon, says AMAC. In fact, seven-year-old Lathan the Kid Umpire, as he’s known around town and his growing social media fan club, may soon be declared the world’s youngest baseball umpire by the judges at the Guinness World Record. He’s been calling plays on baseball fields since he turned five-years-old.

The Association of Mature American Citizens is a nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy organization representing membership in Washington, D.C. and in local congressional districts nationwide. More information is available on its website at www.amac.us.

Park It: Sheep Shearing

By Ned MacKay

Once a year, the sheep at Ardenwood Historic Farm in Fremont are divested of their woolly overcoats.

This year, sheep-shearing day is from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, March 18. Watch the experts shear the sheep, then try your hand at wool carding and see the transformation from fiber to yarn at the spinning wheel. You can also make your own woolly lamb to take home.

Fees for the event are $7 for adults, $6 for seniors 62 and older, $5 for children ages 4 through 17, and free for kids three and under. Parking is free.

Ardenwood is located at 34600 Ardenwood Boulevard just north of Highway 84. For information, call (510) 544-2797.

Like humans, animals use a variety of languages to communicate with each other. Hear some of nature’s beautiful sounds and learn what is making them during “Sonidos En La Naturaleza –Sounds in Nature,” a program from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 18 at Coyote Hills Regional Park in Fremont. This is one of a continuing series of bilingual programs, in English and Spanish, led by naturalist Martha Cerda.

And from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. the same day, naturalist Erin Blackwood will preside at “Bird Beak Buffet.” The program explores how wetland birds adapted to eat different kinds of food living in the water and mud. The group will use familiar objects to model various bird beaks. Meet at the park visitor center for either program. Both are free of charge and registration is not necessary. All ages are welcome; parent participation is required.

Coyote Hills is at 8000 Patterson Ranch Road off Paseo Padre Parkway. There’s a parking fee of $5 per vehicle. For information, call (510) 544-3220.

“Spring Has Sprung” is the theme of Family Nature Fun Hour from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 18 at Doug Siden Visitor Center at Crab Cove in Alameda. It’s a stroll led by an interpretive student aide to see what’s new in the park, including a craft-making activity.

The program repeats at the same time on Sunday, March 19. It’s free, and registration is not required. Crab Cove is at 1252 McKay Ave. off Alameda’s Central Avenue. For information, call (510) 544-3187.

Viewing denizens of the streams and ponds at Tilden Nature Area near Berkeley is the goal of an exploration from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 18, led by naturalist Trent Pearce.

This is a drop-in program; no registration is required. Wear shoes that can get wet and muddy. Meet Trent at the Environmental Education Center, located at the north end of Tilden’s Central Park Drive. For information, call (510) 544-2233.

“Afternoon Adventures” is a series of naturalist-led programs at Big Break Regional Shoreline in Oakley exploring Delta-related natural history topics. There’s an adventure scheduled from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, March 19. It’s free and registration isn’t required.

Big Break is at 69 Big Break Road off Oakley’s Main Street. Meet at the visitor center. For information, call (510) 544-3050.

Wildcat Canyon Regional Park is the venue for a birding walk from 9 a.m. to 12 noon on Monday, March 20 with naturalist Anthony Fisher. Meet Anthony at the park’s Alvarado Staging Area, which is on Park Avenue off McBryde Avenue in Richmond. For information, call (510) 544-2233.

Your small children will enjoy Hikes for Tykes, a series of naturalist-led walks for parents and kids. Hikes average about a mile; strollers are not recommended for most hikes. Bring a snack. There’s a Tyke Hike from 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. on Tuesday, March 21 at Oyster Bay Regional Shoreline in San Leandro. Attractions will include a new butterfly garden.

Meet at the park’s Neptune Drive entrance. For information, call (510) 544-3187.

These are just a few of the many programs and activities available in the East Bay Regional Parks. For full information, visit the website, www.ebparks.org/things-to-do.

Robin Redbreast

By Pat Kite

Robin is smiling in my garden. While there are occasional Robins with different colored bosoms, mine has a bright orange-red chest. Of course, there is a story or two. Once upon a time a little grey bird watched from a bush. It was terribly cold. It saw an old man and his son come stumbling by. The old man said “I can walk no further. I must rest.” The old man made a fire. He told his son to keep watch. But soon the son’s eyes closed. A wolf approached. The little grey bird saw it all. It flew down and tried to keep the fire burning by fanning it with his wings. The flames danced higher. They singed the chest of the brave little grey bird. Its chest turned red and remains red forever after.

If you are a tad superstitious, as I am, a visit from Robin could be a sign from heaven. According to legends, if a robin visits your garden, it maybe the spirit of a deceased person. This loving spirit is trying to tell you not to worry. It is watching over you. When you see a robin, you need to let go of the past and find another route to joy and happiness. The robin is encouraging you to be brave again. This bird is a symbol of new beginnings and luck.

For those who send Christmas cards, you may see Robin Redbreast on the cover. Once upon a Victorian time, postmen wore red-fronted uniforms. They were called “robins.” The
card with a robin motif represents the long-ago postmen who delivered holiday messages.

In March and April, robins are staking out their territories. Rival males will fight to the death. Males and females look a lot alike, although females are paler in color as camouflage. During mating season, males develop black head feathers which later disappear. Females sit on the four-egg nest for about two weeks. She never leaves the nest more than 10 minutes a day. A baby robin is brown. It stays in the nest for two weeks and then off it goes. Scientist who enjoy adventures calculated that robins eat 68 earthworms per day.

There are varying tribal Native American robin tales. In brief, the Robin signifies dawn. Its beak is the sun. This yellow beak is the sign of the hope that the sun has brought to our Earth. The robin represents hope and wisdom. Also, the yellow beak reminds us to be careful about what we say. And should a Robin Redbreast land on your windowsill, it can mean a soul is visiting you.


Airobotics acquires Iron Drone assets

By Brianna Wessling

Airobotics, a subsidiary of Ondas Holdings, announced that it has completed the acquisition of the assets of Iron Drone Ltd, an Israeli-based company that creates autonomous counter-drone systems. The acquisition became effective on March 6, 2023.

Iron Drone offers a fully-automated drone intercepting system that can eliminate small drones without using GPS or RF jamming. Based on initial radar guidance, the company’s interceptor drone is launched from a designated pod and autonomously flies toward its targets. The drone then locks onto the target with advanced AI vision, follows the target, incapacitates and captures it using a net and a parachute before it safely lowers it to the ground.

“Iron Drone’s counter-drone technology is a perfect fit for Ondas’ portfolio as it is a mission-critical system that can be installed to protect sensitive assets,” Eric Brock, Chairman and CEO of Ondas, said in a release. “The combination of Airobotics with Iron Drone represents a new revenue opportunity for Ondas in a market that is seeing a lot of growth. Iron Drone’s expertise and technology will be complementary to the Optimus System drone, providing our growing list of customers in the public safety and industrial sectors with the solution they are looking for.”

Iron Drone is Ondas’ first foray into the public safety, homeland security and defense markets. The company’s system and Airobotics’ Optimus System together offer a government-grade drone system for security and critical infrastructure protection and monitoring.

“We’re moving fast to bring the Iron Drone solution to the homeland security worldwide market,” Meir Kliner, Ondas Autonomous Systems President, said in a release. “We have already been approached by various potential customers who are looking for a reliable, non-weaponized counter-drone solution. The unique integrated AI-based Iron Drone solution relies on physical elimination of the target drone. This makes it effective against pre-programmed hostile drones and UAVs which do not rely on the operator’s radio-link. Moreover, due to its low collateral signature, it can be operated in areas where the use of jamming is prohibited, such as airports, populated areas, and critical infrastructures. With Iron Drone, our customers will be able to neutralize threats while utilizing Optimus drones for monitoring, observation, and video surveillance.”

Ondas announced it was acquiring Airobotics in July 2022, with the goal of accelerating American Robotics, another Ondas subsidiary, technical development and regulatory roadmap and expanding the breadth of applications, use cases and vertical AR targets.

Airobotics’ Optimus System is an autonomous unmanned aircraft system that focuses on high-value applications within the industrial, homeland security and smart city services market. The system includes an industrial-grade drone-in-a-box and the Optimus Airbase, which allows for robotic battery and payload swapping.

The Scout System from American Robotics includes Scout, a fully-autonomous drone, ScoutBase, a weatherproof charging and edge computing station and ScoutView, a fleet management and analytics software. Scout is intended for industrial, agricultural, and defense markets.

Brianna Wessling is an Associate Editor, Robotics, WTWH Media. She can be reached at bw*******@wt*******.com.

Castro Valley Unified School District

March 8, 2023


  • Students spoke about how the Puente Project at Castro Valley High School (CVHS) has benefited them. The goal of the project is to increase the number of underrepresented students who enroll in four-year colleges.
  • CVUSD is finalizing a partnership with Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center. This partnership will result in a health clinic on the CVHS campus available to students, families and the community. The clinic is scheduled to open in August 2023.


  • Ongoing litigation regarding proposed settlement of claims related to e-cigarettes and vaping issues. Name of case: JUUL Labs Inc., case #: HG20052619. Staff recommends that Castro Valley Board of Education approve readmission from expulsion for the student in Case #10-21/22. Passed unanimously (abstain, Quentin Hanson, Student Rep.)

Consent Agenda

  • Approve purchase order report for January 26, 2023 through February 15, 2023
  • Approve new and closed positions on the request for personnel action board report as of March 2, 2023
  • Adopt resolution 39 – 22/23, disposal of obsolete and/or surplus property
  • Accept donations to the district
  • Approve facility use agreement – alcohol use request for the Castro Valley Adobe Art Center Gallery
  • Adopt resolution 40 – 22/23, notice of completion for the Stanton Elementary School – Phase 2 modernization project shade structure and amphitheater
  • Adopt resolution 41 – 22/23, notice of completion for the Marshall Elementary School – phase 2 modernization project – portable relocation
  • Adopt resolution 42 – 22/23, approval of qualified architectural firms
  • Approve upcoming district-sponsored overnight and out of state field trips
  • Approve out-of-state conference request for South by Southwest EDU Conference

President Lavender Whitaker              Aye

Michael Kusiak                                   Aye

Dolly Adams                                       Aye

Gary Howard                                      Aye

Sara Raymond                                     Aye

Quentin Hanson, Student
Rep.            Aye

Fremont Unified School District

March 8, 2023

Business Items

  • Adopt Resolution 030-2223 to decrease the number of classified employees due to lack of work and/or lack of funds. Passed unanimously.

Consent Calendar

  • Approve study trips
  • Approve additional funding for Non-Public Schools / Non-Public Agencies for 2022-2023 school year
  • Approval of new and closed positions
  • Amend the agreement with RGM Kramer, Inc. for Program Management Services for the Measure E Bond Program
  • Ratify agreement with Microsoft for Cybersecurity Incident Response Services
  • Ratify agreement with Softchoice for Microsoft Software Licensing Upgrade and Renewal
  • Approve personnel actions
  • Approve Athletic Coaches – Winter & Spring 2023
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) and Fremont Unified District Teachers Association (FUDTA) for Extended Day Kindergarten

President Vivek Prasad                       Aye

Yajing Zhang                                      Aye

Larry Sweeney                                    Aye

Dianne Jones                                       Aye

Sharon Coco                                       Aye

Student Member Sissi Zhang              Aye

Hayward Area Recreation and Park District

March 6, 2023

Business Items

  • The Board of Directors will consider acceptance of the Sunset Futsal Courts project. The project includes four futsal courts for youth play (convertible to two futsal courts for adult play), perimeter fencing, lighting, restroom, ticket booth and shade structure, storage containers, community spectating area, drinking fountain, miscellaneous site furniture, and accessible parking.
  • The Board of Directors will consider approval of a purchase and sale agreement between Eden Housing and Hayward Area Recreation and Park District for a 0.34-acre parcel (1432 A Street) adjacent to Eden’s affordable housing development. Additionally, regarding a future creekside trail, the Board will consider authorizing the General Manager to accept a Trail Easement and Trail Improvement Agreement, both from Eden Housing, to facilitate its construction and management. Passed 4-1 (nay Rosen)
  • The Board of Directors will consider approval of a task order with Wallace Roberts & Todd for D & Clay Street and 1350 E Street projects. In 2021 the district purchased the two adjacent properties. Together the properties will create a new 4-acre park in Hayward and host a portion of the future Foothill Trail. Passed 4-1 (nay Hodges)
  • The District’s Facility Naming Committee is putting forward a recommendation that the soccer fields at San Lorenzo Community Park Soccer Field be named the Omar Rodriguez, Sr. Soccer Fields. A native of soccer-mad Uruguay, Luis ‘Omar’ Rodriguez moved to the Hayward Area in 1968, settling with his wife and family in San Lorenzo Village. Omar coached, managed and promoted youth soccer in Southern Alameda County from the early 1970’s until a few years before his death in 2018.

President Rick Hatcher            Aye

Paul Hodges                            Aye, 1 Nay

Peter Rosen                             Aye, 1 Nay

Louis Andrade                        Aye

Sara Lamnin                            Aye

The Ides of March

By Jack Alcorn

On March 15, 44 B.C. Rome’s supreme commander Julius Caesar sat in the center of the senate to lead the day’s proceedings. Statesmen stood about calm and casual, with daggers concealed beneath their togas. Suddenly, they began to slash at their prey with knives, fatally wounding the legendary ruler.

Julius Caesar’s reign produced the greatest empire the world had ever seen, stretching from the banks of the Nile to the British Isles. Power in Caesar’s era was strictly vested in wealthy land and business owners. Caesar loosened the oligarchy’s grip on the Roman constitution. His progressive leadership introduced rent control, debt cancellation, land redistribution and other measures that eroded the privileged interests of the ruling class.

Caesar’s rise to power was made possible by the formation of the renowned “triumvirate” – a united political front combining military, financial and academic prowess. As California faces a demographic tipping point, land use constraints and political divisiveness a modern triumvirate has emerged to build a new political party. Moderate Republicans, centrist Democrats and Independents have united to form the Forward Party.

The Forward Party brings together the Serve America Party; Common Sense Party; and Renew America Movement. Serve America seeks numerous electoral reforms like ranked choice voting, and open primaries. The socially diverse Common Sense Party wants to assure accountability in Sacramento. Renew America fights to end political extremism. The groundbreaking Forward political party fuses a broad spectrum of voters to strengthen our democracy.

The Forward Party creates a political home for everyone willing to set aside partisan extremes and find practical ways to truly improve communities. Forward celebrates diverse viewpoints, creativity and common-sense solutions. The Party’s goals are simple:

  • Free People: Revitalize a culture that celebrates difference and individual choice.
  • Thriving Communities: Reinvigorate a fair, flourishing economy and open society.
  • Vibrant Democracy: Reform our republic to give Americans more choices in elections.

These priorities are the foundation for Forward policymaking.

The new Forward Party will be ready for liftoff at a national convention in Summer 2023. Forward volunteers and supporters are on a national tour to hear people’s ideas and conduct state-by-state party registration and ballot access. They are also recruiting solutions-oriented candidates to run for office, at all levels. The combined efforts of the three organizations that are merging to make this possible seek to take ou
r country in a better direction. Not Left. Not Right. Forward.


Greenblatt, Miriam (2006) Julius Caesar and the Roman Republic Tarrytown, NY. Marshall Cavendish Benchmark

Newark City Council

February 23, 2023


  • Introduction of Danielle Cranon-Jones, Administrative Support Specialist II for the Silliman Activity & Family Aquatic Center

Other Business

  • Adopt a resolution approving funding for small business assistance in the Old Town neighborhood and citywide; amend the Consulting Services Agreement for Spectrum Small Business Services; authorize marketing contracts for small business assistance. Passed 3-0-2 (recused Collazo, Freitas)

Consent Calendar

  • Approval of audited demands
  • Adopt a resolution to vacate excess City right-of-way between I-880 and 38600 Cedar Blvd., and declare the street remnant of Timber St. exempt surplus land, and authorize the sale and conveyance
  • Authorize Task Order No.26 to the Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Fremont for case management services
  • Authorize a Memorandum of Agreement and Funds Transfer Agreement with the Federal Highways Administration for Thornton Ave. Complete Streets Project

Mayor Michael Hannon          Aye

Sucy Collazo                           Aye

Luis Freitas                             Aye

Mike Bucci                              Aye

Matthew Jorgens                     Aye

New Haven Unified School District

March 6, 2023

Consent Agenda

  • Personnel Actions
  • Approval of Contracts less than $10,000
  • Change Order No. 1, Installation of Photovoltaic Cell Solar Structures at Pioneer & Searles Elementary Schools
  • Acceptance of Completion of Project: Purchase of generators and installation of connection points at all school sites
  • Board policy revisions
  • Ratification of contract with Escon Builders for the Baseball Dugout Shed Project at James Logan High School
  • Ratification of agreement with Souto Brothers, Inc. for the Asphalt Project at Delaine Eastin Elementary School
  • Approval of contract between New Haven Unified School District and Frontline Education for Initial Recruiting & Hiring Bundle Services
  • Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with Dr. Desmond Carson for 2022-23 and 2023-24
  • Approval of Memorandum of Contract with San Joaquin County Office of Education for 2022-2025

President Lance Nishihira       Aye

Shruti Kumar                          Aye

Michael Gonzales                    Aye

Shamsa Rafay                         Aye

Mel Shuen-Mallory                 Aye

California governor won’t deliver State of the State speech

By Adam Beam

Associated Press

California Gov. Gavin Newsom won’t give a State of the State address this year, shunning the teleprompter that has frustrated him because of his dyslexia in favor of a statewide tour this month, in which he can highlight his major policy goals in a more informal setting.

It’s a break from tradition for Newsom, a Democrat and potentially a future presidential candidate who has attempted many times to reinvent the speech for modern audiences. He has tried devoting the entire speech to just one topic — homelessness in 2020 — and using Dodger Stadium during the pandemic to give exhausted residents a pep talk about “brighter days ahead.”

Scripted speeches have given Newsom trouble because of his dyslexia, a common learning disability that makes it harder for him to read and do other things related to reading. It’s why he rarely uses notes in his public appearances and memorizes vast amounts of facts and figures. Last year, he invited lawmakers to hear his speech in a large auditorium in Sacramento in part because he could use a larger screen, according to the governor’s office.

Just about every governor in the U.S. gives a State of the State address, which mimics the State of the Union speech given by the president to Congress every year. The California Constitution requires the governor report to the state Legislature every year “on the condition of the State.”

Prior to World War II, governors would fulfill this requirement by sending a letter to the Legislature. That changed in the 1940s, when former Gov. Earl Warren — who would later become chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court — began giving a formal speech to the Legislature, according to Alex Vassar, who works at the California State Library and acts as an unofficial historian of the Legislature. Governors have been giving speeches ever since.

This year, Newsom plans to fulfill his constitutional requirement by sending a letter to the state Legislature. Next week, the governor’s office says, Newsom plans to embark on a four-day tour of the state to highlight his priorities.

“Long gone are the days of an hourlong gubernatorial address on prime-time TV that everyone went into their living room and watched,” said Matt Barreto, a political science professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, who was one of President Joe Biden’s pollsters during the 2020 election. “Perhaps the governor is thinking there are more effective ways of going out into the community and speaking directly to voters.”

Newsom has talked openly about his dyslexia, including writing a semi- autobiographical children’s book in 2021, pledging to donate all proceeds to the International Dyslexia Association. The condition hasn’t slowed him down. Newsom has given two major speeches already this year: his second inaugural address and a hourslong budget briefing for reporters, both in January.

“Building on his inaugural address and January budget, the Governor looks forward to fulfilling his constitutional obligation to update the Legislature on the state of the state — and joining lawmakers across California to outline transformative policy proposals that will strengthen our communities,” Anthony York, Newsom’s senior adviser for communications, said in a text message.

Tom Lackey, cha
ir of the Assembly Republican Caucus, called Newsom’s tour a way “to distract from his record of failure.”

“The format of his message is less important than its contents — an honest State of the State should acknowledge that California is in trouble,” Lackey said, pointing to issues like inflation, crime and homelessness.

In recent years, California’s State of the State speech has faded from public view. Many governors would deliver the speech in the morning to a joint session of the Legislature, far from prime-time audiences. Those speeches served a different purpose, marking the beginning of negotiations with legislative leaders and allowing the governor to set the agenda for lawmakers’ work ahead.

Khanna recognized for regional service efforts

Submitted by Colleen Haley

In an event held March 6 in Fremont, Congressman Ro Khanna was recognized as Legislator of the Year by special districts in Alameda County and across the state.

The recognition is awarded annually by the California Special Districts Association (CSDA) and was presented this year during a press conference at Washington Hospital Healthcare System.

Khanna was honored for his support of the local service specialists responsible for providing water, sanitation, healthcare, fire protection, parks, open space, resource conservation, mosquito abatement, and other essential services and infrastructure to communities throughout California.

During the pandemic, Khanna was one of 15 congressional signatories encouraging the California State Legislature and Governor Gavin Newsom to provide COVID-19 relief to special districts. The effort resulted in a $100 million State Budget allocation for districts in need of economic assistance.

Locally, Khanna and his staff assist special districts by helping them apply for critical infrastructure grants, necessary for disaster and emergency preparedness, climate resilience, and capacity planning. Khanna, a Democrat, represents District 17 which includes Fremont and Newark in Alameda County and several cities in northern Santa Clara County.

California’s communities are served by just over 2,000 independent special districts. These local governments are led by a board of directors that are elected or appointed to a fixed term to serve diverse communities and regions throughout the state. More information is posted online at www.csda.net.

San Leandro City Council

March 6, 202

Action Items

  • Amend the Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA) for the Nimitz Motel located at 555 Lewelling Boulevard to extend the due diligence period to July 1, 2023. Passed unanimously.

Consent Calendar

  • Approve a three-year Consulting Services Agreement with Davis Street Family Resource Center to serve residents who are at risk or who are already experiencing homelessness.
  • Amend the existing Consulting Services Agreement with Building Futures with Women and Children to support expanded Mobile Outreach and Emergency Housing Program Service.
  • Authorize purchase orders for fiscal year 2022-2023 with Dell Technologies for computers and technology equipment using the State of California NASPO ValuePoint Master Price Agreement.
  • Adopt a resolution expressing the City Council’s opposition to the East Bay Municipal Utility District’s “Quarry Site Restoration Project” and authorize any subsequent actions necessary to execute this policy direction.

Mayor Juan Gonzalez             Aye

Bryan Azevedo                       Aye

Celina Reynes                         Aye

Victor Aguilar                         Aye

Fred Simon                             Aye

Xouhoa Bowen                       Aye

Pete Ballew                             Aye

Alameda County Sheriff’s Office

Submitted by ACSO

Friday, March 10

  • At about 6:13 a.m. deputies responded to a report about a female suffering a mental health crisis and holding a knife at Eden Medical Center in Castro Valley. Upon arrival, deputies and Crisis Intervention Unit team members calmed the woman and de-escalated the situation. She was safely detained and provided with psychiatric care. There were no injuries.

BART Police Log

Submitted by Les Mensinger and BART PD

Saturday, March 4

  • At 1:34 a.m. a man identified by police as Jason Brooks, 28, of El Sobrante, was arrested at Union City station on suspicion of vandalism.
  • At 11:32 a.m. a man identified by police as Victor Green, 45, of San Francisco was arrested at Warm Springs/South Fremont station on suspicion of trespassing on transit property and resisting arrest. He was booked into Santa Rita Jail.

Sunday, March 5

  • At 4:50 p.m. a man identified by police as Oscar Valderrama, 29, of Oakland was arrested at Fremont station on suspicion of trespassing on transit property. He was booked into Santa Rita Jail.
  • At 8:38 p.m. a person identified by police as Mikayla Guerrero, 24, of Carmichael was stopped at Milpitas station on suspicion of fare evasion. A record check showed outstanding warrants. Guerrero was arrested and booked into Santa Clara County Main Jail.

Tuesday, March 7

  • At 8:50 a.m. a man identified by police as Wayland Shanker, 51, of San Francisco was arrested at Castro Valley station on suspicion of assault. He was issued a BART prohibition order, then arrested and booked into Santa Rita Jail.

Thursday, March 9

  • At 5:37 p.m. a man identified by police as Robert Spomer, 33, of San Francisco was arrested at Union City station on suspicion of possessing a controlled substance and three warrants. He was booked into Santa Rita Jail.

Fremont relaxes beekeeping rules

Submitted by Fremont Police Department

Got bees in Fremont? A new animal ordinance adopted by Fremont City Council has made it a bit easier to keep beehives in residential and multi-family developments.

At its March 7 meeting the council adopted amendments to the city’s Title 6 Animal Ordinance relaxing rules about the city’s oversight and enforcemen
t role. The revised ordinance goes into effect April 6. Here are the most significant elements of the newly proposed language:

  • Eliminate the requirement that beekeepers obtain a permit from the City of Fremont.
  • Eliminate the limit on the number of beehives that an individual may maintain.
  • Allow beehives on multi-family balconies or patios.
  • Reduce restrictions surrounding beehive placement so long as five feet of distance from adjacent property lines is maintained.
  • Simplify and/or eliminate beekeeping procedural language.
  • Reduce City staff’s role in enforcement and compliance.

To learn more about changes to the Animal Ordinance, visit the Tri-City Animal Shelter’s website at: https://tricityanimalshelter.org/200/Animal-Ordinance.

Fremont Police Log

Submitted by Amy Gee, Fremont PD

Wednesday, March 1

  • Officers responded to a suspicious vehicle report on the 2000 block of Bishop Ave. Upon arrival, they found what appeared to be an abandoned vehicle with 15 live rabbits inside. The registered owner of the vehicle was contacted and said they sold the vehicle some time ago. Additional first responders arrived to help secure the rabbits and take them to Tri-City Animal Shelter. An investigation is continuing.
  • Officers responded to a call about a person throwing items and threatening to harm employees at a pharmacy near Walnut Avenue and Paseo Padre Parkway in central Fremont. The suspect had reportedly stolen items from the business. Officers located the suspect, identified as an adult Oakland resident, and made an arrest.
  • Officers met with a female who reported that she was waiting at a red light in a vehicle when a male broke the front passenger window, reached in and stole cash and gift cards from the front seat. The male fled on foot, heading northbound on Mohave Drive in the Warm Springs area. The female said she suspected the suspect may have followed her from a local bank.

Friday, March 3

  • Officers responded to a report about a vehicle being deliberately set on fire on Farina Lane in north Fremont. Surveillance video showed an unknown person starting the fire, then fleeing the scene on a bicycle. The case is being investigated as arson.

Saturday, March 4

  • Officers responded to a disturbance on Brown Road in the Warm Springs area where someone brandished a knife in an office, then banged on an occupied car in a parking lot. When the person inside the car got out, they were stabbed. The victim was taken to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Officers located the suspect, identified as an adult Fremont resident, and made an arrest. The case is being investigated as an assault with a deadly weapon.
  • Officers were dispatched to Warm Springs/South Fremont BART Station to assist in arresting a male that threatened to harm others. As officers arrived, the male barricaded himself between two train cars. Officers safely detained the man; BART authorities are completing the investigation.

Newark Police Log

Submitted by Captain Jonathan Arguello

Thursday, February 2

  • At 10:07 a.m. Officer Johnson responded to a theft report in the 5000 block of Jarvis Ave. Johnson located the 24-year-old female suspect nearby and made an arrest on suspicion of shoplifting and possession of a controlled substance. She was booked at Santa Rita Jail.

Friday, February 3

  • At 7:05 a.m. officers responded to a report about a person swinging a hammer around in the 5000 block of Thornton Ave. The person fled before officers arrived.
  • At 7:41 a.m. Officer Nobbe responded to a report about a burglary from a storage unit in the 8000 block of Mowry Ave. During the investigation, Nobbe learned that two vehicles were stolen. Nobbe located and recovered one of the vehicles in San Jose.

Sunday, February 5

  • At 12:37 a.m. officers tried to contact a 51-year-old man in the area of Ash Street and Snow Avenue. The man fled on foot and officers followed him. The man pointed what appeared to be a metallic object at officers and said he would shoot them. Then, the man threw a large knife at officers. Officers ultimately safely arrested the man on suspicion of exhibiting a deadly weapon (not a firearm), obstructing an officer, resisting arrest and threatening an officer, and an outstanding out of state warrant. He was booked into Santa Rita Jail.

Tuesday, February 7

  • At 7:43 a.m. Officer Cervantes investigated a shoplifting report from the 200 block of NewPark Mall Road. Cervantes accepted a Citizen’s Arrest of a 41-year-old San Francisco man on suspicion of shoplifting. He also was arrested on suspicion of being in possession of controlled substances, possession of narcotic substances, and probation violation. He was booked at Santa Rita Jail.

Saturday, February 11

  • At 4:18 a.m. Officers responded to a report of a vehicle being driven recklessly in the 5000 block of Jonathan Drive. Officer Swadener made a traffic enforcement stop and arrested a 19-year-old Newark man on suspicion of reckless driving and disorderly conduct of alcohol. The vehicle was impounded for 30 days. The suspect was booked at Santa Rita Jail.

Friday, March 3

  • At about 8:21 a.m. officers responded to a report about an assault involving several people in the 3000 block of NewPark Mall Road. Upon arrival, officers found a man in his 30s suffering from possible stab wounds. Emergency responders rendered medical aid at the scene and took the man to a hospital for treatment of non-life-threatening wounds. He was later released. No arrests have been made. Police are asking anyone with information to call Officer Corey Swadener at (510) 578-4964 or send an email to Co************@ne****.org.

Man Charged with Blowing Up South Bay PG&E Transformers

The Associated Press

 A 36-year-old man has been charged with blowing up two Pacific Gas & Electric transformers, causing blasts that knocked out power to thousands of utility customers in the San Francisco Bay Area. Peter Karasev was arrested March 1 after investigators used surveillance camera footage and cell phone tracking to link him to the explosions in December and January, according to the San Jose Police Department.

It wasn’t immediately known if he has an attorney who could speak on his behalf. Authorities searched Karasev’s home and turned up explosive materials along with an “inactive” meth lab, police said. No injuries were reported in the blasts on Dec. 8 and Jan. 5 that damaged two PG&E transformers.

Karasev faces multiple charges including arson, exploding a destructive device, destroying a
n electrical line and possessing materials with the intent to create a destructive device, the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office said. Karasev made his initial court appearance on March 3 and was ordered to return April 26. He’s being held without bail.

Police in Milpitas bid adieu to longtime colleague

Submitted by Milpitas Police Department

After more than three decades with the Milpitas Police Department (MPD), Assistant Chief John Torrez finished his last day on the job Friday, March 3 before heading into retirement.

In a statement, MPD officials offered their thanks and congratulations to Torrez who joined the department in 1991 as a records intern and Police Explorer. Torrez grew up in Milpitas and is a graduate of Milpitas High School.

In 1992, Torrez transferred to the Communications Division as a dispatch intern and eventually was hired as a fulltime Communications Dispatcher. In 1995, Torrez became a police officer where he worked in a variety of capacities including Canine Handler, Field Training Officer, Field Evidence Technician, Technology Application Group member, Terrorism Liaison Officer, Mobile Field Force member, Life Support Instructor, Bicycle Officer and Traffic Investigator.

Torres was selected as Community Oriented Policing Officer of the Year in 2001, Officer of the Year and Employee of the Year in 2006 and received Silicon Valley Crime Stoppers Outstanding Service Award in 2001 and 2006. In 2013 he was promoted to Sergeant and to Lieutenant in 2016. Four years later, Torrez was promoted to the rank of Captain and commanded the Special Operations Division. In 2022, he was promoted to the rank of Assistant Chief of Police.

Grab a cup of joe with cops

Submitted by Union City Police Department

Building trust and community partnerships are high priorities at the Union City Police Department (UCPD). To help make that happen, UCPD officials are inviting community members to meet with them at a “Coffee with Cops” gathering on Thursday, March 23 in Union City. Their goal is to build good community relationships one cup at a time.

The two-hour event starts at 8 a.m. at Starbucks on Mission Boulevard at Tamarack Drive. There is no formal presentation, so people can arrive anytime during the event and chat directly with members of the police department and share neighborhood concerns in a relaxed environment.

Admission is free and open to everyone.

Coffee with Cops

Thursday, Mar 23

8 a.m. – 10 a.m.


33115 Mission Blvd., Union City

(510) 471-1365

Union City Police Log

Submitted by Union City PD

Tuesday, February 21

  • At about 5:15 p.m., officers responded to a call about an assault in the 4200 block of Solar Circle. The caller told police there was a street fight involving more than 20 people and that someone had discharged a handgun in the air. When officers arrived, most of the group had fled; but officers did meet two victims who were hit with baseball bats and pepper sprayed. The case is being investigated as an assault with a deadly weapon.

Wednesday, February 22

  • At about 11 a.m. Officer Noyd made a traffic enforcement stop on the 34600 block of Seventh St. A record check showed the driver was on probation for multiple felonies. A search showed the driver had a revolver, possibly stolen. A passenger inside the vehicle was in possession of suspected heroin. Both suspects were arrested.


Violent Incident at Library

I want to report an incident that took place on the first floor of the Fremont Public Library on March 8, sometime between 2:30 and 2:45 p.m. A tall young African American male with facial hair assaulted a woman with a white object (that I could not identify from where I stood) and a nearby chair that he threw at her. He yelled profanities at her several times and warned her about calling the police. This was at the information booth by the stairs. The woman who was victimized seemed to be in her thirties with long black hair, and was an innocent bystander. The library security guard arrived in about five minutes and the individual began to calm himself and, it seemed, left the building.

This individual wears boots and a fur hat with two strands on the sides. I see him around town often either laughing loudly or seemingly on mind altering substances. Last Sunday, he approached to ask me, in a very calm and lucid way, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” He then proceeded to tell me about his life goals, the exchange lasting about five minutes. He went into the library and I continued to exit before closing time. Just about an hour later as I walked home I saw him aggressively approach a couple getting into their car, slamming the door on him. Later he turned back and I waved goodbye at him to which he angrily responded with profanities. The change in his personality was radical from about an hour before. I smiled at him and replied, “May God bless you.”

I am writing this because it’s one thing to yell profanities, but another to assault someone. The library is usually filled with families and young children. Can you imagine if that chair had struck a child? How can this individual be allowed repeatedly into an area filled with families? The library staff act very casually about such attitudes and incidents. If this individual had assaulted my wife, as a Muslim believer, I can only say that I would have defended her despite any consequences to him. Also as a paraeducator at FUSD who deals with children daily, this is also very concerning.

I know that he is homeless and I hold a lot of empathy toward the homeless, but such behavior cannot be tolerated or excused, as law abiding families are placed in extreme danger, in unpredictable situations. The authorities really need to address this kind of situation. Less than a month prior, I witnessed the two people who had an initial altercation by the library doors, and then continued across to the gas station where one of them was killed. This young man was there sitting where the initial altercation took place (I was on the other side of the doors) and I became worried about him as I thought he might have been hurt.

There is just too much trust and faith that individuals with mixed and varying intentions will behave appropriately and follow rules. More security presence is needed in places where families and children are vulnerable. This hands-off approach might have been OK in pre-pandemic times, but currently it is not OK.

I have been a patron of the library since 2017 and am grateful for its professional personnel and services. I am sure that many families see it in the same way, using it extensively, and would not want to lose such a great place or have to avoid it.

Dr. James M. Schmidt


Alameda County Youth Soccer League launches in the East Bay

Submitted by Josue Montanares

Alameda County Youth Soccer League (ACYSL) is proud to announce its launch in the East Bay Area. ACYSL is a recreational soccer league formed by a collaboration of four premier soccer clubs in the region: Albion SC Silicon Valley East Bay, Union City Youth Soccer League, Hayward Youth Soccer League, and Fremont Rush Soccer Club.

The mission of ACYSL is to provide a positive and safe environment for young athletes to learn, grow, and excel in the sport of soccer. The league will offer a range of programs for players of all ages and skill levels, from beginners to advanced players.

“We are excited to bring together some of the top soccer clubs in the East Bay Area under the Alameda County Youth Soccer League,” said ACYSL League Official, Jill Bauer. “By unifying our efforts, we can offer exceptional coaching and resources to our players, while fostering an inclusive and diverse soccer community for all to enjoy.”

ACYSL’s new website, acysl.org, provides up-to-date information on teams, schedules, standings, and events. Parents and community members can also submit photos and videos of their favorite moments on the league’s social media submission form.

In addition to its recreational programs, ACYSL also plans to host tournaments and other special events throughout the year, to bring together teams from across the region and showcase the talent and spirit of our young athletes.

ACYSL is committed to providing opportunities for all children in the East Bay area to participate in organized soccer.

For more information visit acysl.org.

Newark Memorial Outstanding Athletes

Submitted by Rachel Kahoalii

Now that winter sports season has come to a close and we’d like to recognize our athletes who have put in hard work and dedication to their sport, team and school. Below is a list of a few Newark Memorial High School’s outstanding athletes of the Winter Season.


First Team All-League

Mahlyah Sao

Varsity Girls Basketball

1st Team All-League

Taliilagi Fa’I

Jaydin Armas

Varsity Girls Soccer

League MVP, 1st Team All-League

Lainee Lombana

1st Team Forward

Kylie Gutierrez

Amaya Cabrales

1st Team Midfield

Genevieve Cantu

1st Team Defender

Mikaila Soriano

2nd Team Midfield

Mariah Stansberry

2nd Team Defender

Sofia Lowe

Varsity Boys Soccer

1st Team All-League

Wahid Salemi

Izeyah Romo

Noel Cabrales

Fabiano Guzman

League MVP, 1st Team All-League

Sean Rante

Track and Field Mini-Clinic

Submitted by Lee Webb

Mission Valley Track and Field club is hosting their second mini-clinic of the year. Register for the Track and Field Mini-Clinic and get the chance to train with Olympians at Chabot College. On Saturday, March 18 athletes Tom Petranoff, Kevin Craddock, Michael Granville and more with be instructing athletes of all levels and ages in events including hurdles, javelin, middle distances and sprints, and more.

Registration is from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m., clinic from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Members of the Pacific Association registered individuals participate for free, $20 for all others.


Saturday, Mar 18

9 a.m. -2 p.m.

Chabot College

25555 Hesperian Blvd., Hayward

(510) 304-7172



Free – $20

Honor Roll

Hamilton College, New York

Fall 2022 Dean’s List

  • Xavier Nelson of Hayward
  • Aparna Patnaik of Fremont

University of Mississippi

Fall 2022 Chancellor’s Honor Roll

  • Madelyn Jarjoura of Fremont

Tufts University, Massachusetts

Fall 2022 Dean’s List

  • Andrew Chang of Milpitas
  • Brian Fu of Fremont
  • Fernanda Gonzalez of Hayward
  • Riddhi Joshi of Fremont
  • Ellyn Xu of Fremont

Biola University, California

Fall 2022 Dean’s List

  • Vince Argonza of Fremont
  • Abigail Castaneda of Castro Valley
  • Elijah Chen of Hayward
  • Josephine Huang of Fremont
  • Mikaela Lin of Fremont
  • Quennie Liu of Fremont
  • Anya Mortensen of Castro Valley
  • Rebekah Stockinger of Hayward
  • Kiana Truong of Union City
  • Brooke Ung of Fremont

County reveals Women’s History Month inductees

Submitted by Alameda County

To kick off Women’s History Month, on March 1 Alameda County officials announced that 13 women have been inducted into the 2023 Alameda County Women’s Hall of Fame.

Since 1993, Alameda County Women’s Hall of Fame has paid tribute to women’s sacrifices and community contributions. After a three-year pause due to COVID-19, the Women’s Hall of Fame is back to continue honoring local women’s strength, compassion, and impact.

Nominations were submitted
in 13 categories and evaluated by a panel of judges. While the categories and contributions vary, there is one commonality among the inductees: giving back to the community.

The 2023 Women’s Hall of Fame inductees and their categories are:

  • Maya Shiroyama, Business & Professions. Retired owner of Oakland’s Kitazawa Seed Company. Since 1917, Kitazawa has provided seeds for growing vegetables for traditional Asian dishes. More than 20 years ago, Shiroyama kept Kitazawa’s doors from closing, preserving the sole source for growing vegetables for many Japanese American families and making a lasting investment in the culture and history of her Asian American heritage and community.
  • Angela Wellman, Culture & Art. Wellman founded the Oakland Public Conservatory of Music which centers the Black experience in the development of American musical culture. She leads a coalition to build a national network of public conservatories with a unified philosophy of equity, belonging, and empathy through music education.
  • Anna Wang, Community Service. Wang is the co-founder and vice president of Friends of Children with Special Needs, an organization founded more than 25 years ago by parents of children with developmental disabilities. Wang has devoted her life and career to connecting families with the support, care, and resources needed to live healthy and happy lives and is a champion for health and equity for people with disabilities.
  • Elizabeth Shaughnessy, Education. Shaughnessy, a two-term Berkeley School Board member and global chess champion, founded the Berkeley Chess School in 1982. Her love of the game prompted her to open the chess school which now serves more than 7,000 youth annually.
  • Davida Scott, Emerging Leader. Scott is a teacher at the Hayward Adult School. Emboldened by the grief of losing students to gun and gang violence, she founded the Raising Leaders program to provide at-promise youth with the support they need to thrive. Through life skills workshops and internships, Scott has changed the trajectory of hundreds of young lives.
  • Elsa Ortiz, Environment. Elsa Ortiz championed environmental policy while serving four terms on the AC Transit Board of Directors. Ortiz led efforts to connect Alameda County communities to reliable, affordable, and sustainable transit services, including advancing policies that reduce carbon emissions, promote clean energy, and ensure equity-based programs that increase transit access to communities that need it most.
  • Dr. Stephanie Y. Brown, Health. Brown is a board-certified Emergency Medicine Physician practicing at Alta Bates Summit Medical Center in Oakland and Berkeley. She is the Clinical Lead for the Sutter Health Institute for Advancing Health Equity. At the Institute, Brown contributes her clinical and population health expertise to advocacy, research, education, and innovation efforts to improve the health outcomes for vulnerable people across Northern California.
  • Corrina Gould, Justice. Gould is the Tribal Chair for the Confederated Villages of Lisjan Nation in the Bay Area, and co-founder of the Sogorea Te’ Land Trust, an urban Indigenous women’s community organization working to return Indigenous land to Indigenous people. Gould is an activist and organizer that has preserved and protected the ancient burial sites of her ancestors in the Bay Area for decades.
  • Zuhal Bahaduri, Philanthropy. Bahaduri is a healthcare business analyst, founder of a mental health awareness brand called Breathe, and co-founder of The 5ive Pillars Organization, a volunteer-led group established to ensure a welcoming and dignified resettlement of Afghan refugees to Alameda County. Bahaduri is devoted to ensuring newcomer families are connected to critical health, housing, education, and other support services needed to feel safe, loved, and connected to their new environment.
  • Patricia Hendricks Sensei, Non-Traditional Careers. Hendricks Sensei, 7th Dan Shihan Aikikai, traveled the world learning and teaching Aikido, a Japanese style of martial art that promotes health, well-being, and self-defense. She studied Aikido in Iwama, Japan with renowned Saito Sensei Shihan. She served as Saito Sensei’s representative for the United States and runs the Iwama division in the California Aikido Association. Hendricks Sensei founded Aikido of San Leandro in 1984 and has produced aikido experts worldwide.
  • Darlene (Dar) Vendegna, Sports & Athletics. Vendegna has coached Bay Area sports for decades and is Oakland’s USA Pickleball Association Ambassador. She saw that COVID-19 restrictions had many people feeling isolated, so she started a pickleball club at Bushrod Park in Oakland that introduced hundreds of residents to the sport. Vendegna’s sports leadership has provided mental, emotional, and physical support to many residents of Alameda County.
  • Dr. Tanya Moore, Science, Technology, Engineering. Moore is committed to broadening participation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields for Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) women. She developed a national conference to educate and support minority women in STEM fields in collaboration with a team of women mathematicians. Moore founded Intersecting Lines, a company using creative approaches to empower leaders to use data science, statistics, and technology to drive business decisions.
  • Noor Dharni, Youth. Noor is a high school senior passionate about breaking down stigmas surrounding mental health. Inspired by her own experiences, Noor became a mental health advocate and is now a voice for youth across the country, dedicated to raising awareness and access to resources for youth with mental health issues. Noor plans to pursue the field of psychology in her undergraduate studies.

An awards ceremony and luncheon to recognize the inductees is set for Saturday, March 25 at Ascension Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Oakland. For program details, or to purchase tickets, visit the group’s website at www.acgov.org/whof/ or call (510) 272-3882.

In ‘junk fee’ fight, US details airline family seating rules

Associated Press

The Transportation Department is rolling out a “dashboard” to let travelers see at a glance which airlines help families with young children sit together at no extra cost. The March 6 announcement comes as the department works on regulations to prevent families from being separated on planes.

It’s the latest salvo in the Biden administration’s efforts to clamp down on what it calls “junk fees” and to put pressure on airlines to improve service. The site also includes links to each airline’s customer policies.

“Parents traveling with young kids should be able to sit together without an airline forcing them to pay junk fees,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said in a release announcing the dashboard. He gave his department credit for pressuring airlines, “and now we’re seeing some airlines start to make this common-sense change.”

Airlines say they try and usually succeed at seating families together, but they have stopped short of making iron-clad promises. This year, several carriers have pledged to make changes in their seating policies.

Last month, Frontier Airlines said it would automatically seat at least one parent next to any child under 14. Last week, American Airlines updated its customer-service plan w
ith a guarantee that children 14 and under would be seated next to an accompanying adult at no extra cost.

California oil company must pay $65 million over oil spills

Associated Press

SANTA MARIA, Calif. (AP), March 6. — A defunct company that spilled more than a million gallons of crude oil and wastewater in California must pay more than $65 million in penalties and cleanup costs, federal prosecutors announced Monday.

A federal court entered a final judgment last week against HVI Cat Canyon Inc., formerly known as Greka Oil & Gas Inc., a U.S. Department of Justice statement said. The federal government and the state of California had sued the company, alleging that it was negligent and responsible for repeated crude oil spills into U.S. and state waterways along the central coast from ruptured storage tanks, corroded pipelines and overflowing injection ponds.

The judgment finalizes a Feb. 25 ruling by a judge of the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. The judge found the company liable for 12 spills into federal waterways from 2005 through 2010 that dumped 26,584 barrels (about 1.1 million gallons) of crude oil and wastewater.

“The spills evinced a pattern of reckless disregard for good oilfield industry practices, and a series of negligent acts or omissions by HVI concerning oil spill prevention, and pipeline and facility inspection and maintenance,” the judge wrote. The firm also committed 60 violations of federal regulations at 11 facilities amounting to nearly 87,000 days of violation, the ruling held.

HVI Cat Canyon was held liable to the United States for $57.5 million in civil penalties and cleanup costs, along with $7.7 million to California in penalties in addition to nearly $200,000 for damage to natural resources and for cleanup costs.

The Santa Maria-based company, which owned and operated facilities in Santa Barbara County, filed for bankruptcy in 2019 and a spokesperson couldn’t immediately be found. A message left for an attorney who at one point represented the firm wasn’t immediately returned.

When the lawsuit was filed in 2011, then-company president Andrew deVegvar told the Los Angeles Times that most of the spills were minor and none caused harm to the environment. He also said the company fully complied with federal regulations.

Letter to the editor

Join the fitness festival in Niles Canyon

Mission Peak Conservancy is thrilled to announce that Niles Canyon will host another car-free day for bicyclists and hikers on September 23, 2023. Launched in 2015, the six-mile Stroll and Roll has become the most popular fitness event in southern Alameda County often drawing over 10,000 participants.

As a champion for green transportation and a vision for a healthier future, the late Supervisor Richard Valle sponsored this fitness festival and ciclovía, designed to promote the construction of a bike and walking trail through Niles Canyon. This trail is a top priority for our community because of the unsafe conditions on Niles Canyon Road, where pedestrians have been banned due to narrow bridges and unsafe shoulders, making it dangerous for bicyclists.

The new Niles Canyon Trail will not only provide a safer mode of transportation, but it also promises to succeed the beloved, locally-famous “secret sidewalk,” an abandoned aqueduct from Sunol to Fremont that dated back to the late 1800s. The canyon also holds picturesque green hillsides and historic shooting locations for Charlie Chaplin silent films, making it a perfect destination for families and outdoor enthusiasts.

Moreover, the Niles Canyon Trail will connect to a future two-mile greenway trail along the UPRR rail line, providing an opportunity for people to walk and bike from the mouth of the canyon near Vallejo Mill to Central Park. The city of Fremont began planning to remediate the abandoned rail line for walking and biking as long ago as 2009. Additionally, within two years, the East Bay Regional Park District expects to complete another seven-mile trail that starts from Niles Canyon northward to Garin Regional Park through the hills of Union City.

The mouth of Niles Canyon near Alameda Creek is set to become a crossroads for healthful transportation and recreation. And as we come together for this grand festival in September, we honor the legacy of the late Supervisor Valle, who envisioned this trail bringing people closer to the natural beauty of our region and connecting the Tri-Cities to the Tri-Valley.

We invite everyone, old and young alike, to join us for a day of healthy outdoor activity and to be a part of Supervisor Valle’s exciting vision for a greener and healthier future.

William Yragui

Mission Peak Conservancy

Mission’s Smashing Badminton Victory

By Angela Xiong

On Thursday, March 9, Mission San Jose High School Warriors (Fremont) went head-to-head against Irvington High School Vikings (Fremont) in their second badminton game of the season. Mission San Jose and Irvington have consistently regarded each other as their toughest local competitor, making this game a highly-anticipated and dynamic match. “Historically, Irvington has been Mission’s largest competitor, so we are kind of nervous for [today’s] game, because it’s either them or us for MVAL winners so this game might determine who gets the upper hand for the second half of the season,” Senior Co-Captain Kaitlyn Wang said.

The badminton match consisted of multiple games, including Boys and Girls Singles, Boys and Girls Doubles, and Mixed Doubles. The games were filled with intense rallies, quick reflexes, and powerful smashes. Both teams played skillfully resulting in very balanced matches with close results. The Warriors dominated the Boys Singles, Boys Doubles, and Girls Doubles, winning all four matches in the Boys Single category, and all three matches in the Boys and Girls Doubles categories.

In Girls Doubles, Mission players Kaitlyn Wang and Sophomore Alice Wang competed in a close match against Irvington players Rithika Oumapathy and Meha Vedere. The match was neck-and-neck throughout, with both teams displaying impressive skills and teamwork. In the first game, Mission took the win with a score of 21-14, while Irvington won in the second game with a score of 21-12. The fiercely competitive rallies continued into the third game where the score met a deuce resulting in the players needing a 2-point lead in order to win the game. Mission ultimately seized the coveted win with a score of 23-21. “Kaitlyn and Alice had a very impressive match considering it was one of the critical matches that could have gone either way. They were able to perform extraordinarily well against very tough opponents,” Co-Captain Senior Jerry Yuan said.

Mission won the match against Irvington with a final score of 12-5. Going forward in the season, Mission looks forward to maintaining the momentum they gained from winning this challenging game. Yuan added, “Now that we achieved this win against Irvington which we feel is one of the hardest, i
f not the hardest school that we [will] play, we are excited for what this means for the rest of our season. We hope [today’s win] signifies that we can maintain an undefeated record throughout the season. The road ahead isn’t easy, but we are optimistic about this result and what it means for our season.”

Hershey debuts plant-based Reese’s Cups, chocolate bars

By Dee-Ann Durbin

Associated Press Business Writer

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are getting the vegan treatment.

The Hershey Co. said on March 7 that Reese’s Plant Based Peanut Butter Cups, which go on sale this month, will be its first vegan chocolates sold nationally. A second plant-based offering, Hershey’s Plant Based Extra Creamy with Almonds and Sea Salt, will follow in April. The chocolates are made with oats instead of milk, Hershey said.

Hershey has experimented with vegan chocolate before. It sold an oat-based chocolate bar called Oat Made in some test markets starting in 2021. But the new products will be the first sold throughout the U.S. under the “Plant Based” label.

Hershey said consumers want choice and are looking for products they consider healthier or with fewer ingredients, including reduced sugar and plant-based options. Hershey also introduced an organic version of Reese’s Cups in February 2021.

Younger consumers, in particular, are looking to reduce consumption of animal- based products, says Euromonitor, a market research firm. In a 2021 survey, Euromonitor found that 54% of Generation Z consumers were restricting animal-based products from their diets, compared to 34% of Baby Boomers.

Nestle has sold its KitKat V, a vegan KitKat bar, in Europe since 2021, while Cadbury sells a vegan chocolate bar in the United Kingdom. But so far, U.S. vegan chocolate options have generally been limited to premium brands, like Lindt, or organic chocolatiers like Hu Kitchen.

Hershey said it developed plant-based versions of Reese’s Cups and Hershey bars — some of its most popular products — because there’s a dearth of mainstream plant-based chocolates in the U.S. market.

The plant-based versions will cost more. Hershey wouldn’t share details because it said retailers set final prices. But Rite Aid lists a 1.4-ounce package of two plant-based Reese’s Cups at $2.49; that’s about $1 more than consumers would pay for a regular package. Hershey charges a similar premium for organic versions of its Reese Cups, which went on sale in 2021.

And ditching the dairy won’t cut calories. While Hershey didn’t release all of the nutritional facts, the 1.4-ounce package of plant-based Reese’s Cups have 210 calories; that’s the same number of calories as a 1.5-ounce package of traditional Reese’s Cups.

Berlin to let everyone go topless at public swimming pools

Associated Press

BERLIN (AP), March 9 — Women in Berlin will soon be allowed to go topless at the city’s public swimming pools, like men, the Berlin state government said on March 9.

The new bathing rules allowing everyone to go swimming without covering their torsos followed a discrimination complaint by a woman who was not allowed to go topless in a swimming pool in the capital.

The woman, whose identity was not revealed, had turned to the senate’s ombudsperson’s office for equal treatment to demand that women, like men, can swim topless, the Berlin senate for justice, diversity and anti-discrimination said in a written statement.

In reaction to the complaint and the ombudsman’s involvement in the case, the Berliner Baederbetriebe, which runs the city’s public pools, decided to change its clothing rules, the statement said.

“The ombudsperson’s office very much welcomes the decision of the Baederbetriebe, because it establishes equal rights for all Berliners, whether male, female or non-binary, and because it also creates legal certainty for the staff at the Baederbetriebe,” said Doris Liebscher, the head of the ombudsperson’s office.

In the past, women who bared their breasts at Berlin pools were asked to cover themselves or to leave the pool, and were sometimes banned from returning. “Now it is important that the regulation is applied consistently and that no more expulsions or house bans are issued,” Liebscher said.

It was not immediately clear when exactly the new bathing rules would be applied.

Continuing Events:



Bilingual (English/Spanish) Tiny Tot Story Time

9:30 am – 11:00 am

Kinder readiness class for 0-5 years old

Union City Family Center

725 Whipple Rd, Union City

(510) 476-2770

bit.ly/3vcTYRA, bit.ly/3GaTamI


Practice Your English – Online Chat! R

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Improve your English by talking with native speakers



Tuesdays & Thursdays

Spectrum Fall Prevention Presents “Enhance Fitness” R

9:30 am, 11:00 am

Program to energize and empower 60+ adult

San Leandro Senior Community Center

13909 E 14th Street, San Leandro

Register in person or call (510) 881-0300 x 270



Tropics Bingo

7:00 pm

Flash games

Tropics Mobile Home Park

33000 Almaden Blvd, Union City

(510) 471-8550




Zumba Gold $

11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Workout while dancing

Age Well Center at South Fremont

47111 Mission Falls Ct, Fremont

(510) 742-7529


Chronic Pain Support Group

12:30 pm – 2:30 pm

Group guidance from Stanford Pain Management Clinic

(510) 790-6

Email for zoom link: ag************@fr*****.gov



International Folk Dancing in Mandarin R$

11:30 am – 12:50 pm

Age Well Center at South Fremont

47111 Mission Falls Ct, Fremont

(510) 742-7529



Chair Yoga R

10:00 am – 11:00 am

Breathing and stretching techniques

Age Well Center at South Fremont

47111 Mission Falls Ct, Fremont

(510) 742-7529


Thursdays & Saturdays

Story Time

10:30 am – 11:00 am

Picture book story time

Banter Bookshop

3768 Capitol Ave Ste. F, Fremont

(510) 565-1004


Thursday -Sunday

Animal Feeding

3:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Feed livestock and learn about their favorite food

Ardenwood Historic Farm

34600 Ardenwood Blvd, Fremont

(888) 327-2757


Fridays and Saturdays

Telescope Viewings

7:30 pm – 10:30 pm

Experience the awe and wonder of the universe

Chabot Space and Science Center

10000 Skyline Blvd, Oakland

(510) 336-7300



Laugh Track City $

8:00 pm

Series of improvised games and scenes

Made Up Theatre

4000 Bay St suite B, Fremont

(510) 573-3633



First and Third Saturdays

Pacific Bus Museum $

9:00 am – 2:00 pm

Open house

Pacific Bus Museum

37974 Shinn St, Fremont



2nd and 3rd weekends

Public weekend train ride $

10:30 am & 1:00 pm

1.5 hour round trip on stem and/or diesel operated trains

Niles Canyon Railway

6 Kikare Rd, Sunol

(510) 996-8420


Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays

Showers for Adults 55+ R

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm

One shower per day

Age Well Center at South Fremont

47111 Mission Falls Ct, Fremont

(510) 742-7529

Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays

Spectrum Fall Prevention presents “Enhance Fitness” R

9:30 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm

Program to energize and empower 60+ adult

Cherryland Community Center

278 Hampton Road, Hayward

Register in person or call (510) 881-0300 x 270

haywardrec.org bit.ly/3KzxIu8


Advanced Math + Science Tutoring

5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Free high school and college-level tutoring

Castro Valley Library

3600 Norbridge Ave, Castro Valley

(510) 667-7900



Wednesdays, December 7 – November 22

Qi Gong Meditation & Exercise Classes

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Relieve Stress and anxiety by joining Falun Dafa classes

Milpitas Public Library

160 N Main St, Milpitas

(408) 262-1171


Thursdays, December 8 – June 8

Cover to cover book discussion

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm

Newark Public Library

37055 Newark Blvd, Newark

(510) 284-0675


First and third Fridays, December 16 – Jun 16

Mobile Food Distribution

10:30 am – 11:30 am

Available for first 80 families

Fremont Main Library

2400 Stevenson Blvd, Fremont

(510) 745-1400


Please bring your own reusable bag. Line up starts at 9:30

Tuesdays, January 3 – May 30

Baby Bouncers Lapsit

11:30 am – 11:45 am

Nursery rhymes, lap bounce & picture books for 12 months & younger

Milpitas Public Library

160 N Main St, Milpitas

(408) 262-1171


Tuesdays, January 17 – May 16

Read to a Dog

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Come and read to the trained therapy dogs. Mask required for 2+

Fremont Main Library

2400 Stevenson Blvd, Fremont

(510) 745-1400


Thursdays, January 19 – April 20

Health Services for People Experiencing Homelessness

1:30 pm – 03:00 pm

Get help with checkup, medications, appointments, referral & food assistance

Fremont Main Library

2400 Stevenson Blvd, Fremont

(510) 745-1400


Thursday – Saturday, January 19 – March 18

Tree talk

12:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Art works & poems by Dotti Cichon & Nelly Capra

Olive Hyde Art Gallery

123 Washington Blvd, Fremont

(510) 791-4357


Fridays, January 20 – January 6

Knit & Crochet Circle

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Learn knitting and crocheting

Milpitas Public Library

160 N Main St, Milpitas

(408) 262-1171


Monday – Thursday, January 23 – March 16

Embracing the World

9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Multicultural & multimedia works from various artists

John O’Lague Galleria

Hayward City Hall

777 B street, Hayward

(510) 538-2787

hayward-ca.gov, haywardartscouncil.org

Saturdays, January 28 – March 25

Saturday English Conversation

10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Open English conversation for all skill level

Newark Public Library

37055 Newark Blvd, Newark

(510) 284-0675


Saturdays, February 4 – April 15

Free Tax Assistance from VITA

1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Trained volunteers will prepare & file taxes for households earning less than $66,000 in 2022

Fremont Main Library

2400 Stevenson Blvd, Fremont

(510) 745-1400


Sundays, February 12 – April 9

Dove Gallery Competition Exhibit

12:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Eclectic showcase of local artist

Dove Gallery at Park Victoria Baptist Church

875 S Park Victoria Dr, Milpitas

(408) 464-5011


Wednesdays, February 15 – June 7

Youth basketball clinic R

4:30 pm – 5:30 pm

Free Basketball clinic for Hayward students ages 12 – 17

Matt Jimenez Community Center

28200 Russ Rd, Hayward

(510) 887-0400


Tuesdays, February 21 – June 27

Erase Una Vez / Once Upon a Time

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Read & do an art project in Spanish, Mask required for 2+

Cherryland Community Center

278 Hampton Road, Hayward

(510) 626-8522


Tuesdays, March 21 – April 25

Stay and Play

1:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Variety of toys and activities with snacks for ages 0 -5

San Lorenzo Library

395 Paseo Grande, San Lorenzo

(510) 284-0640


Upcoming Events:

Tuesday, March 14

Covid & Flu vaccine clinic R

3:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Get vaccinated for ages 5 +

Newark Public Library

37055 Newark Blvd, Newark

Call:(510) 268-2101

Text: VAX to (855) 315-1373


Wednesday, March 15

Stem craft: Build a cork raft

4:00 pm – 4:45 pm

Stem craft challenge for kids ages 7+

Fremont Main Library

2400 Stevenson Blvd, Fremont

(510) 745-1400


Wednesday, March 15

Stories & craft with Ms. Jennifer

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Storytime followed by a craft activity for ages 2 -5

Newark Public Library

37055 Newark Blvd, Newark

(510) 284-0675


Wednesday, March 15

Toddler Time

10:30 am – 11:45 pm

Hear stories, get involved in chores and meet farm friends

Ardenwood Historic Farm

34600 Ardenwood Blvd, Fremont

(888) 327-2757


Thursday, March 16

Organic Gardening Webinar R

5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Includes gardening set up, growing healthy plants & and maintenance to reduce pest problem.

Register: bit.ly/3J8LH7L

Friday, March 17 – Sunday, March 26

Fremont Restaurant Week $

10 days of exclusive menu offerings from restaurants all over the city


Saturday, March 18

Newark Memorial Booster Crab feed $R

6:00 pm – 11:00 pm

Dinner includes salad, pasta, bread and crab

Swiss Park

5911 Mowry Ave, Newark

(510) 936-2523


For ticket: rk*******@ne***********.org

Saturday, March 18


2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Musical Celebration Ava Nazar on Piano & Basma Edrees on Violin

Newark Public Library

37055 Newark Blvd, Newark

(510) 284-0675


Saturday, March 18

Science Saturday

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Mini children’s discovery museum with hands-on activities and fun

Castro Valley Library

3600 Norbridge Ave, Castro Valley

(510) 667-7900



Saturday, March 18

Book talk w/ Dr. Banielle Terrazas Williams

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Book talk on “The capital of Free Women: Race, Legitimacy, & Liberty in Colonial Mexico”

Fremont Main Library

2400 Stevenson Blvd, Fremont

(510) 745-1400


Saturday, March 18

Adult Yoga R

10:00 am – 11:00 am

Yoga for 18+ only

San Lorenzo Library

395 Paseo Grande, San Lorenzo

(510) 284-0640

Register: bit.ly/420FgMF

Saturday, March 18

First annual St. Joseph conference & holy mass R

8:00 am – 4:30 pm

Honoring St. Joseph in light of the Eucharistic Mystery he protected.

St. Joseph Parish

43148 Mission Blvd, Fremont

(510) 656-2364

saintjosephmsj.org, bit.ly/3l6U3or

Saturday, March 18

Craft Day: Spring Insects

10:00 am – 5:00 pm

Fun spring themed craft for the whole day

Castro Valley Library

3600 Norbridge Ave, Castro Valley

(510) 667-7900



Saturday, March 18

Rumpelstiltskin – a musical spin $R

12:00 pm & 2:00 pm

Presented by East Bay children’s theatre

Chanticleers Theatre

3683 Quail Ave, Castro Valley

(510) 733-5483


Ticket: bit.ly/3JwMVvh

Saturday, March 18

Sheep Shearing Day $

Shearing demonstrations: 11:30 am, 12:30 pm. 1:30 pm, and 2:30 pm

Sheepdog demonstrations: 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Ardenwood Historic Farm

34600 Ardenwood Blvd, Fremont

(888) 327-2757


Saturday, March 18

Bird beak buffet

11:00 am – 12:30 pm

Experiment different types of bird beaks using familiar objects

Coyote Hills Visitors Center

8000 Patterson Ranch Rd, Fremont

(510) 544-3220


Saturday, March 18

Ohlone cultures info table

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Learn about the rich Ohlone cultural history

Sunol Regional Wilderness Visitor Center

1895 Geary Rd, Sunol

(510) 544-3245


Saturday, March 18

Cardinal Garden Ornament Workshop

9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Bring your mini-DIYEr for building their own ornament

LOWE’S Union City

32040 Union Landing Blvd, Union City

Saturday, March 18

Spring magical workshop $

3:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Chat with garden fairies in the fairy village and continue magical journey to catch a Leprechaun.


39675 Cedar Blvd, Newark

(214) 864-5133


Saturday, March 18

Spring Fiesta $

1:00 am – 5:00 pm

Fundraiser cultural celebrati
on and Covid-19 vaccinations

Eden United Church of Christ

21455 Birch St, Hayward

(510) 582-9533


Saturday, March 18

Sounds in Nature (English/Spanish)

9:00 am – 10:30 am

Explore different unexpected sounds heard across Coyote Hills

Coyote Hills Visitors Center

8000 Patterson Ranch Rd, Fremont

(510) 544-3220


Sunday, March 19

Wild Food

1:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Explore the farm for edible plants and discover tasty weeds

Ardenwood Historic Farm

34600 Ardenwood Blvd, Fremont

(888) 327-2757


Sunday, March 19

Get your groove on

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Create music using spoons, pots, bells and more

Ardenwood Historic Farm

34600 Ardenwood Blvd, Fremont

(888) 327-2757


Sunday, March 19

Un-Bee-Lievable Pollinators

10:00 am – 11:00 am

Explore the importance of native pollinators and plants. Ages 5+

Coyote Hills Visitors Center

8000 Patterson Ranch Rd, Fremont

(510) 544-3220


Sunday, March 19

Tracks on the Trail

10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Learn how to identify animal tracks

Sunol Regional Wilderness Visitor Center

1895 Geary Rd, Sunol

(510) 544-3245


Sunday, March 19

Civil Disobedience and Litigation: Rebranding Chinese Americans R

2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Find out about courageous efforts of Chinese Americans to secure civil rights and more.

Castro Valley Library

3600 Norbridge Ave, Castro Valley

(510) 667-7900



Sunday, March 19

Birds of the farm

8:00 am – 9:30 am

Explore the garden, forest, and field for migratory birds

Ardenwood Historic Farm

34600 Ardenwood Blvd, Fremont

(888) 327-2757


Monday, March 20

VA Medical Outreach

10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Onsite examinations, consultations and referrals to veterans currently enrolled in the VA healthcare system

Fremont Main Library

2400 Stevenson Blvd, Fremont

(510) 745-1400
