55.1 F
March 28, 2025

01-04-22 A Sad Anniversary

New Year celebrations usually signify hope for a happy, prosperous and better year than the one preceding it. A different type of commemoration awaits us this year as the calendar marks a date – January 6th – that is riddled with shame and possible demise of civil discourse in our country. Unlike many other historical moments recognizing disasters that encouraged unanimity, resolve and shared commitment, the events of January 6, 2021 were a national disgrace that heightened divisions within our own population, encouraging violence, deceit, rejection of facts and faith in fellow human beings.
Although there are many historical examples of loutish behavior and inhumanity resulting in suffering, violence and death, the shocking sight of fellow Americans storming the nation’s capital, intent on overthrowing our constitutional government is among the most heinous. A deeply disturbing theme of dictatorial governance showing ignorance and disrespect for the very flag carried by rioters, propels this incident to the top of a list of infamous events in American recorded history. A country that prides itself on the rule of law, its constitution and legislative power conditionally granted to those who govern by the governed descended into a prime example of a population gone mad without reason or control.
It may be that a silver lining of this catastrophe will energize our leadership and their electorate that the behavior by a cohort of zealots is a wake-up call to actively reject such behavior and recognize the important role and context of dissent within a civilized society. Dissent and debate of issues is a vital part of a democratic system and should not be stifled or removed from our societal responsibilities. However, this tool, just like any other, needs to be used wisely and with an understanding that the ultimate goal is persuasion rather than subjugation.
We have entered an election year that will provide a signal for a broad swath of the nation and beyond. A clear statement by politicians should indicate if the behavior of January 6, 2021 insurrectionists is condoned, whether by misled participants or true believers. A fundamental question facing voters this year is how they will respond to those unwilling or unable to represent our national conscience and its constitution. An unambiguous denunciation of personality cults and authoritarian rule is critical to continue this nation’s struggle for a free, fair and moral society.
January 6th is an indelible stain that cannot be removed by wishful thinking or selective amnesia. It can and should be remembered for its stark reminder that this republic stands or falls on the basis of shared goals and belief in the value of all inhabitants. Tyrannies and dictatorships depend on hatred, distrust and artificial value systems that elevate the chosen while depressing “others” to serf status. Although this country’s history is peppered with examples of hypocrisy, it has, so far, clung to the belief that there is a better future with hope to achieve the ideals of our political system while understanding and acknowledging previous faults and failures.
Chapter 2022 is just beginning. With the new year, let’s resolve to choose a path of reconciliation and harmony.